Студопедия — At the Restaurant
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At the Restaurant

A: Shall we have our dinner in this restaurant? They serve very good meals
here and he prices are reasonable.

B: Well, you lead. You should know better. (In the restaurant)

A: What shall we have? A three-course dinner, I suppose. I'm awfully hungry
B: So am I. And I'm thirsty too.

A: Then let's have a glass of mineral water first or some orange juice.

B: I'd prefer orange juice with ice or iced tea.

A: Waiter! Iced orange juice and a glass of mineral water, please. Now let's see the menu and here is the wine list too. How about some hard drinks?

B: I wouldn't mind having a brandy.

A: So it's one brandy. And whisky and soda for me. Would you like any starters?

B: A salad would do, I think.

A: And I'll have shrimps. Would you like any soup? As for me I'll have mushroom soup and smoked salmon for the main course.

B: I like your choice. I'd rather have the same.

7. Lunch for Two ♥;

(Jane and Robert are out shopping. It's almost 2 o'clock— high time to have lunch)

Jane: It's nearly two o'clock and we haven't eaten anything since breakfast. Let's go and have lunch somewhere before we do any more shopping. There is no need for us to starve.

Robert: That's exactly how I feel. There is a small Italian place on the other side of the road. Shall we try that?

Jane: Yes, let's. (They enter the restaurant) Oh! it smells good in here. It'll be lovely to sit down after our marathon this morning.

Robert: There is a table for two in the corner. Sit down, Jane. Have a look at the menu and tell me whether there is anything worth ordering.

Jane: There seem to he six different sauces to have with the spaghetti but they're all in Italian and I don't recognize any of them. Oh, here you are, there's a translation as well. You can.have spaghetti with mushrooms and chicken, with minced beef, or with lobster sauce. Mmm, I'm going to try that.

Robert: Lobster sauce? That sounds horrible. It's a constant surprise to me what strange things people eat.

Jane: You'll stick to fish and chips, I suppose, and apple pie and custard?

Robert: No. Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding and baked potatoes.

Jane: It's incredible to think that after all the effort I've made you're still so conservative about your food.


Mr. Smith: Hello. Do you have a table for two, please?

Head waiter: Good evening, sir. Sure. Would you like to have a drink in the bar first and I'll bring you the menu.

Mr. Smith: What a good idea. What would you say, John?

John: I don't mind.

Head waiter: This way, gentlemen. Now, what would you like?

Mr. Smith: Scotch for me, I think. What about you, John?

John: I'll have the same.

Head waiter: So, two whiskies. Very good. Here is the menu.

Mr. Smith: Now, let's see. What shall we have to start off with? The prawn cocktail's very good or the melon is not bad at this time of year.

John: Yes, sir. I think I'll have the prawn cocktail.

Mr. Smith: OK. And what shall we have to follow?
John: You know what I'd like? Something typically American.

Mr. Smith: OK, then. How about the roast beef?

John: All right. I'll try that.

Mr. Smith: That's settled, then. We'll have prawn cocktails to begin with and roast beef to follow.

Head waiter: Very good. What vegetables would you like?
Mr. Smith: Oh, French fries and asparagus, I think. What about you, John?
John: Is that what one usually eats with roast beef?

Mr. Smith: Yes.

John: I see. Well. I'll have asparagus but I don't think I'll bother with the potatoes. Get to think of my waistline, you know.

Head waiter: Very good, sir. Your table's ready when you are.

Mr. Smith: OK. We'll be along in a couple of minutes, and would you send the wine steward over?

Waiter: Any coffee, sir?

Mr. Smith: No, thanks, actually. We are in a bit of a hurry. Could we have the bill straight away, please?

Waiter: Sure, I’ll bring it immediately.

John: Look, Mr. Smith. Let me do this.

Mr. Smith: No, no. This one is on me. You can pay next time. Here you are, waiter.

John: Well, that’s very kind…

Find the logical order of the following dialogue parts


Mother: Would you like some bread and ham, Tommy?

Tommy: All right, pass me the brown bread, please.

Mother: Better take some honey.

Tommy: No, thanks. Two soft-boiled eggs would do for me.

Mothe r: Another slice of bread, Tommy?

Mother: I'm afraid these are hard-boiled. But you can have half of the omelet I've made. I am sure you'll find it to your liking?

Tomm y: No, thank you. No more for me.

Mothe r: Very well. Let me pour it out. Some more coffee, Tommy?

Tommy: Thanks, the omelet is pretty good.

Mother: Here you are.

Tommy: May I trouble you for jam?

Mothe r: A cup of coffee?

Tommy: Yes, please.

Tommy: Oh, no. I never have honey with coffee.

Complete the dialogue, translating Russian sentences into English.

(B pecmopaнe)


— Вы не проголодались?

— Oh, yes I am.

— Я очень хочу пить.

— Would you like a glass of orange juice?

— Спасибо, с удовольствием. Мне очень нравиться апельсиновый сок..

— And I prefer apple juice.

— Все соки полезны для здоровья: томатный, яблочный, абрикосовый и, конечно, ананасовый.

— I like pine apple best of all.

— Что мы возьмем?

— The three course dinner, I suppose.

— Что же, выбирайте.

— Let's start with salad, then chicken soup, fish and chips.

— Я думаю я возьму зеленый горошек, фрукты и чашку чая без сахара.

— Are you slimming?

— Да.

— What does your diet allow you?

— Немного мяса или рыбы, яйца, немного сыра или молока и немного овощей: зеленый салат, капуста, помидоры, огурцы, свекла и много фруктов. Никаких пирожных, мороженного или шоколада и очень мало соли. Я живу не для того, чтобы есть, а ем для того, чтобы жить.

— Да, вкусы бывают разные.

Compose dialogues using the key words for the situations given below

1. You suggest to your wife going to a restaurant instead of cooking at; home. She disagrees with you giving her reasons, (why not go? such a •saving of time; much more expensive than; not as tasty as cooked at home).

2. You want to go on a diet to reduce your weight. Ask your doctor what particular dishes he recommends (what diet must I keep to; you must have vegetables, milk, boiled meat; to take in much liquid; to take in much bread, butter, salt)

3. Lunch at the canteen.

4. Dinner with your friends at home.

5. Setting the table for a party.

6. Complain to your friends of the bad service at the restaurant you've recently visited.

7. Teach your friend how to make a cake (borsh, etc.)


Words: keep yourself to; pass me... please; as to me; I prefer; we've made a e; would you like another...; you 're very kind; no more; thank you; put napkins; doth; pepper and mustard; cut the bread; too expensive; dirty plates; overcrowded; noisy; tips; tasteless; uneatable; tough; overdone; peel; boil; simmer; add; spices, frying-pan; beetroot; greens; bake; flour; dough; order; I would recommend; waitress, the bill, please; oven.

Expand the situation introduced by the opening sentences


(To the waiter) Are there any tables for nine, please?

— There are no big tables I am afraid.

— There are a few but they are too close to the band.


Mary: How about lunch, Mom?

Mother: It's ready, you may set the table.



J: Where shall I take you for lunch?

P: I'd like to go to a self-service canteen.

J: We'll do that. I'd like it. You just pick up a tray and walk along a big counter where all kinds of food are placed ready.



E: I'd like to sit at that table.

A: I'm afraid it is reserved. Here is a nice place at the window, isn't it?



Waiter: Well, anything else, sir?

Mr. Smith: No. Thank you. The steak is a bit overdone and rather tough.

Waiter: I'm terribly sorry, sir.

Mr. Smith: And the cabbage is just uneatable and the soup was absolutely cold.




Alan: What shall we order?

Jack: I leave the choice to you, Alan.

Alan: Good. What would you say to some salad, caviar, olives, clear soup, lamb chop and coffee?

Translate the dialogues into English


1. ( Завтрак)

А: Завтрак готов?

Б: Да. Чайник кипит. Пора завтракать. У нас будет нечто особенное на завтрак.

А: Да, пахнет вкусно, но мне кажется, что у нас будет обычный завтрак: яичница с ветчиной и тосты.

Б: Нет, дорогой. Я испекла яблочный пирог.

А: Ну давай садиться за стол. Я умираю от голода.

Б: Что ты будешь пить, чай или кофе?

А: Чай, пожалуйста, с одним кусочком сахара.

Б: Давай попробуем пирог.

А: Как вкусно. Тебе всегда удаются пироги.

Б: Спасибо, дорогой. Передай мне, пожалуйста, масло.

А: Вот, держи. Можно мне еще одну порцию пирога.

Б: Да, конечно. Дай мне твою тарелку, я положу пирог.

А: Боюсь, что я переел, но так вкусно, что я не могу остановиться.

Б: Ничего страшного. Мы будем обедать сегодня довольно поздно. Я вернусь домой только к восьми.

А: Спасибо за вкусный завтрак.


2. Разговор двух матерей

А: У моего сына очень плохой аппетит. Он ничего не есть. Я очень волнуюсь за него.

Б: А вот мой не страдает отсутствием аппетита. Возьмем, к примеру, сегодняшний день. Утром у нас был довольно плотный завтрак – яичница из двух яиц, тарелка каши, и все же, он попросил добавку. Конечно, я попыталась не дать ему.

А: Ну зачем вы так. Я бы хотела, чтобы у моего мальчика был такой же аппетит как у вашего сына.

Б: Не думаю, что вам нужно завидовать мне. Знаете ли, мой сын склонен к полноте.

3. Разговор между матерью и дочерью

Р: Разве оладьи невкусные?

У: Вообще-то я не очень люблю оладьи.

Р: Разве? Я думала, что это твое любимое блюдо. Попробуй клубничное варенье с оладьями. Это очень вкусно.

У: Мам, можно я возьму небольшой кусок от вчерашнего пирога?

Р: Конечно, но боюсь, что ты останешься голодной.

У: Нет, пирога вполне достаточно, он такой вкусный.


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