Студопедия — Training for young leaders on human rights and peace education
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Training for young leaders on human rights and peace education

TC Key Action 1 Erasmus+

DATES:15th of May 2015 (Arrival day) 23rd of May2015 (Departure day)

PLACE:Poggio Mirteto - Italy (about 45 km northeast of Rome)


PARTICIPANTS: 2 for every EU organisation, 3 for every Eastern Europe and Caucasus region organisation


AGE: 18 +


TARGET GROUP: youth leaders, peer educators and volunteers active at local and international level, with past experience in active citizenship, voluntary service and human rights. Participants should have taken part in workcamps, youth exchanges and/or other voluntary service projects, should be interested in group dynamics, intercultural learning and having express their interest in leading the workcamps and the voluntary service projects that will be implemented by their sending organisation during summer and winter time.

- Peace Education and Human Rights
- Voluntary service
- Active citizenship


PROJECT AIM: The project aims to provide the involved participants with new interactive tools to manage international groups involved in short term voluntary service projects and workcamps.

For this reason the training will have specific focus on the different working methods that can be used within the non formal education framework so as to train new youth leaders, peer educators and active volunteers about group dynamics, active participation, learning assessment and conflict management.

Furthermore the project will have a specific focus on peace education and human rights and on International Voluntary Service movement, as a tool to promote them.

The last day of the training there will be a final event: the international participants will meet and train a group of Italian camp leaders and youth leaders about team building, Intercultural learning - ICL, group dynamics, peace, conflict management and human rights, using non formal education working methods.

METHODOLOGIES: during the training an interactive methodology, based on the principles of non formal education, will be proposed (techniques like ice breakers, team building activities, energisers, role play games, will be used). The aim is to encourage the active involvement of participants, to support a permanent sharing and to facilitate the mutual exchange of experiences and knowledge.

In each activity, a “peer to peer” approach will be actively encouraged: trainers and participants will share tools in a horizontal manner in order to guarantee the different learning approaches.

PREPARATORY WORK: before the training participants will be invited to do some preparatory work: they have to bring a presentation concerning human rights and peace education projects in their countries.

Accommodation:participants will sleep in dormitories and shared rooms with bunk beds (6 to 10 beds), with shared bathrooms, hot showers and a kitchen. All facilities are provided except washing machine.

Food: Catering service will be provided for lunch and dinner. The group will prepare breakfast and coffee breaks.

Participants will be asked to carry out the daily maintenance tasks, such as cleaning the common spaces and giving a hand in the kitchen (cleaning dishes, set the table, etc.).



During the training, the official language is English.



100% food and lodgement covered by the project

Visa Costs: Max 100 euro per participant.

Invitation documents for participants from non-EU countries are provided.

About the travel reimbursement:

Travel costs are anticipated by the participants and will be refunded at the end of the project.

The travel costs of the participants will be partially or entirely covered, depending of the amount you paid. The contribution to the travel costs is calculated according to the distance between the place of origin of the group (location of the sending organisation) and the venue.

The amounts are fixed according to the distance calculator and the flat rate of the ERASMUS + programme.

NOTE: we will refund after the end of the project as soon as we receive all the travel documents in original and as soon as we will receive the first instalment from Italian National Agency.

Please note the price includes the tickets return (flight + train + bus) second class travels.

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