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A basic website can be designed by using Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML). The scripts can be written in Notepad or a text document depending on the operating system which you use. The very basic tools for creating a website start with the use of HTML tags and HTML elements. The former are often used to pass on information about the unit of the content and the latter ones are used to format tools for the webpage. While coding, the HTML attributes and values are used to provide information like placement, height etc. for the content. In addition to these, one can use colour tags, picture tags and HTML division tags to create a vivid webpage.

An HTML tag is defined as a markup that is added into an HTML document to give more information about the content. An HTML tag is put in between brackets and needs a closing tag. (e.g. <html> </html>).

Elements are markup tags used to format some sections of a web page. An example of an HTML element is the <b> tag, used to bold the text displayed in the browser. Here is the list of the most common elements: <html>; is used to tell your browser that the file is made up of HTML-coded data. </html> is used at the very end of the document to tell your browser that the HTML contents end there; <head>; contains the first part of the document and is where the title of your browser page will be found. It can also contain the commands used to format the display of your browser (e.g. CSS calls). </head> is then used to end this section. This part will not be displayed in your browser; <title>; will be used to label your website. </title> is hence used to indicate the end of that command. <body>; defines all the content that will be displayed in your browser.

HTML Attributes are information added to the elements and used to include a particular characteristic to the HTML elements. HTML attributes are always written together with a value (e.g. name="value") and are put at the start tag of an HTML element. For example, if you want the heading to be placed at the center of your page instead of being displayed on the left by default, you can add the align attribute to the tag: <h1 align="center">. The value will give the specific information about the attribute. A value is commonly written with the equal sign and is enclosed by quotation marks. (e.g. name="value")

Most websites today use a combination of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) or XHTML (Extensible Hypertext Markup Language). While the HTML/XHTML handle the structure and content of your site, the CSS determines the style and appearance of elements on your page.

A hyperlink is one of the most important parts of any website. It is defined as a graphic or a piece of text in an Internet document that can connect readers to another webpage, or another portion of a document. Web users will usually find at least one hyperlink on every webpage. The most simple form of these is called embedded text or an embedded link. In this instance, a hyperlink will show up as a single word or group of words that will usually be marked as underlined, and are frequently blue in color. Clicking on the hyperlink may take one to another part of the page, or it may open another Internet page.

Sometimes tables may be used in a web document. Tables are defined with the <table> tag. A table is divided into rows (with the <tr> tag), and each row is divided into data cells (with the <td> tag). td stands for "table data," and holds the content of a data cell. A <td> tag can contain text, links, images, lists, forms, other tables, etc.

(based on: http://en.kioskea.net/)

12. Find English equivalents in the text:

Програма на макромові/сценарій, одиниця змісту, висота, яскравий, верстка, робити жирним (шрифт), заголовок (2), називати, вирівнювати, лапки, вкладений текст, підкреслений.


13. True or false:

1. The scripts can be written in the Microsoft Word application.

2. An HTML tag is defined as a markup that is added into an HTML document to give more information about the content.

3. HTML tags are used to format tools for the webpage.

4. HTML attributes and values are used to provide information like placement, height etc. for the content.

5. A value is commonly written with the equal sign and is enclosed by brackets.

6. </html> is used to tell your browser that the file is made up of HTML-coded data.

7. If you want the heading to be placed at the center of your page instead of being displayed on the left by default, you can add the location attribute.

8. CSS rules are positioned between the <title> tags.

9. A hyperlink will show up as a single word or group of words that will usually be marked as uppercase, and are frequently blue in color.

10. The <b> tag is used to display some content in a blue colour.


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