Студопедия — What d’yer mean?” said Bert, holding him right away up, by the hair this time.
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What d’yer mean?” said Bert, holding him right away up, by the hair this time.

“What I say, ” said Bilbo gasping. “And please don’t cook me, kind sirs! I am a good cook myself, and cook better than I cook, if you see what I mean. I’ll cook beautifully for you, a perfectly beautiful breakfast for you, if only you won’t have me for supper. ”

“Poor little blighter (ах ты несчастный бедняжка), ” said William. He had already had as much supper (он уже съел так много на ужин) as he could hold (как только мог выдержать/удержать); also he had had lots of beer (также он выпил много пива). “Poor little blighter (несчастный бедняжка)! Let him go (отпустите его)!”

“Not till he says (нет, пока он не скажет) what he means (что он имел в виду) by lots (под "кучи") and none at all (и "совсем никого"), ” said Bert. “I don’t want to have me throat cut (я не хочу, чтобы мне горло перерезали) in me sleep (во сне; in me sleep = in my sleep). Hold his toes in the fire (буду держать его ноги в огне), till he talks (пока он не заговорит)!”

“I won’t have it (я этого не потерплю), ” said William. “I caught him anyway (это я его поймал, в любом случае). ”

“You’re a fat fool, William (ты жирный дурак, Вильям), ” said Bert, “as I’ve said afore this evening (как я уже сказал раньше этим вечером). ”

“And you’re a lout (а ты — деревенщина; lout — неуклюжий, нескладный, неотесанный, невоспитанный человек, деревенщина)!”

“And I won’t take that from you (я не потерплю этого от тебя), Bill Huggins (Билл Хаггинс), ” says Bert (говорит Берт), and puts his fist in William’s eye (и бьет/заехал своим кулаком в глаз Вильяму).

blighter [ˈblaɪtǝ] throat [Ɵrǝʋt] afore [ǝˈfɔ: ] lout [laʋt]

“Poor little blighter, ” said William. He had already had as much supper as he could hold; also he had had lots of beer. “Poor little blighter! Let him go!”

“Not till he says what he means by lots and none at all, ” said Bert. “I don’t want to have me throat cut in me sleep. Hold his toes in the fire, till he talks!”

“I won’t have it, ” said William. “I caught him anyway. ”

“You’re a fat fool, William, ” said Bert, “as I’ve said afore this evening. ” “And you’re a lout!”

And I won’t take that from you. Bill Huggins, ” says Bert, and puts his fist in William’s eye.

Then there was a gorgeous row (и тогда случилась великолепная шумная драка). Bilbo had just enough wits left (у Бильбо осталось как раз достаточно ума), when Bert dropped him on the ground (когда Берт уронил его на землю), to scramble out of the way of their feet (выкарабкаться с их пути из-под их ног), before they were fighting like dogs (до того, как они стали драться, как собаки), and calling one another (и обзывать друг друга) all sorts of perfectly true and applicable names (всякого рода совершенно правдивыми и подходящими именами) in very loud voices (очень громкими голосами). Soon they were locked in one another’s arms (вскоре они сцепились в объятиях друг друга; to lock — запирать на замок, сжимать), and rolling nearly into the fire (и катались /по земле, закатываясь/ почти что в костер) kicking and thumping (брыкаясь и дубася /друг друга/), while Tom whacked at then both with a branch (пока Том бил их обоих веткой) to bring them to their senses (чтобы привести их в чувства) and that of course (и это, конечно же) only made them madder than ever (только сделало их еще более бешенными, чем раньше: «когда либо»).

gorgeous [ˈɡɔ: dʒǝs] scramble [ˈskræmb (ǝ) l] applicable [ǝˈplɪkǝb (ǝ) l]

Then there was a gorgeous row. Bilbo had just enough wits left, when Bert dropped him on the ground, to scramble out of the way of their feet, before they were fighting like dogs, and calling one another all sorts of perfectly true and applicable names in very loud voices. Soon they were locked in one another’s arms, and rolling nearly into the fire kicking and thumping, while Tom whacked at then both with a branch to bring them to their senses and that of course only made them madder than ever.

That would have been the time for Bilbo to have left (это было как раз самое время для Бильбо, чтобы уйти). But his poor little feet (но его бедные маленькие ножки) had been very squashed (были сильно расплющены) in Bert’s big paw (в огромной лапище Берта), and he had no breath in his body (и он совершенно не дышал: «у него в теле не было дыхания»), and his head was going round (и его голова кружилась); so there he lay for a while panting (и так лежал он там какое-то время, задыхаясь), just outside the circle of firelight (как раз за пределами круга света, исходящего от костра).

Right in the middle of the fight (как раз в середине драки) up came Balin (подошел Балин). The dwarves had heard noises (гномы слышали звуки) from a distance (издалека; distance — расстояние), and after waiting for some time (и после ожидания в течение какого-то времени) for Bilbo to come back (что Бильбо возвратится), or to hoot like an owl (или ухнет как филин), they started off one by one (они начали, один за другим) to creep towards the light (ползти по направлению к свету) as quietly as they could (так тихо, как только они могли). No sooner did Tom see (как только Том увидел) Balin come into the light (как Балин выходит на свет /костра/) than he gave an awful howl (как он издал ужасный вопль). Trolls simply detest (тролли просто-таки ненавидят) the very sight of dwarves (сам вид гномов) (uncooked (неприготовленных)). Bert and Bill stopped fighting immediately (Берт и Билл немедленно прекратили драться), and “a sack, Tom, quick!” they said (и они сказали: «Том, мешок, быстрей»), before Balin (до того, как Балин), who was wondering (который все размышлял) where in all this commotion Bilbo was (где, во всем этом беспорядке, был Бильбо), knew what was happening (понял что происходит), a sack was over his head (мешок оказался на его голове), and he was down (и он оказался на земле: «внизу»).

squash [skwɔʃ] distance [ˈdɪst (ǝ) ns] awful [ˈɔ: f (ǝ) l] commotion [kǝˈmǝʋʃ (ǝ) n]

That would have been the time for Bilbo to have left. But his poor little feet had been very squashed in Bert’s big paw, and he had no breath in his body, and his head was going round; so there he lay for a while panting, just outside the circle of firelight. Right in the middle of the fight up came Balin. The dwarves had heard noises from a distance, and after waiting for some time for Bilbo to come back, or to hoot like an owl, they started off one by one to creep towards the light as quietly as they could. No sooner did Tom see Balin come into the light than he gave an awful howl. Trolls simply detest the very sight of dwarves (uncooked). Bert and Bill stopped fighting immediately, and “a sack, Tom, quick!” they said, before Balin, who was wondering where in all this commotion Bilbo was, knew what was happening, a sack was over his head, and he was down.

“There’s more to come yet (еще больше сейчас появятся), ” said Tom, “or I’m mighty mistook (или я чрезвычайно ошибаюсь). Lots and none at all (кучи и совсем никого), it is (вот это оно и есть), ” said he (сказал он). “No burrahobbits (никаких взлохоббитов), but lots of these here dwarves (но кучи этих вот гномов). That’s about the shape of it (вот примерно так /следует это понимать/; shape — форма, очертание, порядок)!”

“I reckon you’re right (я считаю, что ты прав), ” said Bert, “and we’d best get out of the light (и нам лучше бы убраться со света). ”

And so they did (и так они и сделали). With sacks in their hands (с мешками в руках), that they used for carrying off mutton (которые они использовали для переноски баранины) and other plunder (и другого награбленного), they waited in the shadows (они ожидали в полумраке). As each dwarf came up (как каждый из гномов появлялся) and looked at the fire (и смотрел на огонь), and the spilled jugs (и пролитые кружки), and the gnawed mutton (и надкусанную баранину), in surprise (удивленно), pop (бац)! went a nasty smelly sack over his head (оказывался противный вонючий мешок на его голове; to go (went, gone) — идти, направляться, следовать), and he was down (и он оказывался на земле). Soon Dwalin lay by Balin (вскоре Двалин лежал рядом с Балином), and Fili and Kili together (и Фили с Кили вместе), and Dori and Nori and Ori all in a heap (и Дори и Нори и Ори, все в куче), and Oin and Gloin (и Ойн и Глойн) and Bifur and Bofur and Bombur (и Бифур, и Бофур, и Бомбур) piled uncomfortably near the fire (были свалены в кучу, очень неудобно, рядом с костром).

mistook [mɪˈstʋk] reckon [ˈrekǝn] gnawed [nɔ: d]

“There’s more to come yet, ” said Tom, “or I’m mighty mistook. Lots and none at all, it is, ” said he. “No burrahobbits, but lots of these here dwarves. That’s about the shape of it!”

“I reckon you’re right, ” said Bert, “and we’d best get out of the light. ”

And so they did. With sacks in their hands, that they used for carrying off mutton and other plunder, they waited in the shadows. As each dwarf came up and looked at the fire, and the spilled jugs, and the gnawed mutton, in surprise, pop! went a nasty smelly sack over his head, and he was down. Soon Dwalin lay by Balin, and Fili and Kili together, and Dori and Nori and Ori all in a heap, and Oin and Gloin and Bifur and Bofur and Bombur piled uncomfortably near the fire.

“That’ll teach ‘em (это научит их), ” said Tom; for Bifur and Bombur had given a lot of trouble (так как Бифур и Бомбур доставили много проблем), and fought like mad (и сражались как сумасшедшие), as dwarves will when cornered (как /все/ гномы будут /драться/, когда они загнаны в угол; corner — угол). Thorin came last (Торин пришел последним) and he was not caught unawares (и его не застали врасплох; to catch (caught) — поймать, схватить). He came expecting mischief (он шел, ожидая подвоха), and didn’t need to see his friends’ legs (и ему не надо было увидеть ноги своих друзей) sticking out of sacks (торчащие из мешков) to tell him (чтобы понять: «чтобы /они/ сказали ему») that things were not all well (что дела были не совсем благополучны). He stood outside (он остановился не приближаясь; outside — с наружной стороны) in the shadows (в полумраке) some way off (немного поодаль), and said (и произнес): “What’s all this trouble (что это здесь происходит; trouble—беспокойство, неприятность)? Who has been knocking my people about (кто это поколотил моих людей)?”

“It’s trolls (это тролли)!” said Bilbo from behind a tree (сказал Бильбо из-за дерева). They had forgotten all about him (они совершенно о нем забыли). “They’re hiding in the bushes (они прячутся в кустах) with sacks (с мешками), ” said he (сказал он). “O! are they (о, они прячутся)?” said Thorin, and he jumped forward to the fire (и прыгнул вперед, к огню), before they could leap on him (прежде, чем они смогли прыгнуть на него). He caught up a big branch (он схватил большую ветку) all on fire at one end (всю охваченную огнем с одного конца); and Bert got that end in his eye (и Берт получил этим концом в глаз) before he could step aside (прежде, чем он смог отступить в сторону). That put him out of the battle for a bit (это вывело его из битвы на какое-то время).

fought [fɔ: t] cornered [ˈkɔ: nǝd] unawares [ʌnǝˈweǝz]

“That’ll teach ‘em, ” said Tom; for Bifur and Bombur had given a lot of trouble, and fought like mad, as dwarves will when cornered. Thorin came last — and he was not caught unawares. He came expecting mischief, and didn’t need to see his friends’ legs sticking out of sacks to tell him that things were not all well. He stood outside in the shadows some way off, and said:

“What’s all this trouble? Who has been knocking my people about?”

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