Студопедия — What stylistic device is observed in the joke: a) pun, b) zeugma?
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What stylistic device is observed in the joke: a) pun, b) zeugma?

4. Decide what the sentences contain: a) direct meaning, b) meta­
c) metonymy:

1) The body of the plane was repaired.

2) She is a quiet little body.

3) This animal has a large body.

4) The body of his discourse was about poetry.

5) The distance of such celestial bodies can be readily determined.

5. What does the sentence contain: a) only metaphor, b) metaphor
and metonymy?

Lady Alison fell into a train of thought.

6. What stylistic device(s) is/are used in the following sentenc­
: a) hyperbole and metaphor, b) hyperbole and metonymy, c) only

1) This is a world of effort you know, Fanny.

2) I see a frightful lot of writers and painters.

7. Group the following word combinations into two columns, con­
1) descriptive attributes, 2) epithets:

a) cold reason, b) wooden tables, c) black-winged wind, d) blooming girls, e) brown-eyed cat, f) iron bridge.

8. What stylistic device is the following sentence based on: 1) an­
2) oxymoron?

Past pain is pleasure.

9. Decide in each case whether the sentence: a) contains litotes
b) has simple negation:

1) No policeman would ever cope with this.

2) He's not good enough at maths.

3) The drinks had no effect of making them less conversational than before.

10. Define the kind of metaphor in the following sentence:/.-

a) nominational, b) cognitive, c) imaginative; II: a) simple, b) sustained:

I put the letter well into the mouth of the box and it fell turning over and over.

11. Distinguish between: a) ellipsis and b) nominative sentence:

1) A notice: 'Van Dyke, by Himself'.

2) "Don't you know what they call a star with a tail?" "Sure - Mickey Mouse."

3) Mickey Mouse - a famous image.

4) "Did you have any luck playing golf?" "Marvellous luck."

12. Indicate the type of repetition out of the following: a) simple,

b) consecutive, c) anaphora, d) epiphora, e) linking, f) framing, g) chain,
h) chiasmus

1) Nobody knows the answer; the answer is not simple.

2) She listened, she stopped knitting, she saw the light again.

3) Let's make it clear -1 don't know you, and you don't know me.

4) It is enough! It is enough!

13. Choose from the syntactic stylistic devices [ a) polysyndeton,
b) tautology, c) ellipsis, d) asyndeton, e) enumeration, f) a nominative
clause, g) parallel constructions]
those that are used the following

The sun was high, the sky unclouded, the air warm with a dry fresh breeze

14.1. Indicate the type of decomposition of the phraseological
unit [a) shortening, b) expansion, c) insertion, d) substitution, e) word
order change, f) contextual change, g) complex change]
in the following:

Don't make a mountain out of accounting.

14.2. What stylistic device is observed in the utterance: a) meta­
b) metonymy?

15. Name expressive means and stylistic devices and group them as follows:

1) expressive means: a) phonetic, b) morphological, c) lexical, d) syntac­tic, e) graphic;

2) stylistic devices: a) phonetic. Ы lexical Пехісо-sema ntic'). c) syntactic.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 2045. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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