Студопедия — Advertising. Key words: perception сприйняття, розуміння not-for-profit некомерційний
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Advertising. Key words: perception сприйняття, розуміння not-for-profit некомерційний

Key words:

perception сприйняття, розуміння
not-for-profit некомерційний, неприбутковий
advocacy advertising розяснювально-пропагандистська реклама, пропагандистська реклама (рекламна діяльність по роз’ясненню і відстоюванню якої-небудь ідеї чи думки відносно спірної суспільної проблеми)
image (corporate) advertising іміджева (корпоративна) реклама (реклама, завдання якої полягає у створенні певного образу компанії чи думки про неї, а не у стимулюванні продажу її продукції чи послуг)
mental picture уявна картина
attribute властивість, ознака
comparative advertising порівняльна реклама
cooperative advertising кооперативна реклама, спільна реклама (реклама, що оплачується як виробником, так і продавцем товару; витрати діляться в певному відсотковому співвідношенні)
direct mail advertising пряма поштова реклама
selectivity вибірковість
outdoor advertising зовнішня (вулична) реклама
persuasive advertising переконуюча реклама
product advertising товарна реклама (реклама різними виробниками того ж товару з метою конкуренції)
product name назва товару
benefit перевага
to pertain мати відношення, стосуватися
primary purpose основна мета, ціль, завдання
reminder advertising реклама-нагадування, повторна реклама
awareness обізнаність
mature stage стадія зрілості (стадія у життєвому циклі товарі, що характеризується сповільненням темпів зростання збуту товару)
product life cycle життєвий цикл товару
point-of-purchase advertising реклама товару у місцях продажу
display bin контейнер (пластиковий, переважно прозорий, для розміщення дрібних та сипучих товарів у торговому залі)
display case вітрина
window display вітринна виставка товарів
specialty advertising призова, стимулююча реклама
recognition визнання
advertisement (ad) рекламне оголошення
advertising campaign рекламна компанія
ultimate goal кінцева мета
to misinform неправильно інформувати, водити в оману
competitor конкурент
option вибір, альтернатива, можливий варіант
emphasis акцент
subliminal advertising реклама, що діє на підсвідомість
advertiser рекламодавець
target market цільовий ринок
competitive конкурентноспроможний

Advertising is bringing a product (or service) to the attention of potential and current customers. It is any paid form of nonpersonal presentation of ideas and
promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor.

It is impossible to imagine a modern world without advertising, because is very important to economic growth. It is everywhere around us: at home, when we listen to the radio or watching TV, on the street in the form of signs and stands, in newspapers, magazines and even in books that we read. So, spending on advertising campaign is huge.

Advertising is usually focused on one particular product or service and it is paid by advertisers. But in some countries, not-for-profit organizations propagate advertisements through certain media outlets free-of-charge. For instance, ads directed at social causes, such as teen-age smoking, illegal drug use may run on television, radio and other media without cost to organizations sponsoring the advertisement. This type of advertising is known as public service ( or social) advertising.

Advertising can take a number of forms, including advocacy, product, image, comparative, cooperative, direct mail, informational, outdoor, persuasive, reminder, point-of-purchase, and specialty advertising.

Advocacy advertising is used in supporting a particular cause, point of view, or a matter of public importance or interest.

Product ( or brand) advertising pertains to no personal selling of a specific product. An example is a regular television commercial promoting a soft drink. The primary purpose of the advertisement is to promote the specific soft drink, not the entire soft-drink line of a company.

Image advertising ( also called corporate or institutional) advertising is promoting the image, or general perception, of a product or service, rather than promoting its functional attributes. It is used to create a favourable mental picture of a product or firm consumers.

Comparative advertising compares one brand directly or indirectly with one or more competing brands. Companies using comparative advertising must be careful not to misinform the public about a competitor’s product.

Cooperative advertising is a system that allows two parties to share advertising costs. Manufacturers and distributors, because of their shared interest in selling the product, usually use this technique.

Catalogues, flyers, letters, and postcards are just a few of the direct-mail advertising options. Direct-mail advertising has several advantages, including detail of information, personalization, selectivity, and speed.

In informational advertising, which is used when a new product is first being introduced, the emphasis is on promoting the product name, benefits, and possible uses.

Outdoor Advertising includesbillboards and messages painted on the side of buildings. Ads placed on windows, vehicles, sidewalks, subway stations are also examples of outdoor media.

Persuasive advertising is used after a product has been introduced to customers. The primary goal this type of advertising is to build selective demand for the product.

Reminder advertising is used for products that have entered the mature stage of the product life cycle. The advertisements are simply designed to remind customers about the product and to maintain awareness.

Point-of-purchase advertising uses displays or other promotional items near the product that is being sold. The primary motivation is to attract customers to the display so that they will purchase the product. There are various types of point-of-purchase displays, including window displays, counter displays, floor stands display bins, banners of any kind, and all types of open and closed display cases.

Specialty ( or promotional) advertising is a form of sales promotion designed to increase public recognition of a company’s name. A company can have its name put on a variety of items, such as caps, glassware, gym bags, jackets, key chains, and pens. Most companies are successful in achieving their goals for increasing public recognition and sales through these efforts.

Advertising has a history of being considered a one-way form of marketing communication where the message receiver (i.e., target market) is not in position to immediately respond to the message (e.g., seek more information). Nowadays it is changing For example, in the next few years technologies will be readily available to enable a television viewer to click a button to request more details on a product seen on their favourite TV program. In fact, it is expected that over the next 10-20 years advertising will move away from a one-way communication model and become one that is highly interactive.

Another characteristic that may change as advertising evolves is the view that advertising does not stimulate immediate demand for the product advertised. That is, customers cannot quickly purchase a product they see advertised. But as more media outlets allow customers to interact with the messages being delivered the ability of advertising to quickly stimulate demand will improve.

Advertising is very important in tourist industry. Hospitality and tourism firms engage in a good deal of advertising. In fact, these firms are often at the forefront in terms of creativity and spending. As the marketing environment in which hospitality and tourism organizations operate becomes more competitive, the importance of advertising and other forms of promotion increases.

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