Студопедия — Discuss the rules of running a business meeting.
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Discuss the rules of running a business meeting.


Text B

1. Read the text Pitfalls of international meetings and discuss the key points under the following headings:

- reasons for international meetings failure

- typical problems at international meetings

- avoiding the pitfalls of international meetings

The culture we come from or live in influences what we see, do, believe and say. The simple fact is that what’s normal or appropriate for us may seem very strange or even rude to someone from a different culture.

The three of the key areas of culture which may affect communication in international meetings are the following:

Firstly, time: there are some cultures where the feeling is indeed that “time is money”. They will often have strict approaches to starting or finishing times of the meeting and the direction of discussion. Other culture, however, have a completely different approach and see the starting time as a guide only and the finishing time as not fixed. There is little attempt to stick to the agenda.

Secondly, the idea of hierarchy in culture, and therefore in meetings, can be very significant. Someone from a very hierarchical culture is likely to feel very uncomfortable saying what they think or criticizing the ideas of others, especially of a person holding a higher position.

Another key area is the objective of the meeting. In many cultures, there’s an attitude that meeting should have very clear purposes and discussing the items of a structured, pre-planned agenda is important. However, other cultures see meetings as the place for relationship building and developing trust, so the meeting may be a lengthy discussion, and actual decisions may often be made outside the meeting.

When it comes to international meeting organizers they are sometimes guilty of some other mistakes. A classic problem was the arrival of participants’ material three days after one meeting ended. In another case, the audio visual equipment required by a presenter was delivered as the meeting was ending. At yet another meeting, the audio visual equipment was the wrong format, and the presenter was unable to show his video tapes. At a three-day seminar, held by an American company, the absence of any scheduled social activity caused complaints from European participants.

At international meetings with participants from many different cultures, problems can arise with the timing of meals and the selection of the menu, the listing of names and titles, the use and language of business cards, the necessity of interpreters or translators and getting materials through customs. All these factors must be taken into account by the organizers.

It’s especially important to allow participants who travel long distances sufficient time to rest, physically and mentally, before the meeting begins. A mini-checklist for any international meeting should begin with efforts to identify the nationalities of potential participants and make provisions that cater to their specific cultural needs.

Warnings to avoid national stereotypes and above all jokes which are easily misunderstood, are among the tips given to organizers and speakers at international meetings. Clarifying is a key in any international meeting. Sometimes spoken language, body language, including gestures, and written symbols can be misunderstood. Constant checking and feedback is crucial. At the end of a meeting, it’s vital to summarise the main areas of agreement and disagreement and ensure that everyone’s happy with them to avoid confusion and frustration later.

Notes: to accomplish –здійснювати, виконувати

to undermine – підривати

Moslems – мусульмани

…and make provisions that cater to their specific cultural needs – і підготуватися так, щоб задовольнити усі специфічні культурні потреби.

2. What pitfall or pitfalls, do you think, should be avoided at an international meeting held in Ukraine?

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