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As the first quote of epigraph to this book, we took Isaac Newton's famous words - "I do not invent hypotheses". Although, admittedly, it was not always possible to follow his "advice" - the science is impossible without hypotheses and assumptions. It’s especially in the process of forming a new theory. However, all hypotheses must be as close to reality and based on experience and logic. We assume that by "hypotheses", which Newton did not recognize, it is understood any fantastic assumptions, detached from reality.

It is the first, why do we have quoted Newton. And the second - is tribute of gratitude to his genius. Its merit is, first of all, in the accuracy of many his discoveries and assumptions. This refers to the nature of light, Law of Gravity, Law of Inertia, nature of Space and Time.

In the modern physics only a separate niche is given to the classical mechanics. While the tenets of the relativity theory and quantum mechanics are considered as more universal.

In what follows we will focus on the assumptions of both mechanics and you’ll see how far-sighted Newton was. And that the classical mechanics is early to write off. Should rather revive it, update, and use its laws not only in relation to bodies, but also to the chemical elements and elementary particles.

As for the second quote, used as an epigraph, it is also taken not by accident. Memento mori (lat. "remember that you die") - Latin phrase which became a catch phrase. In ancient Rome, this phrase was pronounced during the triumphal march of the Roman military leaders, who were returning with a victory. Behind the back of military commander put the slave who was required to periodically remind triumphant, that in spite of his fame, he is mortal (see "Wikipedia").

If you remember about death, it will help you to develop the right attitude to life. Awareness of the fact that everything in this world not lasts forever, including you yourself, enable to you, first, to appreciate more every moment of life, and secondly, less tied to everything that you can have in life.

The third quote speaks for itself. This is appeal to people not to consider themselves as the crown of evolutionary creation and not to see themselves as owners of the planet.

As for the beautiful poem of Dylan Thomas, it can be regarded as a symbol of the age-old dream of mankind - life without death.

The last statement - the words of Thomas Henry Huxley - tells us that, on the one hand, human thinking is inherent a certain inertia and people can react to new knowledge belatedly. On the other hand, human knowledge is in the process of constant renewal, and can become obsolete and discarded.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 461. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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