Студопедия — Abstract
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A) Decide if the following statements are true or false:

Statements True/false
1. An abstract is an overview of an entire paper which helps readers find and decide whether to read the full article.  
2. An abstract must stand alone, completely independent of the paper: no abbreviations or citations to references, figures, or tables.  
3. The length of an abstract is strictly determined.  
4. As a general rule, an abstract will be 50 to 150 words, approximately 1% to 3% of the paper, but is seldom more than two thirds of a page.  
5. An abstract is written in complete sentences which form paragraphs.  
6. Both the first person (I, we) and the passive voice (It was shown that…) are often used.  
7. Begin writing the abstract before starting your article.  
8. Avoid including opinions, examples, details and explanations in your abstract. Eliminate all phrases such as “noted in,” “as shown by,” or “for example”.  
9. Avoid using your own words as much as possible. Borrow words, phrases, or whole sentences.  
10. Start your abstract with “In this paper…”, “This work describes…”, “This report…”. It is better to write about the paper than about the research.  
11. Avoid future tense (“I will analyze…”), phrases like “I hope to…” or “I expect to…” and “it is suggested that…”, “it is believed that…” or similar.  
12. An abstract should use keywords that are specific, reflect what is essential about the paper, and assign the paper to a review category obviously.  


A) Look at the example abstract and find the following parts:

1. Description aim/objective

2. Method

3. Results

4. Conclusion

5. Further conclusion

“The Genetics of Bone Strength in Mice”

The purpose of this study is to identify relationships between the physical and genetic characteristics of bones in mice. The physical characteristics include size, density, and the force required to break the bone, while the genetic ones are the genes of the marker loci associated with the genes that affect these qualities. This study uses strains of mice with reduced genetic variation. The two strains of mice that are the most phenotypically extreme, meaning those with the strongest and weakest bones, are crossed. The F2 generation from that cross is then analyzed. The results of this analysis can be used to find which genotypes correlate with specific bone properties like size, density, and failure load. The anticipated outcome of this lab is the identification of the genotypes that affect bone strength in mice. The findings may be useful in treating medical conditions that are related to bone strength.


B) Look at the following abstracts and:

1) Say which of them is a well written and structured abstract and which is a poorly written abstract.

2) In pairs, point the mistakes in a poorly written abstract and rewrite it.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 563. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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