Студопедия — C You are going to read an interview with a midwife. For questions 1–5, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.
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C You are going to read an interview with a midwife. For questions 1–5, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.

  Magdalena Janczyk is the new midwife at the Hetherington Surgery. Magdalena is Polish and came to the UK six years ago. We interviewed Magdalena about her life and her plans for Hetherington.   Interviewer: Hi Magdalena. Why did you come to live in England? Magda: I’m sorry to say it had nothing to do with medicine and health and everything to do with romance. When I was working as a nurse in a hospital in Krakow I met my husband, Ben, who was a visiting surgeon. After his visit he managed to transfer to Warsaw and when we were married we lived there for six years. Then last year Ben had to come back to the UK so we decided to relocate the whole family. Ben now works at St John’s hospital in York.   I: Do you live here or in York? M: We have two children and we decided we wanted to make sure they didn’t lose their links to Poland and its culture. There are quite a lot of Poles in York, including a cultural centre so we thought it would be better to live there. However, York is only ten miles away and I have my own car so it’s not a problem. And if my car breaks down, there’s always a good bus service.   I: Why did you become a midwife? M: Having my two children was a fantastic experience and I felt that I wanted to share this experience with others and help them have a healthy, safe and happy experience with the birth of their children. It is still true that in many countries there is no one there to help the family. The job of a midwife is not only about the birth, it’s also about preparing parents and helping them after the birth. It’s a hard time for parents as they will have never experienced anything like this before.   I: What do you think of Hetherington and what are you hoping to do here? M: Hetherington is a lovely village and the people here have been very welcoming and friendly. Of course I won’t only be working in Hetherington but also in all the other villages nearby. For the last three years there hasn’t been a local midwife and I’m sure that has been quite hard. I hope that now we can make sure we can support all the families in this area. We will start prenatal classes in the next three weeks and I will be visiting all the families in the area over the next few months. If anyone wants to talk to me before that, they can contact me at the surgery.

1 Why is Magdalena in England?

a because she wanted to be a midwife

b because she loves Englishmen

c because her husband works here

d because she is getting married


2 Why is Magdalena living in York?

a because the transport is good

b because they need midwives

c for their children

d because her husband works there


3 Why did she become a midwife?

a because she has had two children

b because she was a nurse

c because Hetherington needs a midwife

d because she wants to help other families


4 Where will she work?

a in York

b in Hetherington

c in York and Hetherington

d in the area around Hetherington


5 Who will she be working with?

a parents when they are giving birth

b parents before, during and after birth

c parents at birth and in the first year

d any family with children


D You will hear part of a talk about using websites for research. For questions 1–5 complete the sentences.

Track 2


1 Because some websites are non-profit and trustworthy, …


2 If something is reviewed by an expert it is called …


3 Ideally a medical website is updated every …


4 Opinions should be presented as opinions, not …


5 The main source of information when she was at university …






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