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JANE AUSTEN 13 страница

encouraged to read, and had all the masters that were

necessary. Those who chose to be idle, certainly might."


"Aye, no doubt; but that is what a governess will prevent, and

if I had known your mother, I should have advised her most

strenuously to engage one. I always say that nothing is to be

done in education without steady and regular instruction, and

nobody but a governess can give it. It is wonderful how many

families I have been the means of supplying in that way. I am

always glad to get a young person well placed out. Four nieces

of Mrs. Jenkinson are most delightfully situated through my

means; and it was but the other day that I recommended another

young person, who was merely accidentally mentioned to me, and

the family are quite delighted with her. Mrs. Collins, did I

tell you of Lady Metcalfe's calling yesterday to thank me? She

finds Miss Pope a treasure. ``Lady Catherine,'' said she,

``you have given me a treasure.'' Are any of your younger

sisters out, Miss Bennet?"


"Yes, Ma'am, all."


"All! -- What, all five out at once? Very odd! -- And you

only the second. -- The younger ones out before the elder are

married! -- Your younger sisters must be very young?"


"Yes, my youngest is not sixteen. Perhaps _she_ is full young

to be much in company. But really, Ma'am, I think it would be

very hard upon younger sisters, that they should not have their

share of society and amusement because the elder may not have

the means or inclination to marry early. -- The last born has

as good a right to the pleasures of youth, as the first. And

to be kept back on such a motive! -- I think it would not be

very likely to promote sisterly affection or delicacy of mind."


"Upon my word," said her ladyship, "you give your opinion very

decidedly for so young a person. -- Pray, what is your age?"


"With three younger sisters grown up," replied Elizabeth

smiling, "your Ladyship can hardly expect me to own it."


Lady Catherine seemed quite astonished at not receiving a

direct answer; and Elizabeth suspected herself to be the first

creature who had ever dared to trifle with so much dignified



"You cannot be more than twenty, I am sure, -- therefore you

need not conceal your age."


"I am not one and twenty."


When the gentlemen had joined them, and tea was over, the card

tables were placed. Lady Catherine, Sir William, and Mr. and

Mrs. Collins sat down to quadrille; and as Miss De Bourgh chose

to play at cassino, the two girls had the honour of assisting

Mrs. Jenkinson to make up her party. Their table was

superlatively stupid. Scarcely a syllable was uttered that did

not relate to the game, except when Mrs. Jenkinson expressed

her fears of Miss De Bourgh's being too hot or too cold, or

having too much or too little light. A great deal more passed

at the other table, Lady Catherine was generally speaking --

stating the mistakes of the three others, or relating some

anecdote of herself. Mr. Collins was employed in agreeing to

every thing her Ladyship said, thanking her for every fish he

won, and apologising if he thought he won too many. Sir

William did not say much. He was storing his memory with

anecdotes and noble names.


When Lady Catherine and her daughter had played as long as they

chose, the tables were broke up, the carriage was offered to

Mrs. Collins, gratefully accepted, and immediately ordered.

The party then gathered round the fire to hear Lady Catherine

determine what weather they were to have on the morrow. From

these instructions they were summoned by the arrival of the

coach, and with many speeches of thankfulness on Mr. Collins's

side, and as many bows on Sir William's, they departed. As

soon as they had driven from the door, Elizabeth was called on

by her cousin to give her opinion of all that she had seen at

Rosings, which, for Charlotte's sake, she made more favourable

than it really was. But her commendation, though costing her

some trouble, could by no means satisfy Mr. Collins, and he was

very soon obliged to take her ladyship's praise into his own







SIR WILLIAM staid only a week at Hunsford; but his visit was

long enough to convince him of his daughter's being most

comfortably settled, and of her possessing such a husband and

such a neighbour as were not often met with. While Sir William

was with them, Mr. Collins devoted his mornings to driving him

out in his gig and shewing him the country; but when he went

away, the whole family returned to their usual employments, and

Elizabeth was thankful to find that they did not see more of

her cousin by the alteration, for the chief of the time between

breakfast and dinner was now passed by him either at work in

the garden, or in reading and writing, and looking out of

window in his own book room, which fronted the road. The room

in which the ladies sat was backwards. Elizabeth at first had

rather wondered that Charlotte should not prefer the dining

parlour for common use; it was a better sized room, and had a

pleasanter aspect; but she soon saw that her friend had an

excellent reason for what she did, for Mr. Collins would

undoubtedly have been much less in his own apartment, had they

sat in one equally lively; and she gave Charlotte credit for

the arrangement.


From the drawing room they could distinguish nothing in the

lane, and were indebted to Mr. Collins for the knowledge of

what carriages went along, and how often especially Miss De

Bourgh drove by in her phaeton, which he never failed coming to

inform them of, though it happened almost every day. She not

unfrequently stopped at the Parsonage, and had a few minutes'

conversation with Charlotte, but was scarcely ever prevailed on

to get out.


Very few days passed in which Mr. Collins did not walk to

Rosings, and not many in which his wife did not think it

necessary to go likewise; and till Elizabeth recollected that

there might be other family livings to be disposed of, she

could not understand the sacrifice of so many hours. Now and

then, they were honoured with a call from her ladyship, and

nothing escaped her observation that was passing in the room

during these visits. She examined into their employments,

looked at their work, and advised them to do it differently;

found fault with the arrangement of the furniture, or detected

the housemaid in negligence; and if she accepted any

refreshment, seemed to do it only for the sake of finding out

that Mrs. Collins's joints of meat were too large for her



Elizabeth soon perceived that though this great lady was not in

the commission of the peace for the county, she was a most

active magistrate in her own parish, the minutest concerns of

which were carried to her by Mr. Collins; and whenever any of

the cottagers were disposed to be quarrelsome, discontented or

too poor, she sallied forth into the village to settle their

differences, silence their complaints, and scold them into

harmony and plenty.


The entertainment of dining at Rosings was repeated about

twice a week; and, allowing for the loss of Sir William, and

there being only one card table in the evening, every such

entertainment was the counterpart of the first. Their other

engagements were few; as the style of living of the

neighbourhood in general was beyond the Collinses' reach.

This, however, was no evil to Elizabeth, and upon the whole she

spent her time comfortably enough; there were half hours of

pleasant conversation with Charlotte, and the weather was so

fine for the time of year, that she had often great enjoyment

out of doors. Her favourite walk, and where she frequently

went while the others were calling on Lady Catherine, was along

the open grove which edged that side of the park, where there

was a nice sheltered path, which no one seemed to value but

herself, and where she felt beyond the reach of Lady

Catherine's curiosity.


In this quiet way, the first fortnight of her visit soon passed

away. Easter was approaching, and the week preceding it was to

bring an addition to the family at Rosings, which in so small a

circle must be important. Elizabeth had heard, soon after her

arrival, that Mr. Darcy was expected there in the course of a

few weeks, and though there were not many of her acquaintance

whom she did not prefer, his coming would furnish one

comparatively new to look at in their Rosings parties, and she

might be amused in seeing how hopeless Miss Bingley's designs

on him were, by his behaviour to his cousin, for whom he was

evidently destined by Lady Catherine; who talked of his coming

with the greatest satisfaction, spoke of him in terms of the

highest admiration, and seemed almost angry to find that he had

already been frequently seen by Miss Lucas and herself.


His arrival was soon known at the Parsonage, for Mr. Collins

was walking the whole morning within view of the lodges opening

into Hunsford Lane, in order to have the earliest assurance of

it; and after making his bow as the carriage turned into the

park, hurried home with the great intelligence. On the

following morning he hastened to Rosings to pay his respects.

There were two nephews of Lady Catherine to require them, for

Mr. Darcy had brought with him a Colonel Fitzwilliam, the

younger son of his uncle, Lord ----; and to the great surprise

of all the party, when Mr. Collins returned, the gentlemen

accompanied him. Charlotte had seen them, from her husband's

room, crossing the road, and immediately running into the

other, told the girls what an honour they might expect, adding,


"I may thank you, Eliza, for this piece of civility. Mr. Darcy

would never have come so soon to wait upon me."


Elizabeth had scarcely time to disclaim all right to the

compliment, before their approach was announced by the

door-bell, and shortly afterwards the three gentlemen entered

the room. Colonel Fitzwilliam, who led the way, was about

thirty, not handsome, but in person and address most truly the

gentleman. Mr. Darcy looked just as he had been used to look

in Hertfordshire, paid his compliments, with his usual reserve,

to Mrs. Collins; and whatever might be his feelings towards her

friend, met her with every appearance of composure. Elizabeth

merely curtseyed to him, without saying a word.


Colonel Fitzwilliam entered into conversation directly with

the readiness and ease of a well-bred man, and talked very

pleasantly; but his cousin, after having addressed a slight

observation on the house and garden to Mrs. Collins, sat for

some time without speaking to any body. At length, however,

his civility was so far awakened as to enquire of Elizabeth

after the health of her family. She answered him in the usual

way, and after a moment's pause, added,


"My eldest sister has been in town these three months.

Have you never happened to see her there?"


She was perfectly sensible that he never had; but she wished to

see whether he would betray any consciousness of what had

passed between the Bingleys and Jane; and she thought he looked

a little confused as he answered that he had never been so

fortunate as to meet Miss Bennet. The subject was pursued no

farther, and the gentlemen soon afterwards went away.






COLONEL Fitzwilliam's manners were very much admired at the

parsonage, and the ladies all felt that he must add

considerably to the pleasure of their engagements at Rosings.

It was some days, however, before they received any invitation

thither, for while there were visitors in the house they could

not be necessary; and it was not till Easter-day, almost a week

after the gentlemen's arrival, that they were honoured by such

an attention, and then they were merely asked on leaving church

to come there in the evening. For the last week they had seen

very little of either Lady Catherine or her daughter. Colonel

Fitzwilliam had called at the parsonage more than once during

the time, but Mr. Darcy they had only seen at church.


The invitation was accepted of course, and at a proper hour

they joined the party in Lady Catherine's drawing room. Her

ladyship received them civilly, but it was plain that their

company was by no means so acceptable as when she could get

nobody else; and she was, in fact, almost engrossed by her

nephews, speaking to them, especially to Darcy, much more than

to any other person in the room.


Colonel Fitzwilliam seemed really glad to see them; any thing

was a welcome relief to him at Rosings; and Mrs. Collins's

pretty friend had moreover caught his fancy very much. He now

seated himself by her, and talked so agreeably of Kent and

Hertfordshire, of travelling and staying at home, of new books

and music, that Elizabeth had never been half so well

entertained in that room before; and they conversed with so

much spirit and flow, as to draw the attention of Lady

Catherine herself as well as of Mr. Darcy. _His_ eyes had been

soon and repeatedly turned towards them with a look of

curiosity; and that her ladyship after a while shared the

feeling, was more openly acknowledged, for she did not scruple

to call out,


"What is that you are saying, Fitzwilliam? What is it you are

talking of? What are you telling Miss Bennet? Let me hear

what it is."


"We are speaking of music, Madam," said he, when no longer able

to avoid a reply.


"Of music! Then pray speak aloud. It is of all subjects my

delight. I must have my share in the conversation, if you are

speaking of music. There are few people in England, I suppose,

who have more true enjoyment of music than myself, or a better

natural taste. If I had ever learnt, I should have been a

great proficient. And so would Anne, if her health had allowed

her to apply. I am confident that she would have performed

delightfully. How does Georgiana get on, Darcy?"


Mr. Darcy spoke with affectionate praise of his sister's



"I am very glad to hear such a good account of her," said Lady

Catherine; "and pray tell her from me, that she cannot expect

to excel, if she does not practise a great deal."


"I assure you, Madam," he replied, "that she does not need such

advice. She practises very constantly."


"So much the better. It cannot be done too much; and when I

next write to her, I shall charge her not to neglect it on any

account. I often tell young ladies, that no excellence in

music is to be acquired, without constant practice. I have

told Miss Bennet several times, that she will never play really

well, unless she practises more; and though Mrs. Collins has no

instrument, she is very welcome, as I have often told her, to

come to Rosings every day, and play on the piano forte in

Mrs. Jenkinson's room. She would be in nobody's way, you know,

in that part of the house."


Mr. Darcy looked a little ashamed of his aunt's ill breeding,

and made no answer.


When coffee was over, Colonel Fitzwilliam reminded Elizabeth of

having promised to play to him; and she sat down directly to

the instrument. He drew a chair near her. Lady Catherine

listened to half a song, and then talked, as before, to her

other nephew; till the latter walked away from her, and moving

with his usual deliberation towards the piano forte, stationed

himself so as to command a full view of the fair performer's

countenance. Elizabeth saw what he was doing, and at the first

convenient pause, turned to him with an arch smile, and said,


"You mean to frighten me, Mr. Darcy, by coming in all this

state to hear me? But I will not be alarmed though your sister

_does_ play so well. There is a stubbornness about me that

never can bear to be frightened at the will of others. My

courage always rises with every attempt to intimidate me."


"I shall not say that you are mistaken," he replied, "because

you could not really believe me to entertain any design of

alarming you; and I have had the pleasure of your acquaintance

long enough to know, that you find great enjoyment in

occasionally professing opinions which in fact are not your



Elizabeth laughed heartily at this picture of herself, and said

to Colonel Fitzwilliam, "Your cousin will give you a very

pretty notion of me, and teach you not to believe a word I say.

I am particularly unlucky in meeting with a person so well able

to expose my real character, in a part of the world where I had

hoped to pass myself off with some degree of credit. Indeed,

Mr. Darcy, it is very ungenerous in you to mention all that you

knew to my disadvantage in Hertfordshire -- and, give me leave

to say, very impolitic too -- for it is provoking me to

retaliate, and such things may come out, as will shock your

relations to hear."


"I am not afraid of you," said he, smilingly.


"Pray let me hear what you have to accuse him of," cried

Colonel Fitzwilliam. "I should like to know how he behaves

among strangers."


"You shall hear then -- but prepare yourself for something very

dreadful. The first time of my ever seeing him in

Hertfordshire, you must know, was at a ball -- and at this

ball, what do you think he did? He danced only four dances!

I am sorry to pain you -- but so it was. He danced only four

dances, though gentlemen were scarce; and, to my certain

knowledge, more than one young lady was sitting down in want of

a partner. Mr. Darcy, you cannot deny the fact."


"I had not at that time the honour of knowing any lady in the

assembly beyond my own party."


"True; and nobody can ever be introduced in a ball room.

Well, Colonel Fitzwilliam, what do I play next? My fingers

wait your orders."


"Perhaps," said Darcy, "I should have judged better, had

I sought an introduction, but I am ill qualified to recommend

myself to strangers."


"Shall we ask your cousin the reason of this?" said Elizabeth,

still addressing Colonel Fitzwilliam. "Shall we ask him why a

man of sense and education, and who has lived in the world, is

ill qualified to recommend himself to strangers?"


"I can answer your question," said Fitzwilliam, "without

applying to him. It is because he will not give himself the



"I certainly have not the talent which some people possess,"

said Darcy, "of conversing easily with those I have never seen

before. I cannot catch their tone of conversation, or appear

interested in their concerns, as I often see done."


"My fingers," said Elizabeth, "do not move over this instrument

in the masterly manner which I see so many women's do. They

have not the same force or rapidity, and do not produce the

same expression. But then I have always supposed it to be my

own fault -- because I would not take the trouble of

practising. It is not that I do not believe _my_ fingers as

capable as any other woman's of superior execution."


Darcy smiled, and said, "You are perfectly right. You have

employed your time much better. No one admitted to the

privilege of hearing you, can think any thing wanting. We

neither of us perform to strangers."


Here they were interrupted by Lady Catherine, who called out to

know what they were talking of. Elizabeth immediately began

playing again. Lady Catherine approached, and, after listening

for a few minutes, said to Darcy,


"Miss Bennet would not play at all amiss, if she practised

more, and could have the advantage of a London master. She has

a very good notion of fingering, though her taste is not equal

to Anne's. Anne would have been a delightful performer, had

her health allowed her to learn."


Elizabeth looked at Darcy to see how cordially he assented to

his cousin's praise; but neither at that moment nor at any

other could she discern any symptom of love; and from the whole

of his behaviour to Miss De Bourgh she derived this comfort for

Miss Bingley, that he might have been just as likely to marry

_her_, had she been his relation.


Lady Catherine continued her remarks on Elizabeth's

performance, mixing with them many instructions on execution

and taste. Elizabeth received them with all the forbearance of

civility; and at the request of the gentlemen, remained at the

instrument till her ladyship's carriage was ready to take them

all home.






ELIZABETH was sitting by herself the next morning, and writing

to Jane, while Mrs. Collins and Maria were gone on business

into the village, when she was startled by a ring at the door,

the certain signal of a visitor. As she had heard no carriage,

she thought it not unlikely to be Lady Catherine, and under

that apprehension was putting away her half-finished letter

that she might escape all impertinent questions, when the door

opened, and to her very great surprise, Mr. Darcy, and

Mr. Darcy only, entered the room.


He seemed astonished too on finding her alone, and apologised

for his intrusion by letting her know that he had understood

all the ladies to be within.


They then sat down, and when her enquiries after Rosings were

made, seemed in danger of sinking into total silence. It was

absolutely necessary, therefore, to think of something, and in

this emergency recollecting when she had seen him last in

Hertfordshire, and feeling curious to know what he would say on

the subject of their hasty departure, she observed,


"How very suddenly you all quitted Netherfield last November,

Mr. Darcy! It must have been a most agreeable surprise to Mr.

Bingley to see you all after him so soon; for, if I recollect

right, he went but the day before. He and his sisters were

well, I hope, when you left London."


"Perfectly so -- I thank you."


She found that she was to receive no other answer -- and, after

a short pause, added,


"I think I have understood that Mr. Bingley has not much idea

of ever returning to Netherfield again?"


"I have never heard him say so; but it is probable that he may

spend very little of his time there in future. He has many

friends, and he is at a time of life when friends and

engagements are continually increasing."


"If he means to be but little at Netherfield, it would be

better for the neighbourhood that he should give up the place

entirely, for then we might possibly get a settled family

there. But perhaps Mr. Bingley did not take the house so much

for the convenience of the neighbourhood as for his own, and we

must expect him to keep or quit it on the same principle."


"I should not be surprised," said Darcy, "if he were to give it

up, as soon as any eligible purchase offers."


Elizabeth made no answer. She was afraid of talking longer of

his friend; and, having nothing else to say, was now determined

to leave the trouble of finding a subject to him.


He took the hint, and soon began with, "This seems a very

comfortable house. Lady Catherine, I believe, did a great deal

to it when Mr. Collins first came to Hunsford."


"I believe she did -- and I am sure she could not have bestowed

her kindness on a more grateful object."


"Mr. Collins appears very fortunate in his choice of a wife."


"Yes, indeed; his friends may well rejoice in his having met

with one of the very few sensible women who would have accepted

him, or have made him happy if they had. My friend has an

excellent understanding -- though I am not certain that I

consider her marrying Mr. Collins as the wisest thing she ever

did. She seems perfectly happy, however, and in a prudential

light, it is certainly a very good match for her."


"It must be very agreeable to her to be settled within so easy

a distance of her own family and friends."


"An easy distance do you call it? It is nearly fifty miles."


"And what is fifty miles of good road? Little more than half a

day's journey. Yes, I call it a _very_ easy distance."


"I should never have considered the distance as one of the

_advantages_ of the match," cried Elizabeth. "I should never

have said Mrs. Collins was settled _near_ her family."


"It is a proof of your own attachment to Hertfordshire.

Any thing beyond the very neighbourhood of Longbourn,

I suppose, would appear far."


As he spoke there was a sort of smile, which Elizabeth fancied

she understood; he must be supposing her to be thinking of Jane

and Netherfield, and she blushed as she answered,


"I do not mean to say that a woman may not be settled too near

her family. The far and the near must be relative, and depend

on many varying circumstances. Where there is fortune to make

the expence of travelling unimportant, distance becomes no

evil. But that is not the case _here_. Mr. and Mrs. Collins

have a comfortable income, but not such a one as will allow of

frequent journeys -- and I am persuaded my friend would not

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