Студопедия — RESTAURANT
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Task 1. Read the text and write out unknown words



When you arrive in the restaurant, you are shown the table, set and handed the menu which is a list of dishes where peculiarities of the dish, its weight and price are noted; but at most luxury restaurants the price are not written, besides, the names of dishes are given in French.

Because the menu is the most important part as well as the most profitable one, much attention should be paid to the dish selection and the cookery level.

Every first class restaurant has a number of traditional dishes called specialties (specials). The restaurants chiefs are proud of having preserved the old recipes and the ancient ways of cooking. They offer their visitors special dishes cooked according to the tradition and, of course, they make out their own new recipes.

Generally it is recognized that at functions the service method may take either assisted-service or self-one.

The different sorts of service (silver service and plate service) vary with the class of the establishment.

Silver service derives its name from the silver dish used by the waiter for bringing the food to the guest. A service fork and spoon are laid by the dish. The waiter manipulates both of them with one hand, picking the food from the silver dish to deposit it on the guest's plate.

Plate silver is speedy and economical; it indicated a lower standard: the guest is served with food already placed on a plate.

It should be noted that the current trend seems to be for the starter and sweet course to be plate served, while the fish and main course are silver served; coffee may be offered by the full silver method.

When the meal is over, the waiter brings you a bill made out by the cashier. She makes sure that it is correct, then takes it to the cash-desk. When the bill is cashed and receipted, the waiter brings it back to the guest with the change, if any. It is customary to tip waiters 10-15 per cent of the over all cost of the meal. Tipping (giving a small amount of money for service) is an old custom. It is used to show appreciation for good service. Besides the provision of food and drink service most restaurants propose their customers different sorts of additional services and amenities.

At the luxury restaurants the customers admit sophisticated atmosphere, live music, dancing, of course, excellent wine cellar.

At the night clubs customers can admit floor show and snack with drinks.

There are some restaurants where the reservation is advisable, in others it is necessary.

As a rule, the opening and closing hours of the food establishments are fixed.

The restaurants and bars often accept both cash and credit cards.




Task 2. Translate the following

peculiarities of the dish

weight and price

luxury restaurants

the names of dishes

dish selection

cookery level

special dishes


lower standard

to tip

to show appreciation

sophisticated atmosphere

live music

excellent wine cellar

cash and credit cards

breakfast lunch

dinner supper

canteen cafe

restaurant waiter

waitress glass

cup saucer

knife spoon

fork plate

to have breakfast (dinner, supper)

a piece of cake

a slice of bread

a lump of sugar

help yourself to...

May I treat you to...?


Task 3. Make up sentences and translate them

  I'll have my dinner at I'd like to have   a cafe a restaurant a canteen some soup a beefsteak with vegetables some cakes




Task 4. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words in brackets

1.Help yourself to.................................................. (plate, cup, cherries)

2. Thank you, just........................................... (some, a little, small)

3. Usually I have.................................................... for breakfast, (a cup of tea, gin, soup)

4. Pass me........................................, please. (salt, table cloth, dinner).

5. Would you like a glass of............................................? (wine, whisky, beer)


Task 5. Make up questions an­swer them

    What Could you     shall we have would you like give me treat me to pass me     for   breakfast lunch dinner supper salt pepper a spoon a cake




Task 6. Complete the following sentences

1.May I treat you to some

2. Could you pass me

3. Help yourself to

4. I'll have my dinner at a

5. I'd like to have


Task 7. Translate into English:

1. Де Ви обідатимете? 2. Я обідатиму в ресторані. 3. Мені хотілося б узяти бульйон, біфштекс з овочами, са­лат і каву. 4. Передайте мені, будь ласка, сіль. 5. Чи можна Вам запропонувати пива?



Task 8. Give synonyms to the words in bold type

1. What is your favourite vegetable dish?

2. Help yourself to some soup.

3. May I offer you a cup of coffee?

4. I'll have some champagne.

5. I don't like fried potatoes.


Task 9. Complete the following dialogues

A:What would you like to have for dinner?


A: Treat yourself to some salad, please.


A: What will you drink?



Task 10. Make up your own dialogue using the following word combinations

to have dinner, we'll have some..., I'd like to have..., may I treat you to..., would you like..., could you pass me..., help yourself to....



Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 675. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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