Студопедия — Exhibit A. Please indicate your acceptance and agreement by signing in the space herein below provided.
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Exhibit A. Please indicate your acceptance and agreement by signing in the space herein below provided.

Please indicate your acceptance and agreement by signing in the space herein below provided.

17. While I am under contract, I must maintain that my weight and parameter remain at the appropriately level for me to productively undertake modeling work; I will not go over ____ Kg in weight and will remain within the parameters for chest, waist and hips at ____ _____ ____ respectively. Failure to do so, will result in termination of contract and a deduction of payment for work so far to cover loos incurred.

Model Printed Name:

Model Mailing Address:



Model Passport Country & Number:



Model Date of Birth:


Agreed and Accepted:

Gemfinders limited


DATE: _______________________, 2013

Agreed and Accepted:

PRINTED Name of Model:


DATE: _______________________, 2013

Exhibit A


I. Advances

A. When a model performs services for a client, she/he is required to provide written confirmation signed by the client in order to obtain an advance. This confirmation must be submitted to Gemfinders in order to receive an advance with respect to the account receivable from this assignment.


B. Gemfinders reserves the right not to advance monies with respect to any model’s accounts receivable. Gemfinders will not make advances against accounts receivable for: runway assignments, cancellation fees, expenses (such as cabs, airfare, hotel charges, etc), overtime, usage fees or from clients who have filed for bankruptcy, have credit deemed questionable by Gemfinders (such determination to be within Gemfinders sole and absolute discretion), or are located outside the Ukraine.


C. If client pays the model in cash at the time of the assignment, the model is required to submit the entire amount received by the model to Gemfinders within 24 hours following the booking. Failure to do so will be considered a breach of contract.


D. Gemfinders will have the right to apply any monies received by a model against any amount owed by the model to Gemfinders under the model’s agreement with Gemfinders.


II Collections of Accounts Receivable

Gemfinders will make every effort to collect the accounts receivable of each model. An advance to a model with respect to an account receivable constitutes a debt of the model to Gemfinders for which the model is responsible for repayment should the client fail to timely pay. The model will be responsible for reimbursing Gemfinders the amount of an advance if an account receivable has not been collected within ninety (90) days or such longer times as has been agreed to by Gemfinders in writing. The model will be responsible to pay directly or reimburse Gemfinders _ for collection agencies or law firms engaged to collect monies due the model, and any commissions due Gemfinders with respect to such monies will be taken only on the monies recovered net of the costs of collection. Gemfinders will notify the model of nonpayment by any client and will not retain any attorney or collection agency or incur any expenses for any collection agency or attorney without the model’s knowledge and consent.

III. Expenses


Under the model’s agreement with Gemfinders, certain expenses may be incurred by Gemfinder on behalf of the model. These expenses included, but are not limited to, airfare, housing, transportation, translation, housekeeper, laser printing copies, prints, composite cards, public relations and promotional packages. These expenses will be deducted from the calculation of the model’s 50% commission as the commission is a net commission amount.



V. Address

The model will be responsible to update the accounting department in writing of any changes to the mailing and contact address provided on the signature page to this Agreement.


VI. Agreement

This Exhibit is attached to and made an integral part of the Agreement between Gemfinders and the model, dated _____________________________.



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