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Thus ended the struggle for legislation controlling interstate commerce in foods and drugs. It had been going on nearly a quarter of a century. In the beginning the efforts were feeble and attracted very little attention. As the work continued more and more interest was taken in the problem. Many of the state authorities were keenly alive to the importance of national legislation. They felt that without some rallying point their own efforts in individual states would be lacking in completeness. The state officials who were most active in this crusade were Ladd of North Dakota, Sheppard of South Dakota, Emery of Wisconsin, Bird of Michigan, Abbott of Texas, Frear of Pennsylvania, Barnard of Indiana, Hortvet of Minnesota, Allen of Kentucky, and Allen of North Carolina. Many other food officials were interested and helpful, but these were the outstanding members of the state food commissioners who took the most active part in the matter. All the great organized bodies interested in the health of the people, namely, the American Medical Association, the American Public Health Association, together with the Patrons of Husbandry, and the Federated Labor organizations of the country were actively engaged in promoting this measure. Perhaps the greatest and most forceful were the Federated Women's Clubs of America and the Consumers League, They took up the program with enthusiasm and great vigor. Two of the leaders of this movement were Mrs. Walter McNab Miller, representing the Federated Women's Clubs, and Miss Alice Lakey, representing the Consumers League. Their services were extremely valuable.

Militant Food Administrator of North Dakota, at Denver Convention

Representing Federated Women's Clubs

Representing the Consumers' League

Finally the movement received the approval of President Roosevelt in a one-line sentence in his message to Congress at the opening of the fifty-ninth Congress in December, 1905. The stage was set for action. The force of the movement had passed beyond all restraining influences. The opposition of the vested interests had lost all momentum. Victory was in the air. People talked about the food bill on the streets, discussed it in clubs, passed resolutions in favor of it in their meetings. It was evident the day of success so long looked for and so eagerly awaited was at hand. It remained only for the Congress of the United States to compose the differences between the Senate and the House bills and put the final touches on legislation. It was a foregone conclusion that a measure so popular and so universally acclaimed would receive without hesitation the approval of the President.

The bill passed the Senate February 21, 1906, yeas 63, nays 4. The House passed a similar bill June 23, 1906, yeas 241, nays 17. The conferees agreed soon thereafter and President Roosevelt signed the bill June 30, 1906.

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