Студопедия — Define the functions of the participle.
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Define the functions of the participle.

1. The patient was feeling mentally and physically exhausted.

2. Unemployed urban youths undertook intensive sport training.

3. Depression or guilt create stress hormones, producing cholesterol.

4. Those working at night shifts can suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorders.

5. When poking about a patient’s mouth the dentist deduced that the upper tooth had to be pulled out.

6. Judging by the analyses, you have suffered a heart attack.

7. If examined in time you’ll avoid complications.

8. Though striving officiously to preserve the patient’s life, the doctors were not successful.

9. Many adolescents start smoking as if demonstrating maturity and toughness.

10. Feeling a bit under the weather I had to stay at home that day.

1. Aspirin is made from tree bark.

2. Cigarettes were first manufactured by a French state-owned tobacco factory in 1843.

3. An unpopular tool, dentist’s drill, was invented by George Washington’s dentist in 1790.

4. The first world transplant operation of vital organs was carried out by the Ukrainian scientist I.I. Voronyi in 1943.

5. The first heart transplant operation was carried out in the USSR by the surgeon O. O. Vyshnevskyi in 1968.

6. In 1918 – 19 a pandemic of influenza known as the Spanish Lady swept the world and killed more people than had the First World War.

7. There are over 50 billion cells in every adult human being. Millions of these die every second, and new cells quickly replace them. Different types of cells last for different lengths of time – e.g. red blood cells last an average of four months. But bone cells can last for as long as thirty years.

8. The brain has two halves or “hemispheres”. The left hemisphere controls the right side of the body and is generally more powerful than the right hemisphere. That is why 91% of people are right-handed.

9. The average human being produces over three litres of tears per year. Elephants are the only other animals, apart from human beings, which cry when they feel sad or unhappy.

10. The total length of all the blood vessels (arteries, veins, capillaries) in one body is 96,560 kilometres. That’s enough to go around the world twice.

11. A human heart beats roughly 100,000 times per day, sending blood on its journey around the body. The average time it takes to complete this journey is 45 seconds.

12. “Mind reader” could put your dreams on a screen. A device that can create pictures by reading the “mind’s eye” could soon be used to produce images of what a person is dreaming about while they sleep.

13. Divorce has a lingering, detrimental impact on health that even remariage cannot fully repair.

14. Children who eat plenty of diary foods like milk and cheese can expect to live longer.




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