Студопедия — Tom Peters.
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Tom Peters.

6.1. Educational Background.

In 1960, when Peters was young, there was a time of songs about love and peace on earth. But Peters was not so, he was a serious student and passed his examinations as an engineer at Cornell University. It was during the Vietnam War. Many students have protested against the war in the squares, but not Peters.


The Peters books will bee are very popular. Many of his ideas have become an integral part of modern theory. In 1982 he co-authored with Robert Waterman, colleague at McKinsey, he wrote the book «In Search of Excellence» - first bestseller on management in the twentieth century.


6.2. Accomplishments/ Business Ideas.

Peters considers perfection as a cultural phenomenon, the most important criteria which, in his view, are quality and customer orientation. The main emphasis he makes on the modernization and simplification of organizations. Peters writes that leading companies have learned well the "nuts and bolts of management": complete technique does not replace reasoning, intelligence, wisdom does not replace, the analysis must not interfere with activity. These companies have made great efforts to keep things simple in a complex world, fighting for quality, value our customers, listening to the views of staff and support innovation.


They are tolerant of a "certain degree of chaos" in the company and are constantly experimenting. With regard to basic facilities management Peters always favored the transfer of authority in the company. The manager can not all be down, striving for total control, he risks getting bogged down in needless detail. Better to do something wrong than do nothing, so people should not be afraid to make mistakes. After analyzing the causes of mistakes and learned the next time they do the right thing, and usually better.


Peters, a great lover of paradoxes, his favorite expression: "Encourage the magnificent... failure to punish mediocre successes." Perfection should be achieved gradually, through a series of small steps leading to a common goal. In our world can not rely on the past, you need every day to invent the future. Benefit those who are less bureaucratic, who is at risk without fear of loss, is betting man, and not on the figure. In his usual paradoxical form Peters argues that the secret of success - a defeat, but the secret of great success - a great defeat.


The Principles of Scientific Management is no longer valid! Today we need to forget every thing stayed the old management: the strategic plans and quality of the assets that you can "touch". "Sustainable competitive advantage can only be unstable!" - Says the guru. He carefully examines the changes taking place, not so much in technology or management techniques, but in the very principles of doing business, in view of the world people.


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