Студопедия — EATING OUT. Listening 1 (Upstream_Intermediate B2 – Unit 8, ex
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EATING OUT. Listening 1 (Upstream_Intermediate B2 – Unit 8, ex

Listening 1 (Upstream_Intermediate B2 – Unit 8, ex. 39a p. 125)

  1. Listen to a dialogue and correct the mistakes in the sense of it:

A:Have you ordered anything?

S: No, not yet.

A: What can I get you?

B: Erm, a cheese pizza and 1 large Coke, please.

A: Would you like any sauce with that?

B: Yes, and 2 medium friesand a child's portion of chicken nuggets.

A: OK. Anything else?

B: No, that's it, thanks.

A: That's £2.60, then, please.

B: Here you are.

A: Thank you. It'll just be a couple of minutes.


Listening 2 (New English File_Elementary – CD 3 Tracks 23 – 25)

  1. A man and a woman are at the restaurant. Why have they come here, what will they speak about, to your mind?
  2. Listen to the first part of their conversation and finish it:

- Good … Do you have a reservation?

- Yes, … My name’s Allie Gray.

- …?

- Non-smoking, please.

- Come this …, please. Are you …?

- Yes, I’d like …, please.

- What would you like to...?

- Would you like some …?

- No, thanks, …

- OK, …, please.

- Thank you, sir.

- Thank you.

3. Repeat the conversation after the speakers, paying attention to pronunciation.

4. Listen to the second part of their conversation and answer the questions.

4.1. What did they order for dessert?

4.2. What did Mark ask Allie and what did she answer?

4.3 What did Mark ask the waiter for at the end of their dinner?

4. Say, how often you eat out. What is your choice in dishes?


Listening 3 (Upstream_Intermediate B2 – Unit 8, ex. 52b p. 129)

  1. Listen to three people talking about Marco’s fast food restaurant and fill in the gaps:


I go to Marco's a couple of time a week because it's so close to the office. There's not …, but it's good and really cheap as well. Sometimes …, though, it gets a bit crowded. When that happens, the service is really slow. They definitely need for the busy periods. But apart from that, it’s OK. Fine for...


No, I've never been in here before but today I was just looking for somewhere I could... The food's good, though, and … was friendly and helpful. Mind you the place looks like it could do with being decorated, doesn't it? It's a bit dirty and ... What's more, it's so dark that you can hardly see the...


What I like the most about Marco's is that it's always here when I need it. I finish work at 2 o'clock in the morning and I like to go … before I go home. Everywhere else in town is closing at that time but not this place. There's a really … in here as well. I can sit, chatting with my friends, for hours and you never and leave. I wish they had a car park, though. It's a little scary going back to my car so late when everything is dark and deserted.

  1. Name the customers reasons for going to this fast food restaurant.
  2. Discuss with your partner:

What is your attitude towards such places?


Listening 4 (Upstream_Intermediate B2 – Unit 8, ex. 9b p. 119)

1. Guess, what each sentence is about:

1.1.Oh, well done, please. I can’t eat if it’s raw.

1.2.Would you like still or sparkling, sir?

1.3.There is no white left, I’m afraid, you’ll have to have brown.

1.4.Yes, they do either a continental or a full English.

1.5.Yes, there’s still some in the pot. Would you like milk or sugar?

2. Listen and check if you were correct.


Listening 5 (Upstream_Intermediate B2 – Unit 8, ex. 12a p. 119)

  1. Listen and match the speakers to the places. What is each person complaining about?

Speaker 1 fast food

Speaker 2 supermarket

Speaker 3 takeaway

Speaker 4 restaurant


Listening 6 (Upstream_Intermediate B2 – Unit 8, ex. 31 p. 124)

  1. Listen to three people talking about eating out versus cooking at home. Say, if Gary, Sara or Frank expressed these ideas:

1.1.Having a wish to go out for dinner

1.2.Eating out is unhealthy

1.3.Restaurant food tastes good

1.4.Eating out is expensive

1.5.Someone is making excuses

1.6.Someone is lazy

1.7.Not able to cook well


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