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The Air navigation Commission shall be composed of twelve members appointed by the Council from among persons nominated by contracting states. These persons shall have suitable qualifications and experience in the science and practice of aeronautics. The President of the Air Navigation Commission shall be appointed by the 'Council.

The Air Navigation Commission shall:

a) consider, and recommend to the Council for adoption modifications of the Annexes to the Convention;

b) establish technical subcommissions on which any contracting State may berepresented, if it so desires;

c) advise the Council concerning the collection and communication to the Contracting States of all Information which it considers necessary and useful for the advancement of air navigation.

(Chicago Convention. Chapter X. Article 56)



Answer the following:

1 What are the functions of the Air Navigation Commission? 2. Who is the Air Navigation Commission composed of?

3. Who are the members and the president of the Commission appointed by?

4. What requirements should the members of the Air Navigation Com­mission meet?



- What regular publications in the air transport field are issued by the International Civil Aviation Organization?

- There are many of them: Manuals, Circulars, Council statements, Digests of Statistics, International Standards and Recommended Practices. All of them are issued on a regular basis.

- What information do they provide?

- They present the statistical information or guidance on such questions as airports and air navigation facility tariffs, air traffic forecasting techniques, taxation, and the like.

- Where do the initial data for such analysis come from?

They are received from Contracting States and contain all statistical information on their civil aviation activities.

- Such regional studies on the development of international air passenger, freight and mail traffic and specialized studies of a world-wide nature are of great help to ICAO member states, aren't they?

- Surely they are. Also of interest to Contracting States are reports of meetings in the air transport field, sessions and conferences on the economics of airports, airlines economic operations, etc, indicating the action taken by the Council on the meeting recommendations, many of which are addressed to Contracting States.

- Do fares and rate's represent an indication of the price paid by passengers and shippers?

- No they do not. They by no means should be confused with the actual revenue yield to the airline.

- And what in this case is the net yield'?

It is the amount of revenue received by the airline after payment of commissions to travel and cargo agents.

- And to freight forwarders who also are cargo agents?

Surely. And other selling and participating airlines, if any, should also receive their commissions.

- So, all that means that the net yield represents the net weighted average of all the revenue received by the carrier, after any perorations, from normal and special fares and rates, usually expressed on a unit basis, doesn't it?

- You are absolutely right.




Convey the gist of this conversation.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 484. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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