Студопедия — MANY, MUCH, FEW, LITTLE
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There is much много употребляются с неисчис­ляемыми существитель­ными
little мало
a little немного
There are many много употребляются с исчис­ляемыми существитель­ными
few мало
a few несколько
There is / are a lot много употребляются с неисчис­ляемыми и с исчисляе­мыми существительными


I. Translate into English


Много Комнат, работы, воздуха, таблеток, лет, музыки, шприцов, молока, воды, дней, чая, бумаги, масла, студентов, денег
Мало Сока, книг, света, больниц, окон, деревьев, цветов, дождя, друзей, сахара, игрушек, иголок, времени, кофе, фильмов, болезней, рублей
Немного / несколько Минут, воды, песен, денег, фруктов, денег, человек, пациентов, травы, удачи, счастья, сыра, ложек, работы, машин, соли, сахара, поликлиник.


II. Ask questions using there is / are. Give the answers

Question: - Is there a blackboard on the wall?

(Are, were, was, will be)

Answer: Yes, there is. There is one blackboard on the wall


Many hospitals in Gomel; many departments at the Gomel Medical University; much homework to do, a lot of students in the group; many professors at the Chair of Anatomy, hard-working students in the group, a lot of sportsmen among your fellow students?


III. Choose the necessary word


1. ___ there a TV-set in the hostel? (will be, is, are)

2. There ___ much light in this room (were, is, am)

3. There __ a few patients at the hospital yesterday. (are, was, were)

4. There ___ several departments at the Gomel Medical University in the nearest future (was, will, be, are)

5. There ___ a lot of applications for admission to our University every year. (was, are, is)

6. There ___ one more subject to learn in the curriculum next year. (will be, are, were)


IV. Answer the questions

1. How many teeth are there in a mouth?

2. What was there in the consulting room?

3. Is there a canteen at the disposal of our students?

4. Will there be a big stadium or a large park here in a year?

5. What will there be instead of an old laboratory?

6. Is there the liver in the abdomen?

7. How many fingers are there on the hand?

V. Choose between to be and there is / are


1. She ___ a doctor. (+, -,?)

2. ___ two Medical Schools in our city. (-,?)

3. The Chair of Anatomy ___ large. (-,?)

4. The heart ___ in the chest. (+,?)

5. ___ a heart in the chest (+,?)

6. The head, the trunk and the limbs ___ the parts of the body. (+,?)

7. ___ many teeth in the mouth. (+,?)

VI. Make up the sentences using the given words


There is/are How many What Where
1. ___ 2. ___ 3. ___ 4. ___ 5. ___ 6. ___ 7. ___ 8. ___ much 1 and 1 chin fingers lungs hair tongue teeth thumb gall-bladder and bladder on the face on one hand in the chest on the skull in the mouth in the mouth on one hand in the abdomen

VII. Make up sentences of your own using “There is nothing like +noun” (нетничеголучше, чем)

Model: There is nothing like fresh air.

Нет ничего лучше, чем свежий воздух.


An interesting book; a glass of tea in the morning; fruits for supper; cold shower; frosty weather; etc.


VIII. Find the Russian equivalents of the following proverbs. Read them several times and try to remember them.

1. There is no use crying over spilt milk.

2. There is a black sheep in every flock.

3. There is no rose without a thorn.

4. There is many a slip between the cup and the lip.

IX. Put questions to the underlined words, beginning with “how much” or “how many”


1. There are 45 students in the reading hall now.

2. There were 3 articles in the yesterday’s medical newspaper.

3. There will be 4 entrance examinations next year.

4. There are only a few laboratories at the disposal of our students.

5. There will be much noise in the room when the equipment starts operating.

6. There were a lot of ways of expressing the same idea.

7. There are 365 or 366 days in a year.

8. There will be a single mistake in your test.

X. Put in “many, few, a few, much, a little, little”


1. How ___ students are there in your group?

2. The skeleton consists of ___ bones.

3. The students have to read ___ books.

4. Only ___ of us know English well.

5. How ___ new words did you learn?

6. The nurse took only ___ blood for the test.

7. There were too ___ young men who wanted to enter the Gomel Medical University.

8. The first year curriculum includes only ___ subjects in Medicine.


XI. Make up sentences of your own; use a few, a little, little

Model 1. I have little money in my purse. (coffee, chalk, milk, spare time, meat).

Model 2. There is a little dust on the carpet. (jam, grass, milk, snow, fresh air).

Model 3. There are few pictures on the wall. (cars, students, patients, stamps, coins).

Model 4. I have got a few English dictionaries. (German newspapers, French books, video tapes; nice pictures, scientific journals).


XII. Express the same idea in different words. Use “few, little” in your sentences

Model: There isn’t much fresh air in the room.

There is little fresh air in the room.

1. They haven’t got many oranges and apples for the children.

2. There isn’t a lot of snow in Yalta in winter.

3. There aren’t many books on Biology in our library.

4. There weren’t many guests at the party last night.

5. Not many students of our group know English well.

6. There isn’t much he can do to help his friend.

7. Bill can’t spend much time on his classes.

8. There isn’t much noise in the reading hall.


XIII. Translate the words in brackets into English

1. There are (мало) sunny days in January.

2. After (несколько) minutes every thing was ready.

3. There is (много) ink in the inkstand.

4. (Много) Universities have got their own computer centres.

5. She usually drinks (мало) coffee.

6. There are (несколько) patients in the ward.

7. Bob knows more than Henry, but it doesn’t mean that he knows (много).

8. Have you got (много) questions to ask?

9. Every week Bob spends (немного) time in the swimming pool.

10. There are (несколько) mistakes in your grammar test.

11. There is (немного) blood for the analysis.

12. She takes (несколько) tablets after meals.

13. (Мало) students in our group have good eyesight.

14. There isn’t (много) cotton in the box.

15. She has got (много) Russian, but (мало) English books.

XIV. Translate from Russian into English

1. В Гомеле есть медицинский университет.

2. В Гомельском медицинском университете имеется четыре факультета.

3. На факультете есть много различных кафедр.

4. На кафедре физики есть много компьютеров.

5. Здесь будет много различных лабораторий.

6. Читальный зал, библиотека, спортзал, столовая находятся в распоряжении студентов.

7. Только несколько человек в группе знает французский язык.

8. На кафедре иностранных языков имеются медицинские газеты и журналы, книги, учебники, словари и магнитофоны.

9. Студенты задали лектору много вопросов.

10. В нашей библиотеке есть немного книг об искусстве.

11. Она любит, когда в комнате мало света.

12. Пациент хочет пить. Дайте ему немного воды, пожалуйста.

13. На этой улице была школа, когда я приехал?

14. Сколько статей будет в этом журнале? – Там будет несколько статей.

15. В этом уроке нет новых слов.

XV. Put in “many, few, a few, much, a little, little”

1. Let’s stay in this museum ___ longer: it is such a nice place.

2. There were ___ new words in the text and Alice spent ___ time learning them.

3. I’d like to say ___ words about my journey.

4. Shall I bring ___ more paper? – No, thank you. There is ___ paper on the table. I hope that it will be enough for our lesson.

5. If you have ___ spare time, look through this book. You will find ___ interesting stories there.

6. We met ___ famous scientists at the conference.

7. Have you got ___ friends abroad?

8. The nurse gave the patient only ___ water.

9. My friend knows Spanish ___ but she can help you with the translation of this poem.



Глагол to have выражает значения иметь, обладать, владеть


Утверди­тельная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма
I have I have not     или I have no Have I a book?
He has He has not He has no Has he a book?
She has She has not She has no Has she a book?
It has It has not It has no Has it a book?
We have We have not We have no Have we books?
You have You have not You have no Have you books?
They have They have not They have no Have they books?


Примеры: I have a good watch.

He had a large library.

We shall soon have a new TV set.

She always has a lot of work to do.


Если речь идет о постоянном наличии какого-либо предмета, явления или состояния, то вопросительная и отрицательная формы глагола to have образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола to do:

Do you have a large library? - No, I do not have a large library.

Does she always have much work to do? - She does not always have much work to do.


Если речь идет о единичном, конкретном случае наличие данного предмета, явления или состояния, то вопросительная, отрицательная формы глагола to have образуются постановкой глагола have в соответствующей форме перед подлежащим.

Have you time for a game of football?

I haven’t my watch with me today.


Однако чаще для выражения этого значения употребляется оборот have (has) got.

Глагол to have употребляется в сочетании с некоторыми существительными, утрачивая свое основное значение иметь, обладать и образуя с ними смысловое целое. К таким сочетаниям относятся:


to have dinner обедать
to have supper ужинать
to have a walk погулять
to have breakfast завтракать
to have a rest отдыхать
to have classes заниматься


В этих случаях вопросительная и отрицательная форма глагола to have в Present и Past Indefinite образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to do:

When do you have dinner?

Did you have a good rest last summer?

We didn’t have supper at home yesterday.


Отрицательное предложение с глаголом to have может быть образовано при помощи отрицательного местоимения no - никакой, которое ставится чаще всего перед неисчисляемым существительным. В этом случае глагол to have стоит в утвердительной форме.

Why didn’t you do it. I had no time.


2. В разговорной речи для выражения значения иметь, обладать в настоящем времени употребляется оборот have (has) got, который переводится на русский язык у меня (у него и т.д.) есть.

I have got (I’ve got) a large library.

He has got (he’s got) a good dictionary.

They’ve got a lot of English textbooks.


Note: Оборот have (has) got употребляется только в настоящем времени.


Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма
I have got I haven’t got Have I got a pen?
He She has got It He She hasn’t got It he Has she got a pen? it
We You have got They We You haven’t got They we Have you got pens? they


Когда дополнение выражено личным местоимением, то в отрицательном предложении всегда употребляется:


I haven’t got it. У меня его (ее, этого) нет
He hasn’t got them. У него их нет


Вопросительная форма оборота have (has)got образуется путем постановки глагола have (has) перед подлежащим:

Has he got a good dictionary?

Have you got time for a game of football?

Have they got a large library?

Has she got a nice flat?


Отрицательная форма оборота have (has) got образуется при помощи отрицательной частицы, которая ставится после глагола have (has):

I have not (I haven’t got) a good friend.

He hasn’t got a good dictionary.

I haven’t got my watch with me today.

She hasn’t got much work to do today.




I. Translate the sentences into Russian


I have got many English books.

He has got good parents.

They have a lot of work to do.

Do you have your English on Monday?

Has he got a good mood today?

When did you have a rest?

She doesn’t have enough time to work hard at English Grammar.

Have you time for a game of chess?

I haven’t got an English dictionary.

We shall soon have a new tape-recorder.

He had dinner at 2 o’clock yesterday.


II. Answer the questions

Have you got an English dictionary?

How many English books have you got?

When did you have your supper yesterday?

Do you always have enough time for your rest?

Do you always have books to read in the evening?

How often do you have History (English)?

How often do you have a rest?

Have you got time for a game of football?

Have you an English text-book with you today?

When do you have your English classes?

How much work does she have as a rule?


III. Make the sentences negative and interrogative

His mother always has a lot of work to do.

I often have colds.

They had dinner after classes yesterday.

She had a lot of work to do last week.

Mary has got two sons.

My parents have got a lot of children.

She has got an English textbook with him today.

They have much work today.

We have classes every day.

Nick usually has dinner at 2 o’clock.

We had supper at 7 o’clock yesterday.


IV. Make your own sentences using the following words

Pattern 1: I’ve got a sister. I haven’t got a sister. Have you got a sister?


A wife, a family, an English (German) textbook, a briefcase, a white bag, a dog, skates, French magazines, a computer, friends.


Pattern 2: I have (had) an English lesson at 10 a.m.

Do (did) you have an English lesson at 10 a.m.

I don’t (didn’t) an English lesson at 10 a.m.

Is he having an English lesson now?


To have a rest, to have a talk, to have a walk, to have dinner, to have breakfast, to have classes.


Pattern 3: I’ve got (haven’t got) free time now.

I often have (don’t often have) free time.


Work, a cold, colds.


V. Open the brackets using the necessary form

I (have (has), have (has) got) a large family.

Jack (have (has), have (has) got) a lot of friends.

My friend (have (has), have (has) got) a lot of work every day.

We (have (has), have (has) got) much time for shopping today.

They usually (have (has), have (has) got) their supper at 7 o’clock.

My daughter usually (have (has), have (has) got) free time in the evening.

Jane (have (has), have (has) got) her textbooks with her today.

I (have (has), have (has) got) time to go to the cinema tonight.

My children often (have (has), have (has) got) colds.

Nick (have (has), have (has) got) a cold now.

Mary (have (has), have (has) got) a large library.


VI. Ask your friend

Есть ли у него собака.

Занимается ли он по субботам.

Есть ли у него время поиграть в шахматы сегодня вечером.

Много ли у него работы сегодня.

Когда он обычно завтракает.

Когда он обедал вчера.

Большая ли у него квартира.

Много ли у него друзей.

Будут ли у него занятия завтра.

Есть ли у него сестра (брат).

Есть ли у него английские книги.

Занимался ли он английским вчера.


VII. Translate into English

У меня нет ее адреса.

Вчера я поговорил с вашей сестрой.

У него есть очень интересные книги.

У нас завтра будет собрание.

Вы вчера обедали дома?

Есть ли у вас ручка?

У меня не было времени навестить его вчера.

У нас большая семья.

Вы занимались вчера?

В котором часу вы обычно завтракаете?

Мы занимаемся не каждый день.

У меня мало английских книг.

У вас большая библиотека?

Я гуляю в парке каждое воскресенье.

Сегодня у меня много свободного времени.

Обычно у моей матери много работы каждый день.

Я не ужинал дома вчера.

У моего друга много английских журналов и газет.

У меня нет таблеток от головной боли с собой.

Вы часто простужаетесь?

Мой друг простужен сейчас.

У вас вчера было много работы?









Дата добавления: 2015-09-18; просмотров: 395. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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