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Am I



Is he

It work ing?


Are we



▲1. Write verbs in Present Progressive Tense.

Do Wait

Drink Swim

Play run

Eat Wear

Sit Cook

Listen Read

Go Write

Help Sleep


▲2.Open the brackets:

1. He (to write) a letter to his aunt now.

2. You (to go) shopping now.

3. Her grandmother (to have) supper now.

4. She (to play) with her toys now.

5. My little sister (to have) dinner now.

6. I (to wash) hands now.

7. Lizz (to dress) now.

8. We (to watch) TV now.

9. My brother (to go) for a walk now.

10. He (to do) his homework now.

11. Her friends (to take) a shower now.

12. My father (to play) table tennis now.

13. My friends (to write) a letter to his grandmother now.

14. Den (to read) a book now.

15. We (to dance) in the room now.

16. Mary and Nelly (to sit) by the fireplace now.

17. We (to run) now.

18. My mother (to cook) now.

19. Grandmother (to read) newspaper now.


▲3.Fill “is” or “are”.

1. – Molly cleaning the car near the house now?

2. – they learning a dialogue now?

3. – he having a history lesson now?

4. –Andy speaking German now?

5. – our grandmother cutting the grass in the garden now?

6. – she driving a new car now?

7. – the girls sweeping the floor now?

8. – they translating from German into Italian now?

9. – Sue walking across the street now?

10. – Granny singing a folk song now?

11. – they going to school now?

12. – Jack sleeping on the sofa now?

13. – Pussy drinking milk now?

14. – we listening to the opera now?


▲4. Make up sentences:

1.He am leaving tomorrow

2. My father is sitting here now

3. Alice and Helen are not packing their luggage now

4. I is reading newspaper now

5. We are going to our room now

6. A chambermaid is being ironed at this moment

7. My dress is cleaning my suit at the present moment


▲5.Write the sentences in negative form.

1. She is watching TV at this moment.

2. They are playing football now.

3. Mary is sleeping now.

4. We are listening to the stereo.

5. They are talking to my friend.

6. You are listening to the radio.

7. He is having breakfast at this moment.

8. They are walking now.

9. I am studying.

10. You are eating now.

11. We are drinking coffee.

12. Michael is holding a book in his hand.

13. His friend is playing volley-ball.

14. I am planting trees.

15. She is explaining a grammar-rule.


▲6.Translate sentences into English.

1. Подивись у вікно! Іде дощ.

2. Дідусь слухає новини.

3. Вони ідуть до школи.

4. Вона вчить вірш.

5. Моя сім’я сидить за столом.

6. Моя мама не готує обід зараз.

7. Учні пишуть диктант зараз.

8. Мій брат зараз обідає.

9. Ми зараз снідаємо.

10. Пітер і Оксана зараз розмовляють.

11. Вони йдуть зараз на пляж.

12. Моя бабуся сидить зараз у саду.


▲7.Translate into Ukraine.

1. May I take your pen?

2. We can to buy ice-creams.

3. Can you phone to my granny?

4. She must be at home now.

5. You must not touch this cat.

6. They can not leave me in this street.

7. I see you can’t do this exercise. I can help you.

8. She must to speech with my sister today.

9. They must help about the house on Saturday.

10. You must clean your teeth every day.


▲8.Put the verbs into the Present Simple or Present Progressive.


They (to be) a family of four. They (to be) a mother, father and two sons. The son’s name (to be) Ted and Ben. Mother (to cook) pancakes in the kitchen now. They (to like) to eat pancakes with jam for breakfast. Father (to take) a dog for a walk now. Usually the boys (to take) a dog for a walk. But on Sunday father (not to go) to work and he (to do) it. Ted (to do) morning exercises now. He (to want) to be a sportsman. Ben (to take) a shower now. He (to take) a shower with cold and warm water twice a day. It (to be) nine o’clock. But the boys (not to go) to school now. On Sunday they (not to go) to school.


▲9.Answer the questions:

1. What mother (to do) now?

2. Where she (to cook) now?

3. What she (to cook) now?

4. What father (to do) now?

5. Who usually (to take) a dog for a walk?

6. Father (to go) to work on Sunday?

7. What the boys (to do) now?

8. What Ted (to want) to be?

9. How often he (to do) his morning exercises?

10. How often Ben (to take) a shower?

11. When the boys (not to go) to school?




Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 719. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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