Студопедия — Прочтите ипереведите текст А.
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Прочтите ипереведите текст А.

2. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова:
employment, conditions, level, deal, defining, confidence,
functions, withdraw, upwards, causes, income

3. There are several ways of... inflation.

4. Inflation is a situation in which the general price... is
persistently moving....

5. Under... of hyperinflation people lose... in the cur­
rency's ability to carry out its....

6. The only possible cause of action was to... currency.

7. Price controls do not... with the... of inflation.

8. This time of inflation is usually associated with the
conditions of full....

9. Exports generate... at home but reduce home supplies.

3. Найдите синонимы среди следующих слов:

type, steady, level, runaway, rise, standard, expense, medi­um, cause, confidence, replace, attempt, rate, constant, kind, galloping, means, reason, trust, change, try, total, increase, lead to, aggregate, achieve, result in, generate, reach, produce, reduce, tempo, decrease, expenditure

4. Найдите антонимы среди следующих слов:

rise, lose, fixed, excess, growth, private, income, fall, find, decline, flexible, deficiency, expenditure, public

5. Образуйте антонимы от следующих слов:

decrease, upwards, post-war, acceptable, employment, possible

6. Переведите следующие сочетания слов:

постоянный рост, общий уровень иен, с феноме­нальной скоростью, довоенный уровень, в услови­ях гиперинфляции, выполнять свои функции, единственно возможный способ действий, потеря доверия, причина инфляции, в виде черных рын­ков, ползучая инфляция, национальные ресурсы, темп капитал она копления, частные сбережения, внутренний рынок, уровень инфляции.

7. Образуйте 3 формы от следующих глаголов:

refer, pay, withdraw, lose, rise, reach, lead, arise, absorb, fall, send

8. Составьте предложения, используя следующие

1. are, ways, several, there, of, inflation, defining.

2. controls, deal, not, price, do, the, with, causes, of,

3. inflationary, they, because, exports, are, home,
reduce, supplies.

4. steady, to, a, inflation, refers, increase, of, money,
the, supply, in.

5. an, extreme, inflation, of, form, in, at, rate, prices, a,
phenomenal, rise.

6. in, this, Germany, 1923, kind, experienced, inflation, of.

9. Заполните пропуски предлогами:

1. It seems best, however, to define inflation... terms...
its basic symptoms-rising prices.

2. Inflation is a situation... which the general price is
persistently moving upwards.

3. Towards the end... 1923, paper money was losing half
or more... its value... one hour.

4.... conditions of hyperinflation people lose confi­
dence... the currency's ability to carry... its func­

5. This is creeping inflation where the general price
level rises... at an annual rate... 1 and 6 percent.

10. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам:

1. In some contexts inflation refers to a steady increase
in the supply of money

2. In an extreme form of inflation, prices rise at a phe­
nomenal rate.

3. Germany experienced this kind of inflation in 1923.

4. By the end of that year prices were one million times
greater then
their pre-war level.

5. Towards the end of 1923, wages were paid daily.

11. Заполните пропуски, используя в нужной форме глаголы,данные в скобках:

1. Other commodities, such as cigarettes,... (to use) as

2. So great... (to be) the logs of confidence in Hungary
that the new currency had... (to give) a new name.

3. Another type of inflation... (to describe) as sup­
pressed inflation.

4. The effect on prices... (to minimise) by the use of
such devices as price controls and rationing.

5. The most common type of inflation is that... (to
experience) since the war in Britain.

6. The causes of inflation may... (to classify) as
demand-pull or cost-push.

7. Demand inflation may... (to define) as a situation
where aggregate demand persistently... (to exceed)
aggregate supply at current prices so that the prices...
(to pull) upwards.

8. This type of inflation... (to associate) with conditions
of full employment.


9. If there are unemployed resources available, an
increase in demand can... (to meet) by bringing
these resources into employment.

10. If the total demand for goods and services continues
... (to increase), a full employment situation... (to

11. In order... (to increase) the rate of capital accumu­
lation, resources will have... (to transfer) from the
production of consumer goods to the production of
capital goods.

12. Even when the additional government spending... (to finance) from the taxation the effect may still... (to be) inflationary.

12. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. How can inflation be defined?

2. What is hyperinflation?

3. What happens under conditions of hyperinflation?

4. What is the only possible course of action when money
becomes unacceptable as a medium of exchange?

5. What is suppressed inflation?

6. How can you characterise creeping inflation?

7. How are the causes of inflation usually classified?

8. How may demand inflation be defined?

9. What is demand inflation usually associated with?


10. When may a situation of excess demand arise?

11. Why are exports inflationary?

12. When may demand inflation develop?

13. Перескажите текст "Types of Inflation".

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