Студопедия — II. Answer the questions. 2) When was Kirov branch opened?
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II. Answer the questions. 2) When was Kirov branch opened?

1) Where do you study?

2) When was Kirov branch opened? What faculties were there at first?

3) How is the Institute characterized?

4) What specialists does the Institute train?

5) How many students are studying at the Institute nowadays?

6) What forms of studying are there exist?

7) What are the advantages of the extra-mural forms of studying?

8) What conditions for getting good education are there in Kirov branch?

9) How is the process of study organized in the Institute?

10) Where can the students continue their studies?


Тема №2

English Character

The representatives of one and the same nature have much in common. Thus we can speak about typical national character, which is influenced with many factors.

Great Britain is an island separated from the European continent so its geographical situation and climate influence its inhabitants. The most striking features of English life are the self-discipline and courtesy of people of all classes. Englishmen are naturally polite and are never tired in saying “Thank you”, “I’m sorry”. But the English people have also been known as superior, snobbish and unsociable.

The British have a strong sense of being different from others. They keep up the left side of the road and use double-deckers. They stick to their own measurement system and continue to measure distances in miles (not kilometers) and yards (not metres). They buy cheese in pounds and ounces, milk in pints, petrol in gallons.

English people don’t like to display their emotions even in dangerous and tragic situations. The Englishman prefers his own house to an apartment in a block of flats because he doesn’t wish to be overlooked by his neighbours. They say ”An Englishman’s house is his castle”.

They are rather conservative in many ways. They love familiar things. They keep old traditions. The Britons are practical and realistic. English people are famous for their sense of humor which one can find in numerous limericks, jokes, nursery rhymes and tongue twisters.

English people show great love for animals. Pet dogs, cats, canaries and many other animals have good life in Britain.


Find the equivalents of the following words:

представители одной национальности; имеют много общего; влияют многие факторы; остров б, отделённый от европейского континента; влияет на его жителей; самые удивительные черты; самодисциплина и учтивость; вежливы от природы; никогда не устают говорить; высокомерный, необщительный; чувство того, что они не такие как другие; придерживаются левой стороны дороги; двухэтажный автобус; придерживаются собственной системы мер; измеряют расстояние; в милях (1609м) и ярдах (914,4 мм); в фунтах (453,6 г) и унциях (28,3 г); пинта (0,57 л); галлон (4,54 л); проявлять эмоции; предпочитает собственный дом квартире; не желает, чтобы за ним наблюдали соседи; любят знакомые вещи; хранят традиции; известны своим чувством юмора


Answer the questions:

What factors influence the character of the English?

What are the most striking features of English life?

What positive trends of character do the English possess?

What negative features do they have?

How is the British sense of being different from others displayed in everyday life?

What is the correlation of some English measures and traditionally adopted ones in Europe?

7. Do English people like to display their emotions?

8. Why do they prefer a separate house to a department in a block of flats?

9. What proverb proves the Englishman’s love to his house?

Where one can find the evidences of the British sense of humor?

Do the English show the great love for animals?


8 семестр

Тема №1



In Britain there are 12 national daily newspapers and most people read one of them every day. Daily newspapers are published on every day of the week except Sunday. Sunday newspapers are larger than daily newspapers. All the Sunday newspapers are national. Most national newspapers in Britain express a political opinion, most of them right wing, and people choose the newspaper that they read according to their own political beliefs.

British newspapers can be divided into two groups: quality and popular. The quality newspapers are «The Times», «The Independent», «The Guardian», «The Financial Times» and «The Daily Telegraph». This press is more serious and covers home and foreign news.

The popular newspapers or «tabloids», so called because of their smaller size are «The Daily Mail», «The Daily Express», «The Daily Mirror», «The Sun» and «The Daily Star». They like shocking, personal stories. They concentrate on more emotive reporting of stories, featuring violence, the life of the Royal Family, film and pop stars, and sport. They aim to entertain readers rather than inform them. The tabloid press is much more popular than the quality press.

In some countries, newspapers are owned by government or by political parties. But in Britain newspapers are mostly owned by individuals or by publishing companies, and the editors of the papers are usually allowed considerable freedom of expression. It does not mean that the newspapers are without political bias. Papers like «The Daily Telegraph», «The Daily Express» and «The Sun», for example, usually reflect conservative opinions in their comment and reporting, while «The Daily Mirror» and «The Guardian» have a more left wing bias.

Apart from London-based papers, there are many local newspapers. Most of these are evening papers. Besides, nearly every area in Britain has one or more local newspapers.

It won't be a mistake to say that the British are one of the biggest newspaper-reading nations in the world.

Give English equivalents:

национальная газета; выражать политические взгляды; исходя из собственных политических убеждений; освещать внутренние и внешние новости; шокирующие и частные истории; показывать насилие; стремиться развлечь читателей; принадлежать правительству или политической партии; значительная свобода слова; газеты Лондона; можно с уверенностью сказать, что.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-12; просмотров: 360. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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