Студопедия — COMMENTARY. 1. He was connected with the Daily Thunderstorm
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COMMENTARY. 1. He was connected with the Daily Thunderstorm

1.... He was connected with the Daily Thunderstorm...

The Daily Thunderstorm is a jocular name given by Twain to the I newspaper the young man represented. The name of the paper is already its characterization. It contains a hint at the kind of easy sensational stuff that filled its pages.

2. "Hoping it's no harm, I've come to interview you." "Come to what?" "How do you spell it?" "Spell what?"

To express extreme surprise or disbelief part of the speaker's re­mark is re-addressed to him with the unbelievable section turned into the appropriate interrogative. This interrogative takes a heavy stress and a quickly rising intonation. This kind of response is known as a repeated question.

3. I was not feeling bright that morning.

Note the continuous form of the verb "to feel". When verbs of feeling and perception ("feel" is one of them) are used in the continuous form, which is not common, they indicate a passing state.

4. "I can tell you what it means, if you — if you — "Why, my friend, they wouldn't have a picture of it in even the latest e—"

Unfinished sentences form a peculiarity of spoken language. They reflect the flow of thought in conversation. Twain amply uses them for he aims at a very accurate reproduction of dialogic speech.

5. The story presents a sample of spoken English with its main peculiarities.

(a) Elliptical sentences:

...and much obliged to you... How old are you? Nineteen.

(b) Direct word order in interrogative sentences: He disappeared, then? He came to life again?

(c) Contractions:

I don't want to spell it... "But it's very old edition.

(d) Composite verbs: -

Will you let me ask you... Questions... to bring out the sa­lient points of your... history?...he got up and rode with the driver. [52]

(e) Ready-made formulas of agreement, disagreement, surprise, pleasure, apology, etc.: Hoping it's no harm. Why, certainly! Indeed! What! Impossible! Thank you for the compliment, as far as it goes.

(f) An abundant use of colloquialisms:

...my powers seemed a bit under a cloud. It is all the rage now. He was dead enough. He came to life again? I bet he didn't.

6. "I had the Unabridged, and I was ciphering, around in the back end, hoping I might tree her among the pictures."

The verb "tree" here means "to find", "to get hold of". The pronoun "her" stands for "interview" which is evidently treated here as a living being. The talk about "interview" is typical of Twain's comic art. We see here one of his devices which consists in Mentionally presenting his characters as imbeciles. '

7. "It must be very interesting." "...he must have been dead..."

In these sentences "must + infinitive" expresses supposition with which almost no doubt is mixed. When "must" is used with the perfect infinitive (see the "second example) the possibility is represented as past.

8. "It does seem curious, somehow."

Note the use of the verb "to do" in the affirmative sentence. It serves to express emphasis.

9. "I would give whole worlds to(know,"

It is a hyperbole typical of colloquial English,

Cf. "It's ages since we met", "That's heaps of time".

Hyperbole is an exaggerated statement. It-springs from highly emotional attitude of the speaker towards the subject discussed and presents a deliberate

Discussion of the text

1. In what key is the story written? Does it present a serious or a mocking account of the interview given by the author, to the newspaper man? Give, a general definition of the story.

2. Comment on the personality of the newspaper reporter. In what terms does the author describe him?

3. What newspaper did he represent? How does its name the "Daily Thunderstorm" contribute to the general tenor of the story? Is it a common name for a newspaper? Does it help us to a better, understanding of the author's irony? [53]

am me newspaper man give for interviewing the author? What are the connotations of the word "notorious"? How does it differ from the word "famous"? Is it suggestive of the author's atti­tude "towards the American Press? What tastes did it cater for—low or refined?

5. How does Mark Twain achieve a parody on the American Press, its ways, its shallowness, its vulgarity?

6. One of the devices characterizing Mark Twain's comic art is a pretence of imbecility. Find passages illustrative of this.

7. What other devices of creating a humorous effect could be found in the story—exaggerations, the contrast between the subject and style (a mock-serious manner of treating the most absurd notions, etc.)? Quote the text for illustrations.

8. What was the author's reaction to the remark of the interviewer "...you do not look as—as intelligent as I had expected you would"? Did he take offence or did he take it as a compliment? How does this absurd reaction contribute to the comic effect?

9. Where does the story reach its climax? Where is its absurdity at the apogee?

-10. Comment on the use of the word "defunct", which is a legal term. What effect does it create in this context?

11. Note the reiteration of the words "remarkable" and "extraor­dinary" in the story. Is their use justified? Do they really qualify clever thoughts and ideas or do they refer to the most absurd notions ever expressed? What sides of the interview do they help to bring out?

12. Comment on the concluding lines. What could be said about the connotations of the Words "reverently" and "withdraw"? Are they in keeping with the nature of the scene described? Is their use in line with the other devices aimed at creating a comic effect?

13. Speak of the choice of vocabulary in the story. Comment on the use of vulgar colloquialisms side by side with sentimental turns of speech and high-flown words.

14. Speak of the syntax, paying attention to the peculiarities of spoken English.

15. Give a summary of your comments on the text.

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