Студопедия — WRITING
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I. For each of the following activities, prepare a request letter using appro­priate arrangement and punctuation styles.


A. You are the program chairperson of the Harrisburg Civic Association. Write a letter to Margaret Belmont, mayor of Harrisburg, asking if she would be willing to attend a future meeting of the association and ad­dress the members on a topic of general interest. Meetings are held the second Wednesday of every month at 7:30 p.m. in the basement meeting room of the community center. Previous speakers have in­cluded Raymond Delacorte, president of Grand Northern Motels, Inc., who spoke on the topic “Increasing Tourism in Harrisburg," and Gregory Lardas, CPA, who spoke on the topic “Local Property Tax: Boost or Burden?" You may explain that meetings are attended by ap­proximately 75 community-minded people and that the lecture seg­ment of the meeting usually lasts about one hour.

B. As assistant buyer for Fenway's Toy Store, 1704 North Broadway, Richmond, Virginia 23261, write a letter to the Marco Toy Company, Inc., 223 Sunrise Highway, Glen Cove, New York 11566, to order two dozen Baby Jenny dolls (at $10 each), one dozen Baby Jenny layette sets (at $15 each), and three dozen 18-inch Tootsie-Wootsie teddy bears (at $7 each). You would like to have these items in stock in time for the pre-Christmas selling season. You want to make this purchase on account and have it shipped air express. If Marco has available any special Christmas displays for their merchandise, you would like to re­ceive these, too.

C. As assistant finance manager of your company, it is your responsibil­ity to report to your supervisors about year-end tax saving measures that can be taken within the organization. Write a letter to Wilda Stewart (Stewart and Stewart CPA’s, 466 Main Street, Eugene, Oregon 84403), an accountant you met recently at a seminar on the new fed­eral tax laws. Ask her for information for your report, including pointers on deferring income and accelerating deductions as well as year-end expenditures.

D. Answer the following advertisement in the current issue of Office Workers’ Weekly:

COPY KWIK COPYSTAND America’s most widely used copystand: Functional, good-look­ing... saves precious desk space... relieves neck and eye strain... attaches easily to any computer monitor... comes with copy clip and magnetic line guide. One-year warranty. $24 plus $2.95 postage and handling (NJ residents please add appropriate sales tax). CKC, Inc., 2019 Logan Street, Paramus, NJ 70622.


E. You are sales supervisor at the Am-Lux Company, Inc., 529 Eaton Avenue, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18115. You recently read an article by Louisa Sanchez entitled “From Lead to Deal: Ten Over-Looked Steps to Closure" in High Commission magazine. You believe the twenty-five salespeople in your department would benefit from reading the article. Write a letter to Ms. Sanchez, in care of High Commission, 705 Tenth Avenue, New York, New York 10077, requesting her permis­sion to make twenty-five copies of her article for circulation only within your company.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 1214. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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