Студопедия — Common Blocks for Successful Visualization
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Common Blocks for Successful Visualization

Learn the new words:

1.manifest проявлятись 13.cause спричинити 25.ridiculous смішний
2.drowsy сонний 14.adult дорослий 26.affirmation заява, твердження
3.drift off занурюватись, засинати 15.manifestation прояв 27.resume підбивати підсумок
4.twilight смерковий (сутінки) 16.catch up залучити 28.align налаштувати
5.deliver передавати 17.subconcious підсвідомість 29.attainable досяжний
6.persist наполягати 18.jade стомлюватись 30.dissolve розчинятись
7.faith віра 19.guard остерігатись 31.rigid time жорсткі терміни
8.eventually врешті-решт 20.flow пливти, рухатись 32.hinder перешкоджати
9.cancel скасовувати 21.sure-fire безпомилковий 33.neglect зневажати
10.reciprocate відповідати взаємністю 22.ordain зумовлять 34.longing сильне бажання
11.alter змінювати 23.lip-service лицемірство 35.standpoint точка зору, позиція
12.psychic духовний 24.deep-hоld глибинний 36.grasp розуміння; контроль

1 () Until your desire manifested, imagine on it daily from a dreamy, drowsy state. The most effective times to

visualize are when drifting off to sleep or in the twilight state as you are waking up.

2 () Wishes may not deliver on our desired schedule. Persistence & faith are necessary. Eventually, if

everything else is being done correctly, the universe will respond by bringing you the object of your desire.

Giving up before we succeed, of course, stops the manifestation in progress.

3 () Just as our wishes are powerful, so are other people’s. If we wish for something other people are

wishing against, our wishes cancel each other out. If you wish to win the lottery, for instance, you’ve got

tens of thousands of people wishing against you. If you wish to marry a certain person & he/she

doesn’t reciprocate, your wish can’t alter his/her free will. Working against a psychic influence, though,

it can be like rolling a stone uphill. You can do it, but it takes a little longer to succeed. Again, persistence

is the key.

4 () Being afraid of failing, or of being disappointed if the wish does not work out, causes lots of adults to

miss one key ingredient of successful manifestation: expectation. We must allow ourselves to really

get caught up in the fantasy of our dream coming true. That kind of emotional involvement engages

our subconscious, & without its participation, our desire will not influence the universe.

Being jaded & guarded, refusing to let our hearts flow towards our dream, is a sure-fire recipe for

failure visualizing. The Law of Attraction ordains that what we frequently think about, we attract. If we

are paying lip-service to a desire but feeling, on a deeper level, that it will never materialize, then,

of course, it won’t. The deeper level of thought, that says we will fail, is what we manifest.

5 () Like fear, other deep-held attitude may block our ability to manifest a desire. If you’re visualizing

something when you go to sleep at night, feeling excited about your dream, then find yourself during

the day thinking, “What am I doing? I’m being ridiculous ”, you’ve got a subconscious blocking attitude.

When that doubting thought arises, slip away to somewhere quiet & ask your subconscious mind to tell

you why it feels that way. Re-state your wish as an affirmation, repeating it three times with focus,

then resume your daily routine. Once your conscious & subconscious minds align in the belief that the

wish is good & attainable, the personal blocks that are keeping your wish from becoming real in your life

will be dissolve.


This part of the text tells the reader about _____

A having rigid time expectations. B hindering the wish’s manifestation. C fear of failure.

D neglecting to visualize daily & before sleep. E visualizing from the perspective of longing.

F other blocking standpoints. G wishing for something someone else opposes. H reinforcing the remaining grasp.


17. Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space (1-6).

There are two choices you do not need to use.


1.elaborate складний, продуманий 9.follicle фолікул 17.cornrow дрібні кіски
2.display демонстрація, прояв 10.upright вертикальний 18.profound глибокий, сильний
3.Mohawk могавк 11.evidence доказ, свідчення 19.groom доглядати
4.crop підстригати 12.reveal показувати 20.abandoned занедбаний
5.dreadlocks дреди (зачіска) 13.neatly акуратно 21.reclaim повертати собі
6.Rastafarian   14.extension витягування 22.insulate захищати
7.average середнє 15.wig парик 23.hue колір, відтінок
8.strand волосина 16.Temne   24.coming-of-age досягти повноліття


Some of the earliest known works of art are statuettes of women, thousands of years old (the statuettes, not the women), showing elaborate hairstyles. Hairstyles are both a display & a means of communications, (1)_____. Think of Mohawk of the punk, longhair of the hippy, short- cropped hair of the soldier & dreadlocks of the Rastafarian.

On average there are over 100,000 strands of hair on a young adult. Blondes average about 140,000 strands, brunettes 108,000 & redheads average 90,000. Hair grows at a rate of about 150 mm a year & each individual hair lasts for two to six years before it fails out, the follicl e has a rest for a while (2)_____. Hair grows quickest in young adult women 16-24 years old.

In human, hair grows thickest mainly on the head. The reason may have to do with the evolution of our upright posture on the hot savannahs of Africa (3) _____.

Hair & hairstyles have a complex meaning & long history. The famous Ice-Age statuettes known as the Venus of Willendorf & of Brassempony show clear evidence of styled hair. These statuettes, almost 30,000 years old, reveal a complex social organization & tell us that (4) _____. There are also 7,000 –year-old small clay figurines from Butmir in Bosnia illustrating short, neatly combed hair.

The ancient Egyptians took considerable care of their appearance as well, as the discovery of combs & hairpins in their graves suggests. They believed thick hair was best & used hair extensions & wigs made of real hair or sheep’s wool to achieve this “look”. They also dyed their hair & wigs in a variety of colours with blue, green, blonde & gold being popular choice (5) _____ were the favourite.

Some cultures consider hairstyles to be a reflection of civilization. Among the Temne of Africa it can take days to

fashion a hairstyle. The fine rows of the hairstyle, called “ cornrows ”, are a symbolic representation of the cultivation of the land, (6)______. To others, hair takes on a much more profound meaning. It represents nature itself & our place in it.

Hair grows & dies. If it is not groomed, it returns to its nature state – much like an abandoned city reclaimed by the jungle.


A at least some women in the society took care of their hair

B as hair would protect & insulate our head (& brain) from the sun

C though black wigs hued by indigo

D and so the cutting of hair is also a risky business

E which can reveal social status & membership of a tribe or group

F is one of the ways his coming-of-age is marked

G then another takes its place

H which is indicative of a civilized society

18. Read the text below. For questions (1-12) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D)

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