Студопедия — Exercises. Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases into Russian; use them in sentences or situations.
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Exercises. Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases into Russian; use them in sentences or situations.

Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases into Russian; use them in sentences or situations.

1. A comprehensible book. 2. A comprehensive term. 3. An incomprehensible report. 4. A comprehensive collection of historical novels. 5. A comprehensive index. 6. A comprehensive survey. 7. Comprehensive knowledge. 8. A comprehensible explanation. 9. A comprehensive description. 10. A comprehensive school. 11. Comprehensive research. 12. A comprehensive picture. 13. Comprehensible relations. 14. An incomprehensible word.

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions.

1. What do you know about the comprehensive school in England? Why is it called so? What are its weak and strong points? 2. At what art gallery in London can you see a comprehensive collection of paintings by J. M. Turner? 3. What can you see at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London? 4. What factors make a book incomprehensible to a person? 5. What kind of review can be called acomprehensive one? 6. Will you give a comprehensive description of your native town? 7. Do you agree that Leonardo da Vinci possessed comprehensive knowledge? Prove it. 8. Is astronomy a comprehensible subject to you? 9. What data can you find in a comprehensive survey devoted to a certain country? 10. Why is the problem of comprehensive disarmament so important?

Exercise 3. Paraphrase the following phrases and sentences using one of the words under discussion.

1. A term of wide comprehension. 2. A problem beyond one’s comprehension. 3. An unintelligible treatise. 4. A book that can be fully understood by anyone. 5. A word too difficult to understand. 6. A school combining all types of secondary education. 7. Profound knowledge. 8. A large collection of literary works. 9. A complete picture of something. 10. His behaviour is beyond me. 11. Something utterly beyond his comprehension.

Exercise 4.* Fill in the blanks using one of the words under iliscussion.

1. London transport operates an extensive underground railway system and a... bus service. 2. It had hurt Andrew, made him feel that Denny was too complex, too... to remain his friend. 3. Even the very vocabulary of such moral problems would have been... not so long ago. 4. The British Government should use its influence to secure the signing of a... test ban treaty. 5. Finally the choreographer being clearly incapable of conveying anything... in movement, resorts to the most banal of dialogue on the theme of the love — hate relationship in marriage. 6. Jim Mawson was a large man with a double chin and a small,..., carefully hooded eye. 7. For some... reason his anger became directed towards Christine. 8. Frank Corbo watched his son Gino run crazily in some sort of tagging game... to the father.

Exercise 5. Complete and expand on the following sentences using one of the words under discussion.

1. How could you have acted like that! It is... 2. My friend is very fond of stamps... 3. I did not like his explanation because... 4. Many English children... 5. She is quick to understand things because she has... 6. Did you understand the whole of the book? — Oh, no... 7. You should ask our professor about it —... 8. In this book one can find all the necessary information very quickly, thanks to... 9. Many obsolete words are ho longer... 10. When the expedition was over, the scientist wrote...

Exercise 6. Use the following sentences in situations.

1. More than once he found Denny’s eye upon him, satirical, comprehensive. 2. «The provision of council-owned nursery schools is scandalously below the requirements of this area,» declare the Gateshead candidates who are also pledged to fight for comprehensive education, council housing at rents workers can afford and extended health and welfare services. 3. Her moods had been queer recently, uncertain and depressed, with sudden bursts of incomprehensible bitterness.


Exercise 7. Make up a list of nouns that go with the adjectives comprehensible, comprehensive, incomprehensible; use several of the resulting phrases in short dialogues or situations based on the subject matter of English or American novels.

Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Его ответ был совершенно невразумительным. 2. Ученый дал исчерпывающее описание кометы. 3. У него обширная коллекция бабочек и стрекоз. 4. Третья глава учебника оказалась для меня непонятной. 5. Фразеология — широкий термин. 6. Мне совершенно непонятно, почему она так поступила. 7. Учителю необходимы всесторонние знания. 8. Ее отчет о работе в первом семестре не был достаточно исчерпывающим. 9. Она надеялась получить вразумительный ответ на свой вопрос, но так и не дождалась этого. 10. Эта книга доступна только специалистам.


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