Студопедия — Ex.2 Fill in the gaps with the type of the film.
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Ex.2 Fill in the gaps with the type of the film.

1. A movie that makes you laugh is _________________.

2. A movie that makes you scream is ________________.

3. A movie that is exciting with lots of guns and explosions is an ____________movie.

4. Movies about future or space are known as _____________films.

5. A movie about real life is ___________.

6. An _______________film has cartoon characters.

7. A film about lots of travelling and exciting or dangerous events is ______________.

8. A film about love is _____________.


Ex.3 Match the words:

1. Alien a horror

2. Laugh b fantasy

3. Explore c romance

4. Kiss d adventure

5. Monster e action

6. Wizard f science fiction

7. Cowboy g comedy

8. Explosion h fiction


Ex.4 A) Read the news. The words written in bald have few meanings. How do you think, what is their meaning in these sentences?


euronews Chile’s minister of Mines has been in touch with trapped miners by telephone, through a narrow shaft piercing the 700 meters of rock straight down. The leader underground said the men were well, and they cheered and sang the national anthem. Rock- 1) (n) the hard substance which the Earth is made of. 2) (n) a small piece of rock that had broken away from a mountain or a cliff. 3) (n) loud music with a strong beat that is played using instruments including electric guitars and drums.
euronews Drilling to begin on shaft to rescue trapped miners. A new video of Chile’s trapped miners has beenbroadcast showing the 33 men, sending greetings to their families.   Trap- 1) (n) a device for catching animals. 2) (v) to trick you so that you do or say something which you did not want to. 3) (v) when something falls onto you or blocks your way, preventing you from moving.
euronews In Chile four survivors of a plane crash in the Ands Mountains 38 years ago have arrived at the mine where 33 miners have been trapped. They met with the families to offer them encouragement and support for the ordeal ahead. Survive – 1) (v) not to die 2) (v) to manage to continue in spite of the difficult circumstances 3) (v) (to survive someone) – to continue to live after they have died
euronews The 33 trapped Chilean miners were able to communicate with their loved ones on Saturday (September 4) through a video teleconference system. Silvia Segovia, whose brother is among the trapped miners, said that she was happy her brother seemed to be in good condition Communicate – 1) (v) (with someone) - to give them information 2) (v) to talk to each other 3) (v) to make someone aware of idea or feeling to them.
euronews Thirty-three trapped Chilean miners were able to watch the Chilean national squad’s friendly against the Ukraine over a fiberoptic line   Squad- 1) (n) a section of a police force that is responsible for dealing with a particular type of crime 2) (n) group of players from which a sports team will be chosen 3) (n) a small group of soldiers.
euronews The arrivalof Esperanza, a baby girl at the Copiapo maternity clinic has, quite literally, given hope to one of the 33 trapped miners in Chile. Arrival - 1) (n) your arriving at a place is the act of arriving there. 2) (n)beginning to exist or become available 3) (n) someone who just arrived at a place.
euronews Rescue workers in Chile could be just a day away from reaching 33 trapped miners. A drill known as Plan B is said to be less than 100 meters from the men.   Drill - 1) (n) a tool for making holes 2) (v) to make a hole using a drill 3) (n) a procedure which a group of people especially soldiers, practice so they can do something quickly and efficiently.
euronews The operation to rescue the 33 trapped miners in Chile has begun successfully. Florencio Avalos was the first to be pulled out of the San Jose mine, shortly after midnight local time. Mario Sepulveda followed him to the surface about an hour later. The third miner, Juan Illanes has just reached the surface. Mine - 1) (pron.) The first person singular possessive pronoun. 2) (n) a place where deep holes or tunnels are dug under the ground in order to extract minerals. 3) (n) A bomb hidden in the ground or in water which explodes when something touches it.
euronews The operation to rescue the trapped miners in Chile has been a complete success. All 33 men have reached the surface safely. The rescue team has also made the trip to the surface. The last man to leave was the first who went down to the miners, Manuel Gonzalez. Surface - 1) (n) – the top part of something or the outside of it. 2) (n) The surface of the situation is what can be seen easily rather than what is not immediately obvious. 3) (v) to come up to the surface of the water.

B) Answer the questions:

Who are the heroes of the news? What happened to the miners? How do you think, what has left behind the official news?

C) Pairwork. Do tasks and act out your story in front of your classmates:

- Make up a dialogue about a story with the trapped miners. Imagine that you are:

a) a miner that was trapped under the ground;

b) a miner’s wife;

c) a rescuer.

- What would you feel and how would you act?

Grammar: Infinitive

Infinitives /Form

  Infinitive Examples
Active to see I hope to see you again. He promised not to see the girl.
Passive to be seen Such disgusting scenes are not to be seen here.



- The infinitive is the form of the verb NOT changed for person, number or tense. It is usually introduced with to.

- The negative is formed by putting not before the infinitive.


The to-infinitive is used Examples
1. as subject. To find fault is easy.
2. as object. He refused to pay the bill.
3. after a noun. There is a lot of work to do/to be done today.
4. after an adjective. She was happy to win the prize.
5. after a question word. I don’t know what to do.
6. after the verb to be. She is to see her class teacher after school.
7. after certain verbs. He wants to become a lawyer.
8. after too/enough constructions. He has got enough money to live on.
9. with only to express disappointment. She came in only to find her boyfriend had left.
10. in expressions: to begin with/be honest To tell the truth, I don’t like him.


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