Студопедия — My impression about my studies
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My impression about my studies


University life is a thing which you can hardly ever forget. This is the time when a young person come an adult. First of all, to pass entrance exams and enter the university is a real challenge for a young person. It takes a lot of time, knowledge, patience and nerves. A student gets accustomed to a new timetable. New subjects are much more complicated than at school. You have to be a serious, attentive and responsible person concentrated on studying. Some new students soon understand that studying at university is hard work. It takes a lot of time and strength. Besides, such students usually have a great number of retakes before the beginning of examination session.

Another point is the relationships within a group and between students and teachers. It is not a secret that relationships play an important role in student’s life. Students spend a lot of time at the university communicating with their group mates and trying to make a contact with other students. It is wonderful if you find a like-minded person or just meet interesting people who are easy in communication. Anyway, it is extremely important to have good relationships with your groupmates and teachers and to show the best qualities and features of character.

In conclusion, it should be mentioned that students participate at events during their studying in university. All these events bring a lot of joy and even make you feel happy. That is why a lot of people say that their university years were the greatest and the happiest time in their life.

Exercise 11. Answer the questions.

1 What is university life like?

2 Why is important to get on well with your groupmates and teachers?

3 What other activities should the student do except the study?


Exercise 12. Read the poem.

Education Education is life Education is famous in the society Education is the best car of prestige A prestige that cannot be forcefully taken away The rich taste from it and became wise The poor taste from it and became rich Oh education the mother of all profession Let's get rid of ignorance in Africa Oh education what a name you are Education is the best legacy Education is the best car of prestige. Kehinde Olushola  



1. Choose the right variant. We _____ tennis every day.

a) are play

b) plays

c) play

d) played

2. Choose the right variant. She _____ very well.

a) don’t cook

b) doesn’t cooks

c) doesn’t cook

d) do cook

3. Give synonym of the following word “exciting”

a) boring

b) famous

c) interesting

d) sunny

4. Choose the right variant. Our Academy was founded in…





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