Студопедия — Talking and Writing. 29 Take a while and finish the list of the negative factors and developments that directly or indirectly aggravate the Iberian lynx situation
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Talking and Writing. 29 Take a while and finish the list of the negative factors and developments that directly or indirectly aggravate the Iberian lynx situation

29 Take a while and finish the list of the negative factors and developments that directly or indirectly aggravate the Iberian lynx situation. Then explain the mechanisms how those contribute to the crisis.

Traps, snares and bullets (poaching), deforestation, dams, highways, hypocritical leaders, expansion of agriculture, prejudice, laying of poisons, destruction of natural vegetation, … (fragmentation of habitats, tourism, urban development, lack of investments into traditional agricultural practices and communities, lack of captivity breeding programmes, depletion of the gene pool)

e. g. traps, snares and bullets (poaching) – Driven by either the old prejudice that the lynx is vermin, or greed for pelts humans exterminate lynx populations by hunting or setting out traps.

30 Human activity puts strain on the environment and wildlife, causing pollution and even devastation. Without appropriate strategy the integrity of the environment can be overlooked. In this respect there are a few questions to answer before we go on:

· Can we remain friendly to the world of nature, or do you think that country’s environment-friendly development is a contradiction in terms?

· How can places of great natural beauty, or wildlife, be preserved once tourists start visiting in their thousands, bringing with them the need for services and the resulting development of the area?

· Can you visit a place without damaging it in some way?


31 The Association of Tour Operators has developed voluntary guidelines for travel companies. The guidelines contain 10 ideas for tourist industry. Read their thumb-nail description and say what practical measures can be taken to remedy the circumstances, described in the article above.

1. Go Organic (on a bike) An example may be a bike ride to raise money for sustainable agriculture and forestry. Tourists stay at organic guesthouses and eat organic produce, boosting local organic enterprises.
2. Low-impact tourism The aim is "low-impact" tourism - small groups staying in local accommodation using local guides and experts to promote "environmental understanding for all".
3. Plant a tree Tourism should become positive for the country’s unadulterated nature. An environmentally-aware company in Iceland pioneered whale-watching trips, which have now substituted commercial whaling. Companies offer treks, riding holidays, whale-watching, 'children of nature' youth camps where children "run free, spending most of their time outdoors, living a healthy lifestyle". Some tour companies encourage tourists to plant a tree before they leave.
4. Tourism for conservation If you want a wildlife holiday, try to use a company that takes conservation seriously, and choose a destination where conservation measures are already in place and small-scale tourism is properly managed by locals.
5. Beach holidays with a conscience In terms of the global footprint, the traditional beach holiday is the worst offender. They cater for large numbers travelling by air, increasing carbon dioxide emissions. They use hotels and complexes, which not only scar the landscape but also are not locally owned so tourist money doesn't help the local economies.
6. A hands-on approach The objective is to encourage and help locals to restore traditional buildings, which can be included in their programmes. Small initiatives sometimes include distributing cotton shopping bags to clients in an attempt to reduce use of plastic bags, encouraging numerous environmental initiatives including working with local environmentalists.
7. Agro-tourism Agro-tourism injects money into rural communities. It encourages locals to value and preserve their natural environment, and leads to the restoration of traditional houses, taps into local resources and helps open up neglected footpaths. When tourism values nature it has a knock on effect.
8. Volunteer work nearer home It may not be as exotic as Namibia, but there's a lot to be said for staying at home and helping conserve what's on your own doorstep. For a start it's a great and inexpensive way of getting fit. Your neighbourhood also needs volunteers for days and weekends doing jobs including pond clearing, hedge laying, etc.
9. Environmental research in exotic locations There are companies that will take you to more remote and exotic locations where you can participate in environmental research projects.
10. Go it alone The jury is still out on whether you do less harm by going it alone. But, anyway, you merge with and are more receptible and aware of the nature around you.

32 Write a status report on the implementation of international conventions’ decisions, European directives and national laws on the lynx as a 'priority' species. Consolidate the ideas set forth over the discussion above to recommend a certain course of action for local authorities. (The exercise is done exclusively for language purposes. See the general tips below.) More updated information on the issue is welcome and encouraged.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 405. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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