Студопедия — Read the text and answer the questions below.
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Read the text and answer the questions below.


The life of teenagers is very interesting and many-sided. It is full of new acquaintances, discoveries and adventures. Most teens depend on their parents’ welfare. Of course, the children of rich parents have much more possibilities. They can not only visit different expensive cultural and educational events, wear fashionable clothes, but they can even study in the best universities and schools of the world. Most teenagers worry a lot about the clothes they wear. A lot of them “decorate” themselves with tattoos, earrings and piercing. At the same time the life of a typical teenager is not easy. Teenagers have a lot of problems to solve. They need attention and understanding which adults cannot always provide them with. Lack of experience and attention leads to smoking, drinking alcohol, taking drugs, teenage pregnancy and violence in schools and streets. Very often teens get influenced by bad companies and become the members of gangs. Not only parents and teachers should take care of young people, but the society in general is responsible for teenagers because they are our future.


1) What is the life of teenagers like? Why?

2) What are most teens depend on?

3) What teens have more possibilities? Why?

4) What do teenagers worry about (especially girls)?

5) Why is life of teens not easy?

6) What do teenagers lack?

7) What does lack of experience and attention lead to?

8) Why do many teens become members of gangs?

9) Who should take care of young people?


7. Don’t look into the text. Finish the sentences:

1. The life of teenagers is … 2. The children of rich parents … 3. Most teens depend on … 4. Many teenagers worry about … 5. The life of teens isn’t … 6. Lack of experience and attention leads to … 7. Parents, teachers, and all society should … 8. Teenagers are our …


8. Here are two fabulous teen poems. One is about boys, one is about girls. Do you agree with the poems? Tick which lines in the poems you agree or disagree. Compare with your deskmate’s notes.

Lads like football, lads like cars, Girls are sugar, girls are spicy,

Lads like hanging round in bars. Girls like trainers that are pricey.

Lads cannot start conversations, Girls like pink and fluffy stuff,

Lads hang in gangs in railway stations, Girls are sweet and don’t act tough.

Lads show off by acting tough. Girls wear high-rise, platform heels,

And don’t know when they’ve drunk enough, Girls theorize on how love feels.

Lads like playing contact sport, Girls like boys, and girls like dates,

And wear the socks their mothers bought. Girls like shopping with their mates.

Lads play rugby, lads play pool, Girls keep secrets from their mums,

But often don’t do well at school. And like to eye up cute boys’ bums.

Lads wear T-shirts when it’s chilly Girls like talk that lays souls bare,

With no idea that they look silly. Girls like to style each other’ hair.

Lads can’t cook and lads can’t sew, Girls compare who they have kissed,

They’d rather sit and watch grass grow. Girls can wound without their fist.

Lads, you know, are king-sized rats Girls read books about romance,

However I can tell you that’s and step round handbags when they dance.

A load of rubbish from where I’m sitting But this girl thinks this list is barmy,

‘Cos I’m a lad who’s into knitting! ‘Cos she’s just off to join the army!


9. Discuss in class:

1) Do boys or girls mature (дорослішають) faster?

2) Do girls worry about their appearance more?

3) What can boys do better than girls?

4) Do you act differently when you are with boys / girls?

5) Are boys more practical than girls?

6) What can girls do better than boys?

7) Do you think there are some jobs which women or men should not do?

8) When you are married, will you share the housework with your husband / wife?

9) Do parents treat sons and daughters differently?

10) Are girls more sensitive than boys?

11) Do girls gossip more than boys?

12) What annoys you about boys / girls?

13) Will you marry?


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 554. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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