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Read and translate the following sentences paying special attention to the words in bold type.

1. Hundreds of stores (were) co-ordinated into one and laid out upon the most imposing and economic basis. 2. I believe in certain economic laws. 3. A retired engineer, speaking in a suburban town hall would outline his new economic theory. 4. The verb «implement» is listed in the various Oxford dictionaries as «chiefly Scottish», but nowadays, it has virtually become one of the vogue-words of the language, especially in political and economic contexts. This fashion has however spread not so much from Scotland as from the U. S. A., where it has had a great success. In Britain it was certainly well established by about 1940. 5. Pits which were not fully economic ought not to be closed until employment either at nearby collieries or other suitable industries was guaranteed. 6. In political and economic commentary the word «break-down» (of figures) is often substituted for «analysis» in imitation of American usage. 7. Languages do. not exist in a vacuum but are power­fully affected by social, political, economic and technical change. 8. How little either of them were cut out to pursue the course of matrimony on that sum was’ a fact to be proved much later when the deed was done and it was too late to start economic reasoning. 9. Plant and tools will be bought by the Government and leased to the companies at a full economic rental. 10. The American war has created a social and economic chaos. 11. But far from being just an economic crisis, it extends to all spheres of national life and has become a political, ideological and moral crisis. 12.The economic slump has hit steel sales. 13. The increased use of the income tax is one primary reason for the spurt in State collections. Such a levy is responsive to economic growth. 14. He naturally developed into a liar, but an economical and self-contained one, never throwing away the least unnecessary fib, and never hesitating at the blackest, were it only plausible, that might make his life a little easier. 15. The solo part is almost non-stop virtuoso writing, but of course the economical symphonist Brahms doesn’t believe in virtuosity for its own sake. Every run, every double stop, is turned to some lyrical or structural use. 16. I drive a small car. It is adequate for my needs. It is nippy, easy to park, economical,and cheap to buy.



Economic adj. 1. Of the management of the income, expenditure, etc. of a household, private business, community or government; of economics, e.g. ~ forces (problems, questions), an ~ system, ~ development, from an ~ point of view. 2. Designed to give a profit, e.g. an ~: rent (one that compensated the owner for the cost of the land, building, etc.). 3. Connected with industrial arts, e.g. ~ botany, ~ geography.

Economical adj. Careful, prudent, in the spending of money, time, etc., and in the use of goods; saving, thrifty, not wasteful (of), e.g. an ~ person, ~ habits, un ~ stove] an artist ~ in detail (one who avoids every dispensable detail and makes each one that he selects count to the utmost).

Words of the same root and derivatives: economy п., economics п., economically adv., economize v.

Economic and economical are not synonymous adjectives but they are sometimes confused. Economic has a much wider sphere of application than economical. The main meaning of economic is covered by the Russian adjective экономический (also: экономически выгодный; рентабельный; прикладной) while economical means экономный, бережливый, экономичный.

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