Студопедия — Crime and criminal procedure
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Crime and criminal procedure

There is a widespread opinion among the British public that crime is increasing. Figures on this matter are notoriously difficult to evaluate, however. One reason for this is that not all actual crimes are necessarily reported. Official figures suggest that the crime of rape increased by more than 50% between 1988 and 1992. But these figures may represent an increase in the number of victims willing to report rape rather than a real increase in cases of rape.

Nevertheless, it is generally accepted that in the last quarter of the twentieth century, the number of crimes has gone up (► Is crime increas­ing in Britain?). And the fear of crime seems to have increased a lot. This has gone together with a lack of confidence in the ability of the police to catch criminals. In the early 1990s private security firms were one of the fastest-growing businesses in the country. Another response to the perceived situation has been the growth of Neighbourhood Watch schemes. They attempt to educate people in crime prevention and to encourage the people of a particular neighbourhood to look out for anything suspicious. In 1994 the government was even con­sidering helping members of these schemes to organize patrols.

There has also been some impatience with the rules of criminal procedure under which the police and courts have to operate. The police are not, of course, above the law. When they arrest somebody on suspicion of having committed a crime, they have to follow certain procedures. For example, unless they obtain special permission, they are not allowed to detain a person for more than twenty-four hours without formally charging that person with having committed a crime. Even after they have charged somebody, they need permission to remand that person in custody (i.e. to keep him or her in prison) until the case is heard in court. In 1994 public concern about criminals 'getting away with it' led the government to make one very controversial change in the law (► Caution!).

Is crime increasing in Britain?

British people think that crime is rising in Britain, but it is impossible to give a completely reliable answer to this question. Figures vary from year to year. In 1993 for instance, the total number of recorded crimes in the London area actually went down by around 10%. And the murder rate is no higher, or even lower, than it was during the second half of the nineteenth century. However, there is no doubt that in the last quarter of the twentieth century there has been a definite increase in certain types of crime. Crimes with firearms (guns, rifles etc) are an example.


‘You do not have to say anything unless you wish to do so, but what you say may be given in evidence’. These words are well-known to almost everybody in Britain. They have been heard in thousands of police dramas on television. For a long time they formed what is tech­nically known as the caution, which must be read out to an arrested person in order to make the arrest legal. But, in 1994, the British gov­ernment decided that the ‘right to silence’ contained in the caution made things too easy for criminals. This right meant that the refusal of an arrested person to answer police questions could not be used as part of the evidence against him or her. Now, however, it can.

To accord with the new law, the words of the caution have had to be changed. The new formula is: ‘You do not have to say anything. But if you do not mention now something which you later use in your defence, the court may decide that your failure to mention it now strengthens the case against you. A record will be made of anything you say and it may be given in evidence if you are brought to trial’.

Civil liberties groups in Britain are angry about this change. They say that many arrested people find it too difficult to understand and that it is not fair to encourage people to defend themselves immediately against charges about which they do not yet know the details. They are also afraid it encourages false confessions.

Ministry of justice?

Actually there is no such thing in Britain. The things that such a ministry takes care of in other countries are shared between a number of authorities, in particular the Home Office, which administers prisons and supervises the police, and the office of the Lord Chancellor, which oversees the appointment of judges, magistrates and other legal officers.

The law in Scotland

Scotland has its own legal system, separate from the rest of the United Kingdom. Although it also uses an adversarial system of legal procedure, the basis of its law is closer to Roman and Dutch law. The names of several officials in Scotland are also different from those in England and Wales. A very noticeable feature is that there are three, not just two, possible verdicts. As well as ‘guilty’ and ‘not guilty’, a jury may reach a verdict of ‘not proven’, which means that the accused person cannot be punished but is not completely cleared of guilt either.


Task 2. Answer the questions on the text.

1) How has the number of crimes in Great Britain changed in comparison with 30 years ago?

2) Why are the figures difficult to evaluate?

3) What was the growth in the number of private security firms sign of in the early 1990s?

4) How did Neighbourhood Watch Schemes function?

5) What are the police empowered to do after they arrest a suspect?

6) Why has there been some impatience with the rules of criminal procedure?

7) What or who performs the functions of Ministry of Justice in Britain?

8) How is the legal system of Scotland different from the rest of the UK?


Task 3. Find English equivalents of the following in Task 1:

· Среди кого-л. существует распространенное мнение, что …;

· заявить о совершении преступления;

· Общепризнанным является тот факт, что …;

· неуверенность в способности полиции ловить преступников;

· давать информацию по противодействию преступности;

· арестовать кого-л. по подозрению в совершении преступления;

· придерживаться определенной процедуры;

· получить специальное разрешение;

· задержать человека;

· предъявить официальное обвинение в совершении преступления;

· заключить под стражу / держать под арестом;

· Дело слушается в суде;

· остаться безнаказанным;

· внести очень спорную поправку в закон;

· Невозможно дать абсолютно точный ответ на этот вопрос;

· огнестрельное оружие;

· предъявлять что-л. в качестве доказательства;

· зачитать предупреждение;

· сделать арест законным;

· право хранить молчание;

· соответствовать новому закону;

· использовать что-л. в свою защиту;

· подтверждать чью-л. виновность;

· движения, выступающие за гражданские свободы;

· защищаться от обвинений;

· провоцировать дачу ложных показаний;

· управлять тюрьмами;

· следить за работой полиции;

· контролировать назначения;

· принцип состязательности;

· вынести вердикт;

· С него были сняты все обвинения.


Task 4. Complete the gaps with necessary prepositions.

1) Jack went off to find the reason _____ the delay.

2) The volume of traffic has increased _____ more than 25% for the last decade.

3) Europe witnesses a dramatic increase _____ population aged over 60.

4) It’s obviously very important to build up the consumer’s confidence _____ our product.

5) Tina’s outburst was a delayed response _____ her husband’s behaviour the week before.

6) There has been launched a campaign to educate teenagers _____ HIV.

7) The long queue affirmed his impatience _____ the slowness of bureaucratic procedures.

8) He was arrested _____ suspicion of murder.

9) They are going to charge him _____ dangerous driving.

10) Watch Frank - he'll cheat if he thinks he can get _____ _____ it.

11) The documents may be used _____ evidence at the trial.

12) Will he be able to defend himself _____ charges?

13) Maya was cleared _____ manslaughter.


Task 5. Translate the sentences into English using the active vocabulary from Task 3.

1) Согласно Федеральному закону «О полиции» РФ 2011 г., при задержании подозреваемого сотрудник полиции обязан зачитать ему предупреждение. В противном случае арест будет считаться незаконным.

2) На прошлой неделе моего знакомого задержали по подозрению в совершении преступления, которое он просто не мог совершить. Его держали под стражей 24 часа без предъявления официального обвинения и даже пытались вытянуть из него ложные признания. Слава Богу, его на следующий день отпустили, сняв все обвинения. Однако этот случай подкрепил мою уверенность в неспособности полиции ловить реальных преступников.

3) В России существует распространенное мнение, что многие олигархи нарушают закон, но им всегда удается оставаться безнаказанными.

4) Существует ли справедливость? Невозможно дать абсолютно точный ответ на этот вопрос.


2.4. why do people commit crime?

Task 1. Below are four theories of crime. Which of them is the strongest one? It is generally accepted that one of the easiest ways to verify a theory is to try to undermine every hypothesis of a theory with contradicting examples. Join into pairs or groups of three, choose a theory and try to find contradicting arguments for each hypothesis the theory is based on. Then discuss them with the group.

Why Do People Commit Crime?

The study of why people commit crime is important, not only as a field of behavioural research, but as a source of data for planning some kind of public policy models in response to criminal behaviour. Greater understanding of why people commit criminal offences enables policy makers and the general public to make better decisions about the criminal justice system. There are 4 theories of crime, what enables people to bend or even contravene a law.

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