Студопедия — Exercise 45. Read the conversations. Then learn one by heart and act it out with a partner.
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Exercise 45. Read the conversations. Then learn one by heart and act it out with a partner.

1. A: Have you been to that local museum yet?

B: No, why? What’s it like?

A: Oh, it’s amazing! There’re so many interesting things to see there. It’s well worth

a visit.

B: Oh, right. Thanks for telling me. I’ll go there when I have the chance.

A: I’m sure you’ll like it.


2. A: Have you been to the Horizon Gallery yet?

B: No, not yet. I’ve heard of it, but I’ve never been there. What’s it like?

A: It’s a nice place. I liked it very much. There’re a lot of really beautiful pictures

there. It’s well worth visiting.

B: Oh, right. Sounds nice. Thank you for telling me.

A: Look, why don’t we go there together one day?

B: Good idea!


3. A: Have you been to that photo exhibition in the History Museum yet?

B: Yes. I was there last week. Have you?

A: No, not yet. Is it any good?

B: Yes, quite good, actually. I loved it. Some of the photos are absolutely

fantastic, very original. You should go and see it. I’m sure you’ll like it.

A: Sounds nice. Thanks for letting me know.


4. A: I’ve seen that new performance in the Art Theatre lately. Have you seen it?

B: No, but I’m thinking of going there. Is it any good?

A: Oh, it’s absolutely brilliant! It’s one of the best performances I’ve ever been to.

The staging, the acting, the sets, - everything is superb! It’s well worth seeing.

B: Oh, right. Sounds interesting. Thanks for telling me. I think I’ll go and see it as

soon as I get the chance.

A: I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.


5. A: Have you seen that new film everyone is talking about?

B: I have, actually.

A: Really? When did you see it?

B: I went to the local cinema the other day and it was on. Why?

A: Oh, I’m thinking of seeing it. It’s quite good from what I’ve heard.

B: Yes, it’s great! It’s one of the best films ever made. The acting, the direction, the

photography, - everything is wonderful. I loved all the twists and turns in the

plot. And the ending is really unexpected. I enjoyed every minute of it.

A: Sounds great. I guess I’ll go and see it tonight, then.


6. A: Have you been to that new Italian restaurant yet?

B: No. Have you?

A: Yes, and I’ll never go there again. It’s a bit of a rip-off, actually. I didn’t like it at

all. In your place I’d give it a miss.

B: Oh, right. Thanks for letting me know.


7. A: Have you been to that fast food place down the street?

B: No, why? What’s it like?

A: Oh, it’s a really awful place, you know. The service is terrible and the food’s

disgusting. It’s one of the worst places I’ve ever eaten in. I’d give it a miss if I

were you.

B: Sounds horrible. Thanks for telling me.


8. A: Have you seen that new comedy yet?

B: No, not yet. Have you?

A: I have, actually.

B: Did you like it?

A: No, I didn’t like it a bit. It wasn’t funny at all. In fact, it was so silly and boring I

fell asleep half way through.

B: Oh, right. I guess I’ll give it a miss, then.


9. A: I’ve just been to that new exhibition in the local gallery.

B: Have you?I’ve heard it’s really good. Someone has told me it’s worth seeing.

A: No! It’s the worst exhibition I’ve ever seen in my life, I can tell you. It’s not

worth the entrance fee.

B: Oh, right. Thanks for telling me.


10. A: Did you see that documentary which was on last night?

B: No, I didn’t. Did you?

A: I did, actually.

B: Is it any good?

A: It’s all right, I guess, if you’re into that sort of thing. It’s a bit too violent for me,

though. Personally I don’t really like films showing lots of blood.

B: Doesn’t sound like my kind of thing.


11. A: Have you seen “Dreams” yet?

B: No, not yet. But a friend of mine has and she liked it. And the reviews I’ve read

were really good.

A: Were they? I’ve heard it’s terrible. Just typically Hollywood.

B: Well, I’ve heard the opposite.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 653. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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