Студопедия — Fill in the proper questions.
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Fill in the proper questions.

b) Computers software (in a computer shop)

- …?

- As well as the hardware (the machines), you also need software (the programs needed to work the machines).

- …?

- These programs are on disks, e.g. the hard disk inside the computer; or floppy disks or on CD-ROMs, a CD on which a large amount of information can be put.

- …?

- A word processor is a computer used to prepare documents or letters, or the software that is used for this purpose. Many people use their computers for word processing; e.g. writing letters and reports.

- …?

- A lot of business people use spreadsheets (a program used to enter and arrange numbers and financial information) and databases(programs which allow you to store, look at or change a large amount of information quickly and easily).

- …?

- Some people also use graphics (the pictures and symbols a computer program can produce).

- …?

- Not only children, but adults as well are addicted to computer games and Internet searching nowadays.

- …?

- More and more people are becoming computer-literate.

- What do you mean by that?

- I mean they have experience of working with computers and know how to use them. Most of them are skilled computer users now.


Dialogue 4.12 Dramatize the dialogue.

Some advice

- What should I do? I don’t know anything about computers at all!

- Don’t be afraid of computers, as many programs and machines are so user-friendly.

- What do you mean by saying ‘user-friendly’?

- I mean easy to use.

- I’ve just purchased a modem, what can it be used for?

- The term ‘ modem ’ (MOdulator-DEModulator) means a device that adapts a terminal or computer to a telephone line. It converts the computer's digital pulses into audio frequencies (analog) for the telephone system and converts the frequencies back into pulses at the receiving side. The modem also dials the line, answers the call and controls transmission speed, which ranges from 300 to 14,400 bps1 and higher. You can now connect your computer to computers all over the world using the Internet.

- I have heard very much about it, but I can’t understand how it works.

- In very simple terms I may say that it is a network that allows computers to connect using telephone lines. The user of the computer does not really need to know how computers work, unless they are interested in these workings. All you need to know is how to operate the Front End.

- How can I communicate with the help of the computer?

- Like many other people you may easily send each other e-mailmessages using Internet.

- What does it mean ‘e-mail’?

- It’s electronic mail. There exist also: ‘e-mail address’ or simply ‘e-dress’.

- I’m in a trouble. My computer works so slowly!

- If your computer is slow it may need more memory.

- And what if I don’t add extra memory, what consequences can there be?

- It may crashif there is not enough memory or if it has a bug.

- May you decipher these terms?

- ‘to crash’ is to stop working. ‘A bug’ means either a software problem or a virus.

- How can I save my files?

- Make sure you make a back-up2 copyof your work, I mean an extra copy on a floppy disk.

- Thanks a lot.

- You are welcome.

- NB: 1 bps - Bits Per Second - the measurement of the speed of data transfer in a communications system.2 back up - to make a copy of important data onto a different storage medium for safety.

4.13 Add another word, abbreviation, or part of a word, to complete common 'computer' words and phrases given below.

soft... / a computer …/ a word... /…-ROM / floppy … / laser … / …-friendly /...-literate / key… / lap… / spread... / -mail / hard… / hard … / …processor / …ware

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