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I. Discuss the following questions.

1. Have you ever sought for help and protection of the Police?

2. Which Police department did you refer to?

3. Did you get the necessary assistance, adequate protection and support from highly professional and sympathetic Policemen?

4. Why do some people hate Police?

5. You may come across different interpretations of the Russian term «Государственная Инспекция Безопасности Дорожного Движения». Which of the following three is the most appropriate in your opinion? 1) The Motor Licensing and Inspector Department; 2) The State Road Safety Inspection; 3) The State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.


II. Read the text and do exercises under it.

Text 1

The Police

The Police are a public agency, a part of the executive branch of government. Its tasks are protecting life, physical health, rights and freedoms of citizens; defending property, and the interests of the state and society from criminal and other unlawful infringements. It is also concerned with the keeping of public order. The Police are authorized to use force to perform its functions.

The Police form a part of the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. As an organization the Police are divided into Criminal Police and Public Security Police. Criminal Police is subordinated to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Public Security Police is a department of corresponding executive organs of the subjects of the RF.

The Criminal Police has the task of prevention, suppression, and exposure of criminal offences that require a preliminary investigation. It also organizes detection of people escaping the organs of inquiry. The organs of Police manage investigations under judicial organs involving people who avoid the execution of criminal punishment. The Criminal Police handle investigation of missing people and of other persons as the law prescribes.

The Public Security Police or local Police is the uniformed Police. It has the task of ensuring the personal security of citizens and the public security; protection of public order. It is also entrusted with mission of prevention and suppression of criminal offences and minor delinquencies. The job of the Public Security Police is to disclose criminal offences that do not require a preliminary investigation and to investigate criminal offences in the form of inquiry. It is charged with the duty of rendering assistance to citizens, officials, businesses, establishments, organization and public associations.

III. Study the composition of the Russian Police.

The Criminal Police   the Public Security Police
- criminal investigation department   - watching units
- organized crime combatingdepartment   - public order maintenance department
- unit combating economic and tax crimes   - authorized quarter Policemen
- operation and search section   - the State Road Safety Inspection
- special technical arrangements unit   - interim detention wards for suspects and accused persons
- internal security department   - special detention centres for administratively arrested persons
- special purposes Police detachments   - youth’s detention centres
- subdivision for operational investigation information   - special task Police units (OMON)
    - detachments of interdepartmental security guard service of internal affairs agencies
    - inquiry organs
    - patrol point-duty service of Police
    - private detectives and security guards licensing and controlling department
    - suspects’ and accused persons’ custody and convoy sub-divisions
    - juveniles inspections
    - units, combating offences in the sphere of consumers’ market and offences against the Administrative Legislation
    - diplomatic representatives and foreign consulates guard units
    - air transport inspection internal affairs organs


Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 280. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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