Студопедия — Match each word from column A (1-29) with its partner from column B (a-cc) to make a computing term definition from Basic English for Computing Units 19-20
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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника

Match each word from column A (1-29) with its partner from column B (a-cc) to make a computing term definition from Basic English for Computing Units 19-20

1 debug   a) a person who designs or modifies information systems to meet users requirements  
2 format   b) the common name for the Internet
3 dry run     c) a programming error that prevents a program from being converted into machine code by a compiler  
4 code     d) a programming mistake caused by the use of a sequence of instructions that are not logical  
5 compiler     e) to find and fix the faults in a program or system
6 branch     f) A set of programmed functions that are made available for use by any program  
7 system error     g) a person who writes computer programs
8 syntax error     h) a set of instructions written in a computer language that control the behavior of a computer/to write a set of instructions for controlling a computer using a computer language  
9 syntax checker     i) The arrangement of storage areas on a storage medium/to create storage areas on a storage medium  
10 procedure     j) a computer language used for coding computer programs
11 program     k) the process of writing a computer program using a computer language
12 programmer     l) a program that converts other programs into machine code line by line as the programs are being used  
13 programming     m) a computer language that uses a system of tags for creating web pages
14 programming language     n) a program written in a computer language/to write a program using a computer language  
15 logic error     o) A programming language closer to human language than low-level computer languages such as machine code or assembly language  
16 interpreter     p) a test of a program by checking through it on paper before running it on a computer  
17 high-level language     q) producing a program by assembling information collected from other sources  
18 Active Server page     r) a procedure, program or a package intended for fault or error detection in the system  
19 compilation error     s) a person who specializes in writing systems software, i.e. a program or set of programs that are used to control the basic functions of a computer system e.g. operating systems programs.  
20 HTML(hypertext markup language)     t) a programmed function that checks the spelling of text in a document
21library     u) a type of webpage that contains a script that is processed on a web server
22 Net     v) a point in a program or flowchart where there are two possible paths  
23 spelling checker     w) a part of a program that is repeated until a set condition occur
24 systems analyst x) A computer function used when writing programs that checks for mistakes in the vocabulary or punctuation of the program  
25 loop     y) a program error caused by a fault affecting the operating system, usually due to a hardware failure  
26 linking error     cc) A subsection of a high-level program designed to perform a particular function
27 compilation   ee) a program that converts the whole of a program into machine code before the program is used  
28 test     dd) a programming mistake caused by trying to use a function from a program library that is not available  
29 systems programmer     bb) a mistake in a program due to a wrong word or punctuation symbol being used


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