Студопедия — The system of government
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The system of government

11. Explain: belief in federalism, federal system. Describe the powers the Constitution gives:
a) the national government;
b) the states.
12. Explain: belief in separation of powers.
a) What three functions does the government perform?
b) Identify: the system of checks and balances.
13. What important compromise was included in the Constitution to represent all states fairly?

14. The Legislative Branch. The House of Representatives. Read Article 1, Section 2 of the Constitution and describe:
a) election and term of members;
b) qualifications of a representative;
c) determining Representation
d) filling vacancies
c) powers of the House of Representatives not given to the Senate
15. The Senate. Read Article 1, Section 3 of the Constitution, Amendment 17and describe:
a) number, term and selection of members;
b) qualifications of a senator;
c) powers of the Senate;
d) elections and meetings (Article 1, Section 4;)

16. Methods of passing laws. Read Article 1, Section 7-8 and describe:
a) methods of passing laws;
b) powers of Congress.

17. The Executive Branch. Read Article 2 of the Constitution and describe:
a) the President’s term of office (Article 2, Section 1; Amendment 20, Section 1; Amendment 22);
b) the Electoral College;
c) qualifications of the President;
d) vacancies (Article 2, Section 1, Clause 6; Amendment 25)
d) powers and duties of the President.
18. The Judicial Branch. Read Article 3 of the Constitution and explain how the Judicial Branch is represented.

Building a strong new government
19. What three executive departments were set up during Washington’s presidency?
What did each of these departments do?
20. Identify: installments, funding measure, bonds, and excise tax.
21. Describe Hamilton’s five-part financial program.
22. How did the Whiskey Rebellion test the power of the new national government?

How political parties developed
23. Contrast Jefferson’s and Hamilton’s ideas about the national government and the Constitution.
24. What parties were founded by Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton?
25. Who was elected President in 1796? To what political party did he belong to?
26. Trace back the development of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.


1. Boyer S. Paul. United States History. Oxford University Press, 2001. - p. 51, 156 – 158, 244 -258

2. Fiedler E., Jansen R., Norman-Risch M. America in close-up. – Longman, 1996. - p. 142 - 151

3. Kalilova L. The USA: History and the Present. – M., 1999. - p. 68 – 72, 92 - 108

4. Nesterchuk G.V., Ivanova V.M. The USA and the Americans. – Minsk, 1998. - p. 78 – 104

5. O’Callaghan B. An Illustrated History of the USA. – Longman, 2004. - p. 32 – 35

6. Tokareva N., Peppard V. What it is like in the USA. – M., 2003. - p. 88 – 125

7. Sanford W.R. Basic Principles of American Government. – N.Y., 2002. - p.

8. Smith E. Duane. The Citizen and the Constitution – Washington, D.C., 2002. - p. 117 – 182

9. Wood L.C., Gabriel R.M. America, its People and Values. – USA, 2001. - p. 171 – 225, 229 - 246

10. Михайлов Н.Н., Михайлов М.Н. Лингвострановедение США = American Cultural Studies: учеб.для студентов филол.спец.вузов – М., Academia., 2010 – 10 штук

Seminar 3 (plan)

Theme: The Civil War (1861-1865)
The approach of the Civil War (1850-1861)

1. Identify: slave state, free state.
2. What serious problem arouse when Missouri asked to join the Union?
3. Explain the provisions of the Missouri Compromise.
4. Locate: Missouri, Missouri Compromise Line, 36030’, Main.
5. What states joined the Union as free states and as slave states?
6. What was the life of a slave like in the United States?
7. Identify: slave code, spirituals.
8. Why was it so difficult for slave uprising to succeed in the South?

How some Americans tried to end slavery
9. Identify: abolition movement.
10. Describe some ways abolitionists fought slavery.
11. What was the purpose of Fugitive Slave Laws and Personal Liberty Laws?
12. Prepare an oral report on what the life of slaves was like.

How slavery finally divided the nation
13.How did the North and the South try to solve the slavery problem?
14. Why did the addition of new territory to the United States during the mid-1800’s cause trouble over the issue of slavery?
15. Why did the Compromise on the issue of slavery become more difficult in the 1850’s? Which part of the Compromise was favorable to the South, to the North? Explain.
16. Locate: the Mexican Cession, Kansas Territory, Nebraska Territory.
17. How did the Kansas-Nebraska Act affect the Missouri Compromise?
18. What was the attitude of the South and the North to the Dred Scott decision?
19. How might you have felt about the decision in the Dred Scott case if you had been:
a) a slave, b) a slave owner, c) an abolitionist?
20. What were Lincoln’s ideas about slavery in the United States?
21. What impelled the Southern states to secede from the United States?
22. Draw the map of the United States. Use different colors to locate:
a) the Union, b) the Confederacy, c) the border states.

War aims of the South and the North. Their advantages
23. What were the war aims of the South and the North in the Civil War?
24. Which problem did President Lincoln think was more important, secession or slavery? Explain.
25. What advantages did the North have over the South and the South over the North?
26. Describe the four military objectives of the North.
27. Locate: Chattanooga, Richmond.

The Emancipation Proclamation
28. Why were no slaves freed by the Emancipation Proclamation? Why, then, was the document so important? Read the Emancipation proclamation and describe its parts.
29. Read Amendment 13 to the Constitution. Explain its significance.
30. How did the North bring about the defeat of the Confederacy?
31. Abraham Lincoln”. Explain his role in the history of the United States.
32. Prepare an oral report on:
a) the surrender at Appomattox;
b) Commander of all the Union Armies – General Ulysses Grant;

The Period of Reconstruction (1865-1877)

33. Identify: Reconstruction, freedmen, Freedmen’s Bureau, sharecroppers.
34. Describe Lincoln’s plan of Reconstruction.
35. Why did Radical Republicans oppose the Lincoln – Johnson plan for Reconstruction?
36. What was Congress’ plan for Reconstruction?
37. Explain: the Civil Rights Act.
38. Read Amendment 14. Describe the four main parts of it.
39. Read Amendment 15. Explain its significance.
40. What were some accomplishments of the Reconstruction governments in the South?
41. Why were such secret societies as the Ku Klux Klan formed? How did the government try to break the Klan’s power?
42. How did the Period of Reconstruction come to its end?
43. Prepare an oral report on:
a) the Ku Klux Klan and other secret societies;
b) hardships of the South after the war.


1. Boyer S. Paul. United States History. Oxford University Press, 2001. - p. 129 – 133, 700 -701
2. Kalilova L. The USA: History and the Present. – M., 1999. - p. 79 - 80
3. Kirshon J.W. Chronicle of America. – N.Y., 1998. - p. 337 - 397
4. Nesterchuk G.V., Ivanova V.M. The USA and the Americans. – Minsk, 1998. - p. 64 - 69
5. O’Callaghan B. An Illustrated History of the USA. – Longman, 2004 - p. 44 - 57
6. Tokareva N., Peppard V. What it is like in the USA. – M., 2003 - p. 64 - 70
7. Wood L.C., Gabriel R.M. America, its People and Values. – USA, 2001 - p. 417 - 471
8. http://usinfo.state.gov/products/pubs/history/toc/htm (an outline of American history)

9. www.usembassy.be/usa/usapolitical.htm (US Political system)

10. http://library.thinkquest.org/18802/usholi.htm (American holidays)



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