Студопедия — At the table
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At the table


At the table

a knife a fork a spoon cutlery  
a cup a saucer a plate a bowl crockery
a glass a tablecloth a napkin salt and pepper  
a cupboard a shelf a drawer    
This is how you lay the table: Start with the tablecloth: You can find it on the shelf. There is also some salt and pepper. We start with the crockery. You can find the crockery in the cupboard: Put the plate in the middle. On the plate you put the soup bowl. Put the saucer above the right side of the plate. Put the cup on the saucer. Put the glass above the left side of the plate. Finally we put the cutlery on the table. You can find the cutlery in the drawer: Put the knife to the right of the plate. Lay the napkin to the left of the plate. Put the fork on the napkin. Put the spoon to the right of the knife.  

At a Restaurant
I'd like orange juice, hot rolls with butter and honey, and black coffee, please.
Corn flakes with milk, please.
I'd like grapefruit juice, bacon and eggs, and coffee with cream, no sugar, please.
I'll have orange juice, cheese omelette, toast, strawberry jam, and tea with lemon.
I'll have pancakes with maple syrup, please, and a glass of milk.
I'd like a hamburger, French fries, coleslaw, and a mug of beer, please.
I'll have a ham sandwich, potato salad, and coffee with milk, please.
Home-made pizza with mushrooms, please, and a bottle of mineral water.
I'll take tomato juice, chicken, green salad with olive oil, a piece of apple pie, and a cup of green tea, please.
A bowl of mushroom soup, please, chicken salad, and a cup of black coffee.
We'd like a table for two, please.
I have reserved a table for four people for seven o'clock. My name is Peter Belov.
Where is the menu, please?
What do you recommend?
What wine do you recommend?
What is today's special?
What are you going to have, Anna?
Are you ready to order, sir?
Yes, please. I'll have a glass of white wine, garlic bread, roast beef with baked potato and green peas, and chocolate ice cream for dessert. And coffee, please.
I'd like a cup of onion soup, grilled salmon, steamed vegetables, and coffee to follow. No dessert, thank you.
I'll have a glass of house wine, Greek salad, chicken breast with mushroom sauce, mint tea, and a piece of honey cake.
I'd like shrimp cocktail, turkey with new potatoes, and Caesar salad. And a bottle of beer, please.
Waiter's questions and your answers
Are you ready to order?
May I take your order?
Yes, please.
Just a minute, please.
Would you like a drink? / Would you like something to drink? / Something to drink?
A glass of red wine, please.
A glass of mineral water, please.
No, thank you.
Would you like some coffee?
Yes, please.
How would you like your coffee?
A little milk, but no sugar.
With cream and sugar, please.
Black, please.
Cappuccino, please.
How would you like your tea?
With lemon, please.
How would you like your eggs?
Scrambled, please.
Sunny side up, please.
How would you like your steak?
Well done, please.
Medium rare, please.
Rare, please.
What (salad) dressing would you like?
French dressing, please.
Italian dressing, please.
Russian, please.
Mayonnaise, please.
Olive oil, please.
No dressing.
What bread would you like?
What do you have?
White, whole-wheat, rye.
Rye bread, please.
Waiter, we ordered well-done chops, and these are rare.
Waiter, I ordered chocolate ice cream, and you brought vanilla.
Waiter! I've been waiting for my order for almost an hour already!
Can I see the manager, please?
Waiter! The check, please.
Waiter, I think the check is incorrect. I didn't order sponge cake.
The food was delicious. Thank you very much. Here. Keep the change.  


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History of the Hamburger | Food and drink

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