Студопедия — Read the text. Then do Exercises 1 and 2.
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Read the text. Then do Exercises 1 and 2.


Name:______________ Date:______________

Class:______________ Mark:____ / 70



Read the text. Then do Exercises 1 and 2.


My brother studied in Venice for three years and he told me that it had been the best time of his life. He studied architecture there at the University Iuav of Venice. He had been there before as a tourist and liked the city, but after living and studying there he really got to appreciate what the city has to offer and shared some of his impressions with me.


Venice is a 1,400 year old Italian city and has a population of about 275,000. In the 6th century AD, barbarian invasions forced people from the surrounding areas into the marshlands known today as Venice. 1) ____There are 150 canals and an amazing 409 bridges! Over the years it became a very rich city and commercial centre. It thrived as an independent state for many centuries until 1797 when Napoleon gave Venice to Austria. 2) ____


Although Venice is built on 118 islands it is a city very well suited for walking. There are many narrow streets with buildings that have been around for centuries. There are countless attractions to visit as well, such as the Basilica San Marco, the Grand Canal, and Rialto Bridge. It’s a good idea to buy a ‘Chorus Pass’. It’s a onetime fee and it allows you to visit many of the city’s churches where you can see works of art of many famous artists. 3) ____Venice attracts a lot of tourists throughout the year and is often quite crowded. Sometimes, during peak season it can be difficult to get around through all the crowds. This is why getting lost is often a good thing. There is something to see at every corner of the city and there are many beautiful, more remote areas of the city other than the Grand Canal.


To escape from the noisy and busy centre it is a good idea to visit some of the more peaceful islands of Venice like Torcello and Burano. Torcello has more green spaces than the other parts of Venice, and Burano is a fishing village with lovely blue, green and red houses.


4) ____Tourists like to get a ride on these at least once during their visit and have the gondola drivers sing opera and wear the classic white and black striped shirts. Gondola rides are quite expensive, but a cheaper way to travel through the canals is by traghetto, which is something like a public gondola.


The nightlife in Venice is very good, too. There are many pubs and trendy bars one can visit. The area around the Campo di Santa Margherita in Dorsoduro is a good place to visit for fun. Many university students like to spend time there. 5) ____As Venice is located by the sea the seafood cuisine is especially good.


1 Complete the text with the sentences A-F. [5 points]


A Later in 1886 Venice became a part of Italy during the movement for Italian unification.

B The Accademia Gallery is also a must see if you are interested in art.

C The city was actually built on 118 small islands for protection against future invasions.

D There are many restaurants to dine at as well with fantastic food.

E Of course the most well known way of getting around Venice is through its canals on Gondola rides.


2 Write true (T), false (F) or not stated (NS) if the answer isn’t in the text.

[5 points]

1 People built the city of Venice in 1400 AD. ____

2 Because of the water and canals, Venice isn’t a good city for walking. ____

3 There are more ways than one to escape noisy crowds. ____

4 If you do not want to spend too much money it is a good idea to travel by

gondola. ____

5 Venice is great if you want to see art, or just have fun. ____



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