Студопедия — A Bit of Beef at the Picnic
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A Bit of Beef at the Picnic

Paul: Picnics! I detest picnics!

Kate: Paul, do stop grumbling and get the basket out of the car. We couldn't stay indoors today. It's beautiful!

Paul: I do like a proper Sunday dinner. What I like is roast pork with apple sauce and gravy, peas and carrots and cabbage, and treacle tart for pudding...

Kate: Here's a perfect spot! Spread the rug behind this bush. Good. Look, we've got brown bread and butter and pâté and cold chicken...

Paul: Blast! I'm sitting on an ant's nest! Picnics!

Kate: And the salad's got tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, cucumber, beetroot...

Paul: Rabbit food! Oh, for a plate of boiled beef and dumplings!

Kate: Oh dear! Paul, I do believe your bit of beef is coming this way! Isn't that a bull?

Exercise VI. Read the rhymes and learn them.

1. Apples, peaches, pears and plums

Tell me when your birthday comes.

2. One potato, two potatoes,

Three potatoes, four,

Five potatoes, six potatoes,

Seven potatoes more.

3. Two little sausages

Frying in a pan,

One went pop

And the other went bam!

4. Betty Batter bought some butter

But she said, "My butter's bitter.

If I put it in my batter,

It will make my batter bitter.

If I buy some better butter,

It'll make my batter better."

So she bought some better butter

And it made her batter better.

Exercise VII. Transcribe the proverbs and learn them.

1. Business before pleasure.

2. Betwixt and between.

3. Better be alone than in bad company.

4. Barking dogs seldom bite.

5. Praise is not pudding.

6. Practise what you preach.

Exercise VIII. Pronounce the following sentences with aspiration.

1. Пошла Поля полоть в поле.

2. Поля поле поливает, полет и перепалывает.

3. Папа Петру пирожок пек.

4. Петр Петрович Перепелович продал телку купил перепелку.

5. В пруду у Поликарпа плавали пять карпов.

6. У бабушки Богдана болит бок.

7. Борис, будешь банан?

8. Бей в барабаны, бей в барабаны быстрей.

UNIT 13. [t] - [d]

Exercise I. Read the following words paying special attention to correct pronunciation.

ı. [t]     2. [d]    
time what between do read rider
town late water day road ladder
torn night after dog side already
taxi port writer dreary old ready
telephone don't empty drab head Monday
trousers liked stool drive add holiday
tell hoped storm date afraid idea
twelve asked temptation daughter loaded lady
twenty passed Anthony dinner acted body
Theresa bite Chatham dirty waited study
Thames late Betty danger lived under

3. [t]-[d]

tie — die trunk — drunk time — dime set — said

mate — made ton — done mat — mad. bet — bed

heart — hard late — laid coat — code two — do torn — dawn

4. Silent t Silent d

christen chestnut han d some
listen Christmas han d kerchief
glisten exactly han d cuff
castle soften gran d mother
wrestle often gran d father
whistle mustn't We d nesday
cabaret ballet  

Exercise II. Read the following sense-groups, mind the rhythm and intonation.

(a) eight; to eight; a quarter to eight; till a quarter to eight; arrive till a quarter to eight; won't arrive till a quarter to eight; the train won't arrive till a quarter to eight.

b) concert; to the concert; straight to the concert; taxi straight to the concert; take a taxi straight to the concert; you'd better take a taxi straight to the concert.

Exercise III. Transcribe and intone the following sentences. Practise reading them in pairs.

[t] (a) 1. On the tip of your tongue.

2. Temptations are like tramps, let one in and he returns with his friends.

3. To fall between two stools.

4. Can he take out two books or ten books?

5. Don't take it to heart.

[d] (b) 1. Dan's Dad is a good driver.

2. Deidre is the dowdy daughter of the Duke of Dundas.

3. Deidre is dreaming a dreadful dream.

4. She dreams of her dear old darling Daddy, held deep down in a dark, dank, dirty dungeon, doomed to die on her wedding day.

[t] — [d] (c) 1. David and Daniel are two terrible twins.

2. Diana brought a tea tray with toasts, tarts and a pot of hot strong tea to tempt the twins.

3. Don't answer the telephone until I tell you to, Dick.

4. If at first you don't succeed, try, try and try again.

5. These trousers are tight. Why don't you try them, Dave?

6. It was at a minute or two to two that Dick Dandy was shot in the cabaret.

Exercise IV. Read the rhymes and learn them.

1. When a twister twisting would twist a twist,

For twisting a twist three twists he will twist,

But if one of the twists untwists from the twist,

The twist untwisting untwists the twist.

2. Never trouble trouble

Till trouble troubles you,

It only doubles trouble

And troubles others too.

3. If a doctor is doctoring a doctor, does the doctor doing the doctoring have to doctor the doctor the way the doctor being doctored wants to be doctored or does the doctor doctor the way he usually doctors?

Exercise V. Read the dialogues, mark the stresses and tunes. Learn them. Act out the dialogues.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 828. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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