Студопедия — Read the poem and summarize it
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Read the poem and summarize it

by Mohan Rana

I saw the stars far off -
as far as I from them:
in this moment I saw them -
in moments of the twinkling past.
In the boundless depths of darkness,
these hours
hunt the morning through the night.

And I can't make up my mind:
am I living this life for the first time?
Or repeating it, forgetting as I live
the first moment of breath every time?

Does the fish too drink water?
Does the sun feel the heat?
Does the light see the dark?
Does the rain too get wet?
Do dreams ask questions about sleep as I do?

I walked a long, long way
and when I saw, I saw the stars close by.

Today it rained all day long and the words were washed away from your face.

) Speaking. There is a saying in English: “When in Rome, do as the Romans do” What does it mean? Do you agree or disagree? Do you have a similar saying in your language.

Discuss these tips in groups. Do you have a similar mannar in your country?

1. In many Asia cultures, it is acceptable to smack your lips when you eat. It means that the food is good.

2. In Franse you should’t sit down in a café until you’ve shaken hands with everyone you know.

3. In India and the Middle East, you must never use the left hand for greeting, eating or drinking.

4. In China, your host will keep refilling your dish unless you lay your chopsticks across your bowl.

5. Most South Americans and Mexicans like to stand very close to the person they’re talking to. You should’t back away.

6. In Russia, you must match your hosts drink for drink or they will think you unfriendly.

7. In Ireland, social events sometimes end with singing and dancing. You may be asked to sing.

8. In America you should eat eat your hamburgers with both hands and ask quickly as possible. You shouldn’t try to have a conversation until it is eaten.

3. Answer the following questions using modal verbs: Must/mustn’t, should/shouldn’t and have to / don’t have to.

1. Do young people have to wear traditional clothes in wedding ceremony?

2. What advice can you give somebody coming to your country?

3. Think of one or two examples of bad manners in your country.

For example, in Britain it is considered impolite to ask people how much they earn.

& Writing “Manners or the law?”

Compare with the partner. Then make sentences with….

You should / shouldn’t…..(for manners)

You have to / mustn’t…. (for the law)

1.Play noisy games on a mobile phone in public.

2.Send text messages when your is stopped at traffic lights.

3. Switch off your mobile phone on a plane.

4. Switch off your mobile phone in class.

5. Talk loudly on a mobile public transport.

6. Use a hand-held mobile while driving a car.

7. Make very personal calls in public.

8. Use your mobile at a petrol station.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 1052. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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