Студопедия — Bilbo would have liked to say: “A warm bath and late breakfast on the lawn afterwards; ” but he thought it better to say nothing at all, and to let go his clutch just a tiny bit.
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Bilbo would have liked to say: “A warm bath and late breakfast on the lawn afterwards; ” but he thought it better to say nothing at all, and to let go his clutch just a tiny bit.

After a good while the eagles must have seen the point they were making for, even from their great height, for they began to go down circling round in great spirals. They did this for a long while, and at last the hobbit opened his eyes again. The earth was much nearer, and below them were trees that looked like oaks and elms, and wide grass lands, and a river running through it all. But cropping out of the ground, right in the path of the stream which looped itself about it, was a great rock, almost a hill of stone, like a last outpost of the distant mountains, or a huge piece cast miles into the plain by some giant among giants.

Quickly now to the top of this rock the eagles swooped one by one and set down their passengers.

“Farewell (прощайте)!” they cried (закричали они), “wherever you fare (куда бы вы ни путешествовали), till your eyries receive you at the journey’s end (пока не примет вас родное гнездо в конце путешествия)!” That is the polite thing to say among eagles (это вежливая форма среди орлов).

“May the wind under your wings (пусть ветер под вашими крыльями) bear you where the sun sails (отнесет вас туда, где плывет солнце) and the moon walks (и ступает луна), ” answered Gandalf (ответил Гэндальф), who knew the correct reply (который знал верный ответ). And so they parted (и таким образом они расстались). And though the lord of the eagles (и хотя повелитель орлов) became in after days the King of All Birds (стал в будущем Королем Всех Птиц; day — день) and wore a golden crown (и носил золотую корону; to wear (wore, worn)), and his fifteen chieftain’s golden collars (и свои пятнадцать золотых цепей вождя; collar — воротник; ожерелье) (made of the gold that the dwarves gave them (изготовленные из того золота, которое ему дали гномы)), Bilbo never saw them again (Бильбо никогда их больше не видел) — except high and far off in the battle of Five Armies (только высоко и далеко при битве Пяти Армий; except — за исключением, кроме). But as that comes in at the end of this tale (но так как она случится в конце этой истории; to come in — приходить, вступать) we will say no more about it just now (мы больше ничего не скажем о ней сейчас). There was a flat space (плоское пространство было) on the top of the hill of stone (на верхушке каменного холма) and a well worn path (и хорошо вытоптанная тропа; worn — изношенный, потертый) with many steps leading down it to the river (со множеством ступеней, ведущих вниз к реке), across which a ford of huge flat stones (через которую брод из огромных плоских камней) led to the grass-land beyond the stream (вел к пастбищу за речкой; to lead). There was a little cave (там была маленькая пещера) (a wholesome one with a pebbly floor (безопасная пещера, с покрытым галькой полом; pebble — галька, голыш, булыжник, гравий)) at the foot of the steps (у подножия ступенек) and near the end of the stony ford (и рядом с концом каменного брода). Here the party gathered (здесь вся компания и собралась) and discussed what was to be done (и обсуждала, что же надо делать /дальше/).

fare [feǝ] chieftain [ˈtʃi: ftǝn] collar [ˈkɔlǝ] wholesome [ˈhǝʋls (ǝ) m]

Farewell!” they cried, “wherever you fare, till your eyries receive you at the journey’s end!” That is the polite thing to say among eagles.

May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks, ” answered Gandalf, who knew the correct reply. And so they parted. And though the lord of the eagles became in after days the King of All Birds and wore a golden crown, and his fifteen chieftain’s golden collars (made of the gold that the dwarves gave them), Bilbo never saw them again — except high and far off in the battle of Five Armies. But as that comes in at the end of this tale we will say no more about it just now. There was a flat space on the top of the hill of stone and a well worn path with many steps leading down it to the river, across which a ford of huge flat stones led to the grass-land beyond the stream. There was a little cave (a wholesome one with a pebbly floor) at the foot of the steps and near the end of the stony ford. Here the party gathered and discussed what was to be done.

“I always meant (я всегда намеревался) to see you all safe (проводить вас всех благополучно) (if possible (если возможно)) over the mountains (за эти горы), ” said the wizard (сказал волшебник), “and now by good management (и теперь, благодаря хитрости; management — управление; умение справляться /с делами, ситуацией и т. п. /; уловка) and good luck (и удаче) I have done it (я это сделал). Indeed we are now a good deal further east (на самом деле, мы сейчас находимся гораздо дальше к востоку) than I ever meant to come with you (чем я когда-либо намеревался пройти с вами), for after all (так как, в конце концов) this is not my adventure (это не мое приключение). I may look in on it again (я, возможно, загляну к вам снова: «на него») before it is all over (до того как оно завершится), but in the meanwhile (но сейчас) I have some other pressing business to attend to (у меня есть другое неотложное дело, которое требует моего внимания). ”

The dwarves groaned (гномы тяжело вздохнули; to groan — стонать; охать) and looked most distressed (и выглядели более чем встревоженными), and Bilbo wept (а Бильбо всплакнул; to weep). They had begun to think (они уже начали думать) Gandalf was going to come all the way (что Гэндальф пройдет /с ними/ весь путь /до конца/) and would always be there (и всегда будет на месте) to help them out of difficulties (чтобы выручать их из трудностей).

“I am not going to disappear this very instant (я не исчезну в это же мгновение), ” said he. “I can give you a day or two more (я могу уделить вам еще день или два). Probably I can help you out of your present plight (возможно, я могу выручить вас из вашего нынешнего /трудного/ положения), and I need a little help myself (и мне самому нужно немного помощи). We have no food (у нас нет еды), and no baggage (и никакого багажа), and no ponies to ride (и пони, на которых можно скакать/ехать); and you don’t know where you are (и вы же не знаете, где находитесь). Now I can tell you that (теперь я могу вам это сказать). You are still some miles north of the path (вы все еще в нескольких милях к северу от той тропы) which we should have been following (по которой мы бы следовали), if we had not left the mountain pass in a hurry (если бы мы не покинули горный перевал в спешке). Very few people live in these parts (очень мало людей живет в этих краях), unless they have come here (если они только не пришли сюда) since I was last down this way (с тех самых пор, когда я был здесь в последний раз), which is some years ago (а это было несколько лет назад). But there is somebody that I know of (но здесь есть кое-кто, кого я знаю), who lives not far away (который живет недалеко отсюда).

groan [ɡrǝʋn] plight [plaɪt] baggage [ˈbæɡɪdʒ]

“I always meant to see you all safe (if possible) over the mountains, ” said the wizard, “and now by good management and good luck I have done it. Indeed we are now a good deal further east than I ever meant to come with you, for after all this is not my adventure. I may look in on it again before it is all over, but in the meanwhile I have some other pressing business to attend to. ”

The dwarves groaned and looked most distressed, and Bilbo wept. They had begun to think Gandalf was going to come all the way and would always be there to help them out of difficulties.

I am not going to disappear this very instant, ” said he. “I can give you a day or two more. Probably I can help you out of your present plight, and I need a little help myself. We have no food, and no baggage, and no ponies to ride; and you don’t know where you are. Now I can tell you that. You are still some miles north of the path which we should have been following, if we had not left the mountain pass in a hurry. Very few people live in these parts, unless they have come here since I was last down this way, which is some years ago. But there is somebody that I know of, who lives not far away.

That Somebody made the steps on the great rock (этот Кто-то сделал несколько ступенек в великой скале) — the Carrock (/скале/ Каррок) I believe he calls it (я думаю, он так ее называет). He does not come here often (он не часто сюда приходит), certainly not in the daytime (и, конечно же, не днем), and it is no good waiting for him (и бессмысленно ждать его). In fact it would be very dangerous (на самом деле, это будет очень опасно). We must go and find him (мы должны пойти и найти его); and if all goes well at our meeting (и если все пройдет хорошо при нашей встрече), I think I shall be off (я думаю, что я уйду) and wish you like the eagles (и пожелаю вам, как и орлы) ‘farewell wherever you fare (прощайте, куда бы вы ни путешествовали)!’ “ They begged him not to leave them (они упрашивали его не оставлять их). They offered him dragon-gold (они предлагали ем золото /которое стережет/ дракон) and silver and jewels (и серебро, и драгоценные камни), but he would not change his mind (но он не изменил своего решения).

“We shall see (посмотрим), we shall see!” he said, “and I think I have earned already (и я так думаю, что я уже заработал) some of your dragon-gold (немного вашего драконьего золота) — when you have got it (когда вы его добудете). ”

After that they stopped pleading (после этого они перестали умолять). Then they took off their clothes (затем они сняли свою одежду) and bathed in the river (и искупались в реке), which was shallow and clear (которая была мелководная и чистая) and stony at the ford (и каменистая у брода). When they had dried in the sun (когда они обсохли на солнце; to dry), which was now strong and warm (которое сейчас уже было сильным и теплым), they were refreshed (они отдохнули; to refresh — освежать, подкреплять), if still sore and a little hungry (хотя и все еще ныли /ушибы/ и они были слегка голодны; sore — болезненный, чувствительный). Soon they crossed the ford (вскоре они перешли через брод) (carrying the hobbit (неся хоббита на руках)), and then began to march through the long green grass (и затем они начали шагать сквозь высокую зеленую траву) and down the lines (вдоль рядов) of the wide-armed oaks (дубов с широко раскинутыми ветвями: «руками») and the tall elms (и высоких вязов).

somebody [ˈsʌmbǝdɪ] pleading [ˈpli: dɪŋ] sore [sɔ:]

That Somebody made the steps on the great rock — the Carrock I believe he calls it. He does not come here often, certainly not in the daytime, and it is no good waiting for him. In fact it would be very dangerous. We must go and find him; and if all goes well at our meeting, I think I shall be off and wish you like the eagles ‘farewell wherever you fare!’

Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 423. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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