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30 Read the following text with a pen and your notebook at hand. At the end, the article will leave you with an open question: whether or not university is really worth the time. As you read, jot down all arguments for and against further education. Get ready for the subsequent polemic, where you will be asked for your reasoned standpoint on this issue.

Failure can strike anyone. Maybe you were on the wrong course, maybe you could have worked harder, or maybe you just misread the questions. But it need not be the end of your career prospects.

Claire Rigby, 29, from Brighton thought her chances of going to university were ruined when she opened her A Level results. But today she is a first-class graduate in literature from Sussex University. "I got two D's and a U when I took my A Levels first time around, and although I had applied to university as it seemed the thing to do, of course I didn't get in." Claire admits that she didn't make the grades because she didn't work hard enough. "I don't think I was really that upset and I wasn't surprised. Boys, alcohol and music were so much more interesting than English, French and History. "Claire turned failure to her advantage, using the time to travel, learn new languages and broaden her horizons. "I don't regret failing my exams - I took a year off and went to Asia. One year off became seven; I spent two years in South America and lived in the USA for a year and a half, worked as a waitress, moved to Brighton, enjoyed life and generally grew up. " Claire didn't give up on the idea of further education. She just postponed it.

"When I was 25 I decided to go to university and took two A Levels in one year to get in, although an Access course would have been easier. I was a much more interested and critical student than I would have been at 18 and enjoyed the stimulation of education."

Not everyone wants to squander their youth in study. But when access to university is possible, the pressure from family and schools to conform to the educational ideal increases. And, of course, university is a good way to expand your mind, social life and survival skills. But it is also stressful, very expensive, and can be (depending on the subject) pretty useless in the real world.

The columnist and author Julie Burchill, started her career at 17 as a journalist. "I did OK at my O levels and then stayed on to do A levels simply because I didn't fancy working in a factory or an office, which was the dazzling choice that awaited me. Then I got the job at the newspaper three weeks into the new school year, which was a relief as it was really boring. I've never regretted not going to university." Julie also implored her friend, the writer Emma Forrest, not to go to university, sparking a row in Emma's family. "She already had her own column in the Sunday Times at the age of 15. She's never looked back either. I think that university is obviously good if you want to be a doctor or historian but for a writer in particular it's a total waste of time.

Despite getting an A, C and D at A Level, Emma Cleverly, 19, has decided not to go to university. "I always knew I didn't want to go to university. I only went to college for social reasons. All I wanted to do was art, but it's too competitive for me. I can still do it when I've got some free time, but I knew I couldn't make a career out of it. " Finance was also a factor in Emma's decision. "I wanted to move out of home and become independent. I wanted to make a new start and earn money. I knew that if I went to university I wouldn't have any money."

Emma found a job straight after her exams doing bar work at Gatwick Airport. "I like meeting people and having fun. But eventually I would like to work my way up into management. Really with jobs it's just a case of being in the right place at the right time and being lucky. " Emma is the youngest of four children, none of whom went to university. "My mum was disappointed. She hoped one of her children would go. But she knew I wanted to be independent." Emma advises people considering their options not to rush into anything. "You've got plenty of time. You're still young. Get to know as many people as you can - I got all my jobs through contacts. Careers counsellors offer sensible advice, but they don't have crystal balls. Although there are certain jobs where high levels of training are a prerequisite (no one wants to be operated on by a determined, but unqualified surgeon), examples abound of people reaching the top with very little formal education.

And if you still believe the top swots get the best jobs, take comfort from a speech US President Bush made recently to Yale graduates: "To those of you who received honours, awards and distinctions, I say, well done. And to the C students, I say, you too can be president of the United States."


31 The reading has hardly dissuaded you from your university, but, let's face it, there is more than one way towards a successful career and a happy life. Now let's imagine that you are your own self and your group-mate is your brother/sister, now a senior pupil at school, doing well at school, but determined to quit education after their GCSE and enter the real world.
You are a proponent of a university degree, a professional job and things that go with them. Besides, it's a family tradition. Now mother told you that your sibling broods over other ideas. You've got to talk to them and you start very tentatively.
Your relative doesn't have anything to hold back and is ready to talk.

As you try each other's points of view and reason on the subject, make extensive use of the linking devices cited below. Use this chart as reference in subsequent polemics.


To make contrasting points although, yet, however, nevertheless, in spite of, but, while, despite, even if, even though, at the same time
To list points firstly, in the first place, first of all, to start with, secondly, thirdly, finally
To add more points on a topic what is more, furthermore, also, apart from this/that, in addition to, moreover, besides, too, not to mention the fact that
To list advantages / disadvantages one/another/one other/a further/the main /the first/the greatest advantage/disadvan­tage of...
To express personal opinion in my opinion/view, to my mind/way of thinking, personally I believe, it strikes me that, I feel very strongly that, I am inclined to believe that, it seems to me that, as far as I am concerned
To refer to other sources according to, with reference to
To conclude finally, lastly, above all, all in all, taking everything into account, on the whole, all things considered, in conclusion, as I have said, as was previously stated, to sum up
To express cause because of, owing to, due to, for this reason
To express effect therefore, thus, as a result, consequently, so, as a consequence
To emphasise what you say clearly, obviously, of course, needless to say, in particular
To express reality in fact, actually, as a matter of fact, in practice, the fact of the matter is that
To express difference between appearance and reality on the face of it, at first sight, apparently
To state an argument against your opinion it is popularly believed that, people often claim that, contrary to popular belief, it is a fact that, it is often alleged that, people argue that
To state other people's opinions many people are in favour of/against, some people argue that, a lot of people think/believe
To introduce the other side of the argument opponents of this view say, however there are people/those who oppose... claim that
To express balance while, on the one hand, on the other hand, whereas
To give examples for example, for instance
To refer to what actually happens in practice, in effect
To make general statements as a rule, generally, in general, as a general rule, on the whole
To make partly correct statements up to a point, to a certain extent, to some extent, in a way, in a sense
To express limit of knowledge to the best of my knowledge, for all I know, as far as I know
To rephrase that is to say, in other words
To bring up other points or aspects as far as... is concerned, regarding, with regard to, as for
To imply that nothing else needs to be said anyway, at any rate, in any case
Accepting the situation as it is, under the circumstances, things being as they are


32 A student study group are running for the "Student of the Year" award. They are under the scrutiny of a meticulous and faultfinding panel that chalks up all their achievements and failures. Imagine you are one of the judges and you have been given this recent record. What ratings from 1 to 10 would you assign to each of the contenders? Give reasons.

1. Judy is a straight A student and works her fingers to the bone. She is perseverant and if she decides to do something she will see it through to completion. She might get it wrong a few times, but she keeps at it until she gets it right.

2. Timothy is a natural born athlete and has been training for an interuniversity swimming competition. He needs to build up for it. However, he hardly puts up with the fact that the workouts steal most of his leisure time. So he is likely to give up swimming.

3. Miranda was looking for a part-time job to have some discretionary income. She is a whiz at teaching and she found some teaching at a secondary school. The children loved her and the school management was happy to have her as a teacher. Halfway through the semester Miranda realised she would need more time to revise for the upcoming exams and the job might stand in between. So, she decided to call it quits,leaving everybody high and dry, of course.

4. Steve signed up for a course in Arts. However, he has overslept most mornings and missed half of the lectures. He reckoned that he would only run himself ragged and is thinking about dropping the course.

5. Belinda decided to enrol herself on an optional course. Now she has to do it the hard way. She burns the midnight oil, but she can't possibly spare enough time to prepare the homework. After some thought, she decides to keep her nose to the grindstone and tough it out.

6. Jessica has a good head on her shoulders. Her utmost ambition was to take up some research and develop it into a PhD project. She has sat a couple of weeks in the library, but ultimately decided she had bitten off more than she could chew. She is about to throw in the towel.

7. Margaret attends the drama club where they are now staging a play, which she finds unappealing. The premiere is in a month and she makes up her mind to sweat it out.

8. Deborah is in the student charity. She has been an active member despite the heavy commitments on her time at university. Her friends worry that if she continues, she will spread herself thin. Recently Deborah announced that she would hang in there, although their numbers have grown and there are people who could take over her share of work.

9. John and a couple of his friends set up a students' café and worked their fingers to the bone. In the beginning the business took off, but then there was a sudden fall and John bailed out at the first sign of trouble.

10. Brad is friendly with a chap who is behind with a couple of disciplines. Brad thinks the chap needs a helping hand now before he catches up with the others. This calls for a lot of Brad's time. He feels like he is being pulled in a thousand different directions, but the friend is making headway. So, Brad is resolute to stick with it to the bitter end.

33 Who would you elect as the best candidates for the "Athlete of the Year", "Student Scholar of the Year", "Performer of the Year" nominations from among your fellow-students? Use the idioms and phrasal verbs from the exercise above to justify your choices.

Sleeping Beauty of the Year, Chip and Dale of the Year, Partier of the Year, Nosy Parker of the Year, etc.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 517. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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