Студопедия — The difference between the gerund and the participle I
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The difference between the gerund and the participle I


Present Participle Gerund
1 Cannot be used as subject and object. 2 When it is used as an adverbial modifier or attribute it is never preceded by a preposition. 3 As predicative participle gives qualitative characteristics to the subject. 4Participle I denotes an action that the person or thing performs. Thus the modifier noun denotes the doer of the action expressed by the participle. 1Can be used as an object and subject. 2 When is used as an attribute or adverbial modifier it is preceded by a preposition. 3 The gerund does not qualify the subject, it identifies the subject by revealing its meaning. 4 Gerund usually reveals the meaning of the modified noun, which never denotes the performer of the action. 5 Only the gerund is possible when the starting final point of the action is meant.

Practice grammar point ` gerund`.

A Put the verbs into infinitive or gerund.

1 Don’t forget … (lock up) when you go out.

2 He’s not expecting her … (phone) him tonight but he hopes she does.

3 Asel’s always complaining about … (work) too hard.

4 It’s snowing outside. Would you prefer … (stay at home)?

5 Anel has always dreamed of … (live) in the country.

6 Arlen has invited us … (stay) for the weekend.

7 Zhanar doesn’t mind … (stay) at home to look after the child.

8 It’s very nice in London but she misses … (see) her parents.

9 Our teacher told us … (not leave) the classroom before the bell.

10 Has your brother decided … (take) that job?

B Complete the sentences putting the verbs into gerund or to – infinitive.

Asel and La zz at, two friends, are talking:

A: Would you like to go out (go out) for a meal tonight?

L: Yes, that would be nice. I just need … (have a shower).

A: Shall we go to Tropicana?

L: I’d prefer … (go) somewhere else. Don’t you remember … (send) the food back last time we went there. It was terrible.

A: Oh, yes, I’d forgotten. We decided to stop … (go) there, didn’t we?

L: Yes, we did. I’ve got another suggestion. Zhanar recommended … (try) that new Chinese restaurant. She said it was very good. We’ll go there, shall we?

A: OK. That’s a good idea.

C Complete the sentences with the correct preposition and gerund.

1 We’re planning … (expand) our company.

2 Their parents warned them … (buy) that car.

3 It’s lovely here. It’s a great improvement … (live) in that awful house.

4 Stop talking and get on … (write) your compositions.

5 The parents never approved … the children … (stay out) late.

6 We think they should apologize … (not tell) use the truth.

7 Asel seems very excited … (start) that new job.

8 We expect she’s very depressed … (lose) her job.

9 Are you thinking … (leave) her?

DFill the gaps with gerunds from the list. Use each verb once only.

Get, ride, try, fly, travel, play, do, swim, run, lie


1 I like … every morning before breakfast.

I like running every morning before breakfast.

2 After … their homework, they usually read books.

3They enjoy … on the beach.

4 Anel doesn’t like … with other children.

5. … is a fast way of ….

6Merei likes sport, especially … horses and ….

7 After … several times, she finally passed her exams.

8 We lay in bed and thought about … up.

E Complete the sentences putting verbs into gerund, using a preposition from the list.

without by after in in on to to at about about about of of for

1 They talked … (go) to England for their holiday.

They talked about going to England for their holiday.

2 We look forward … (see) Asel again next year.

3 The machine drove off … (stop).

4 This is used … (cut) vegetables.

5 They got into the flat … (climb) throw a window.

6 Are they interested … (join) the party?

7 They’re not interested … (hear) your excuses.

8 We’re tired … (work) for the company.

9 We’re very happy … Anel (come) home.

10… (open) the door, they walked slowly throw it.

11 The students are tired … (attend) to the game lecture every week.

12She’s very keen … (play) tennis at the moment.

13 They’re very good … (listen) to what people say.

14 We’re worried … Saule (get to the station on time).

15We are looking forward … (work) with her.

VI Read the text again, find if there are gerund or participle I sentences and

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