Студопедия — I.9 a) Having read the dialogue above you should decide whether the following statements and suggestions are true or false. change a false statement to make it true.
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I.9 a) Having read the dialogue above you should decide whether the following statements and suggestions are true or false. change a false statement to make it true.

1. People always try to solve the problem of ‘ an educated person’. 2. Pr. Walton knows something about the system of education in the Univer­sity and criticizes it. 3. It is not difficult to say what the notion ‘an educated person’ means. 4. Pr. Walton is sure that when we are speaking about ‘an educated person’ we must focus our attention only on ordinary people. 5. Pr. Walton says that in the USA 20 years ago an educated person knew noth­ing about computers. 6. Peter considers that an educated man today needs some significant knowl­edge in computing. 7. Pr. Walton gives the exact definition of ‘an educated person’. 8. Pr. Walton is sure that an educated person must understand scientific method quite well and possess basic knowledge of mathematics and logic. 9. Pr. Walton says that an educated person must know, at least, one foreign lan­guage and be able to speak and write what he means. 10. Pr. Walton insists on the fact that an educated person must always be able to know how to learn and never change his opinion.

b) Add your own statements, begin with: as for me; to my mind; I (fully) agree with; I don’t agree with (at all); I (completely) disagree with; I consider; I think; I believe; etc.


Text B1 a) Read the text & fill in the tables underneath.

Word-Formation: Prefixes

(1) The problem of word-formation is very important for everybody, who wants to have a good command of English, especially for those who deal with some special terminology of this or that science. As you remember from your school studies, a word is usually represented by the combination of three ele­ments: prefix - root - suffix. It is quite true that there are many words in English consisting only of a root, e.g. book, disk, cut, write, etc.

(2) But we'll speak here about the words possessing the structure mentioned above. Pre- means “before” and, therefore, a prefix is what comes before the root. As for a suffix, it is what is attached to the end of the root. Each of the suffixes and prefixes possesses its own meaning, usually wide one. Let us take some examples: the prefix semi- in the term semiconductor means “half” and the prefix micro- in the term microchip means “very small”. Consider as an example the suffix -ment meaning “action or state”; so measurement is “an action of measuring”.

(3) Prefixes and suffixes function in the process of word-formation differently. Prefixes only change the meaning of words, e.g. possible - impossible. Here prefix im- changes a word to the negative. Impossible means “that cannot be done, exist, or happen”. As for suffixes, the picture is quite different because they change the word from one part of speech to another. Furthermore, one and the same suffix may belong to different parts of speech.

(4) Prefixes might be classified according to their meaning. Generally all the prefixes may be subdivided into the following six groups: 1) prefixes of size, 2) pre­fixes of location, 3) prefixes of time and order, 4) prefixes of number, 5) positive prefixes, 6) negative pre­fixes.

(5) Prefixes of size: semi- means “half”, “partly” in semiconductor (полупро­водник), semicolon (точка с запятой); mini- means “small” in minicomputer (миникомпьютер), minifloppy (пятидюймовая дискета); micro- “very small” in microchip (микрокристалл), microcircuit (микросхема), microprogram­ming (микропрограммирование); macro- and mega- mean “large”, “great” in mac­rocode (макрокод), macrocommand (макрокоманда), megabyte (мегабайт); giga- stands for “gigantic” or “billion” in gigabyte (гигабайт); equi- means “equal” in equidistant.

(6) Prefixes of location: inter- means “between”, “among” in interface (ин­терфейс); super- means“over” in supercomputer (суперкомпьютер); trans- means “across” in transmit (передавать); extra- means beyond” in extraordinary (чрезвычайный), sub- means “under” in subdirectory (подкаталог), peri- means “around" in peripheral (перифе­рийный).

(7) Prefixes of time and order: pre- means “before” preprocessor (процессор предварительной обработки); prime- means “first” in primary (первичный); post- means “after” in postgraduate (аспирант).

(8) Prefixes of number: mono- means “one” in monoprocessor (монопроцессор); bi- means “two” in binary (двоичный); multy-, poly- mean “many” in multiprogramming (многозадачный режим), polysemantic (многозначный).

(9) positive prefixes: re- means “do it again” in refreshing (обновление); over- means “too much” in overload (перегружать).

(10) negative pre­fixes: un-, in-, im- (before a root beginning with m, b, p), il - (before l), ir - (before r);all of them mean “not”. For instance, unusable (негодный), invalid (недействительный), impolite (невежливый), illegal (недопустимый), irregular (нерегулярный). Prefix поп- means “not connected” in noncompatible (несовместимый). Prefixes mis- and mal- mean “bad” or “wrong” in misdirect (неверно направлять), malfunction (поломка, авария). Prefix dis- means “opposite meaning” in disagree (не согласиться). Unfortunately, there is no easy way of knowing which prefix any adjective will use to form its opposite. When you learn a new adjective note down whether it has an opposite formed with a prefix and, if so, what it is.

(11) Some of these words are used with a hyphen (-), e.g. anti-war, ex-student, semi-final. If you are not sure, check in a dictionary.

NB: 1 The prefix in- does not always have a negative meaning – often it has the idea of “inside” or “into”, e.g. internal, import, insert, income.

b) Study the Prefix tables given below.

1. Prefix tables

Negative / positive (-) un- non- in-(im- il- ir-) a- ab- dis- de- anti-counter- mis- mal- pseudo-; (+) re- over- pro-
Size semi- mini- micro- mega- pico- giga-
Location inter- sup(e)r- ultra- trans- ex- extra- peri-
Time and order pre- ante- fore- post-
Number mono- one- homo- uni- [ju:nɪ] (single- bi-[baɪ] twin- / two)- du-/ di- doubl(e)- tri- penta- hex- oct- multi- centi- kilo- milli- hecto- deca- deci-
Others prefixes pro- auto- со- con-, etc.

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