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Exercise 1. Read and translate the following verbs in the Past Indefinite Tense:


looked, worked, helped, talked, liked, hoped, missed,developed, stopped, noticed, discussed, danced, passed, 1 pronounced, practised, addressed, introduced, checked,! watched, wished.


lived, trained, used, studied, listened, turned, showed,! entered, answered, enjoyed, played, opened, loved, believed, 1 borrowed, occupied, described, continued, involved, ironed,! copied, married, changed, engaged, organized, specialized, realized.



decided, included, attended, depended, sounded, founded, mended, offended, attracted, wanted, consisted, instructed, directed, translated, devoted, expected, conducted, graduated, waited, insisted.

Exercise 2 Give three forms of the verbs:

Read -- Write --

Take – Give –

Drive – Have –

Be -- Go –

Come – Get –

Put -- Understand --

Make – Fall –

Feel – Awake –

Bring – Ring –

Sit – Set –

Think – Drink –

Find – Throw –

Hit – Hurt –

Buy – Cost—

Send – Say –

Tell – Speak –

Seek – Hear –

See – Win –

Ride – Catch –

Hide -- Let –

Burst –

Exercise 3. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative:

1. That afternoon Lily came home early from school


2. In three days Mr. Ruggles received an answer.


3. Mr. Watkins drove a lorry and took goods to Salthaven.


4. She found the key in its usual place.


5. Kate walked slowly home, wondering how to break the bad news.


6. Sunday passed peacefully.


7. Jim began to run.


8. Last August we found a blackbird's nest.


9. They accused him of spying. ________________________________________________

10. On her knee Mrs. Lawrence held a bright red handbag.


11. There was a long silence.


12. The sea was only two miles away.


Exercise 4 Use the verbs in the Past Indefinite Tense:A.

1. He ….. (to lose) his balance and …… (to fall). 2. Ann's grandfather …… (to found) his firm in 1901.3. Clearing out the room I …… (to find) these old letters. 4. The lion …….(to jump) and ……. (to spring) at her. 5.1 suddenly ……. (to see) a face in the window. 6. The train ……. (to start off) with a jerk 7. The police……… (to open) fire and (to wound) two criminals. 8. He ……. (to lie) there for an hour till someone finally …… (to hear) his cries for help. 9. We …… (to meet) last summer. 10. I …….. (to decide) to stay with my uncle until I …… (to find) a flat. 11.The critic ……. (to write) a very bad review of my play. 13. We ……. (to go) for a walk! every day before lunch. 14. It ……. (to happen) a long time ago.


Exercise 5 Use Present or Past Indefinite:A dolphin ……. (to look) like a big fish with a built-in smile. Actually dolphins …… (to belong) to the same group of living creatures that humans do: mammals. They ……. (to grow) larger than we do — up to ten feet long. They ……. (to live) in water but muse come to the surface to breathe. And though humans ……. (to consider) themselves the most intelligent of all mammals, dolphins may not be too far behind. A measure of a mammal's intelligence …… (to be) the ability to communicate. Dolphins …… (not to use) words in our sense, of course. Dolphin talk …… (to be) a variety of whistles, clicks and creaking sounds. But it ……. (to work). In one experiment, Dolphin A. was able to tell Dolphin B. which level to press if he …… (to want) a reward of fish. Only Dolphin A. …… (to know) the secret. There ……. (to be) no way for Dolphin B. to find out unless Dolphin A …… (to tell) him.

We ….. (not to know) if dolphins ….. (to call) one another by name as people do, but something similar….. (to seem) to be true. Each dolphin …… (to have) a whistling signal, different in tone and pattern from the signals of other dolphins.

(After "Dolphins " by A.H. Lehrer)

Exercise 6. Say a) what you did; b) what you didn't do yesterday, last night, three minutes ago, last week, a month ago, last year, five years ago, when you were a child.


Exercise 7. Translate into Russian:

1. Russia used to be a part of the USSR.


2. Eastern and Western Europe used to be hostile to each other.


3. Taiwan used to be a British colony. ______________________________________________

4. The old general used to be strong and healthy.


5. Michael used to be a policeman.

6. We used to meet once in a while in the library. ____________________________________________

7. He used to be our school headmaster. _________________________________________________

8. Her classmates used to call her "Fatty," because she used to be fat.


9. There used to be a village in this place. _________________________________________________

10. You used to give me flowers every day. ________________________________________________

11. He used to oversleep every morning. ___________________________________________________

12. Our family used to have lunch together.__________________________________________

Exercise 8. Translate into English:

1Вчера вечером я звонила своим друзьям в Лондон. 2. Он закончил университет три года тому назад. 1 3. Вчера она заходила к нам на минутку. 4. В понедельник она не приходила в институт. 5. Где ты купил этот словарь? 6. На прошлой неделе я получил от нее три письма. 7. Куда вы ездили в отпуск летом? 8. Мы ведь договаривались с вами о встрече в 10 часов? 9. Кто оставил эту записку? 10. Его рассказ не на всех произвел впечатление. 11. Сью и Дик впервые встретились во время летнего семестра. 12. Она не объяснила, почему изменила решение переехать в другой штат. 13. Доктор Джоунз получил Нобелевскую премию за заслуги в медицине. 14. Кто обучал вас английскому языку? 15. Когда вы были за рубежом в последний раз? 16. Мы нaдеялись достать билеты на семичасовой сеанс.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 1532. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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