Студопедия — Which of the following factors determines the current capabilities of a typical transformer-rectifier
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Which of the following factors determines the current capabilities of a typical transformer-rectifier

A) The cooling available

B) The number of phases

C) The input lines

D) The physical size

E) The dc input voltage to the motor

15. How is the emergency generator in an F-14 driven?

A) Ram air

B) Hydraulically

C) Electrically

D) Pneumatically

E) Demodulator

16. What component is the main source of dc power in an F-14?

A) Battery

B) Modulator

C) Demodulator

D) Transformer-rectifier

E) Ram air

17. If only one main generator on an F-14 is operating, what buses will be energized?

A) Right main ac, monitor ac, and ac essential number one only

B) Right main ac, left main ac, and ac essential number two only

C) Right main ac, left main ac, ac essential number one, and ac essential number two only

D) Left main, monitor, and ac essential number two only

E) The dc excitation current in the rotor field of the generator

18. During a complete propulsion system failure on an F-14, what buses are energized?

A) Ac essential number one and dc essential number one

B) Ac essential number two and dc essential number two

C) Ac monitor and dc monitor

D) Ac essential number one and number two

E) Ground power monitor

19. If there is a phase reversal of external power, what device keeps this power from being applied to the aircraft?

A) External power contactor

B) Ground power monitor

C) Main power contactor K1

D) Main power contactor K2

E) Ac monitor and dc monitor

20. Why are pins E and F of the external power plug jumpered together?

A) To provide a ground for the ground power monitor

B) To disconnect power when the main generators are put on-line

C) To allow the external power contactor to energize when the ground power monitor relay energizes

D) To ensure that three-phase power is supplied to the ground power monitor

E) It would cause one circuit to bleed into another

21. If an open were to occur between pins E and F of the external power plug, what would be the results at theright and left main buses?

A) Less than three phases of power would be available on the right main bus, and there would be no effect on the left main bus

B) The external power contactor would not energize, and there would be no power available to either the right or left main buses

C) Less than three phases of power would be available to the left main bus, and there would be no effect on the right main bus

D) The ground power monitor relay would not energize

E) To allow the external power contactor to energize when the ground power monitor relay energizes

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 484. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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