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Sarah felt her knees start to tremble so she reached her hands back to hold onto Hawk. "Hawk, take me to the bed," Sarah requested before she fell to the floor. The hands that had been burning her skin stopped and then picked her up and carried her to the bed. Hawk placed her gently on the surface then covered the small body with her own bracing her hands down so as not to put her whole weight on Sarah. Lowering her head, Hawk kissed first Sarah's lips, then her eyes and then the rest of her face. She could feel Sarah's hands on the small of her back urging her to continue what she had begun across the room. Rolling off to lie next to Sarah, Hawk put her hands on the smooth skin of the other woman's body watching the nipples grow harder and the chills more pronounced.

When Hawk lowered her head to take a nipple into her mouth and dipped hand in-between Sarah's legs, she heard the small woman gasp. Rolling her fingers around to lubricate them Hawk started by pressing them up against the hard pebble that was the center of Sarah's excitement. The move caused Sarah's hips to rise up off the bed and her hands to grab Hawk's hair smashing her face into her breast. Wanting Hawk's mouth on hers again Sarah then pulled on Hawk's hair to give the woman a clue. Hawk kissed her as she continued to stroke the length of Sarah's sex enjoying the moans that were coming out of Sarah's throat. Sarah surprised her by rolling Hawk onto her back so that she could move her hips better to match the rhythm Hawk had set with her hand. The stars that they had walked under that night paled in comparison to the ones behind Sarah's eyelids when she lowered herself onto the long fingers.

"Ah...that feels….feels...so good," Sarah panted as she felt her body start to tense. Hawk had curved her fingers up and in and was using her thumb to stimulate Sarah's center to up the pleasure. Keeping her hand still Hawk let Sarah move as fast or as slow as would make her feel good. The pharaoh heard and felt Sarah's orgasm in numerous ways. One by the grunts Sarah was making, by the surprisingly strong grip on her shoulders and by the flood of desire that now coated her stomach. A doubling of the grip on Hawk's shoulders and the stilling of all movement followed by the screaming of the pharaoh's name sent Sarah over the edge falling to earth again by collapsing on the muscular body under hers.

Pulling her hand out from between their bodies Hawk moved her hand to Sarah's back to hold her in place. Sarah's breathing relaxed until it evened out in sleep leaving Hawk in an almost painful predicament. She decided to keep her word and not push Sarah, so she kissed the blonde head and joined her in sleep. Their positions didn't change for the whole night, and it was how Nina found the still sleeping bodies the next morning. Going back to take care of Samuel before the child had the opportunity to disturb them Nina let him go off with Dennu for a while to take in some target practice.

"Sire," said Nina in a soft voice.

"Yes," answered the sleep raspy voice.

"Neftu and Philbus are waiting for you in the column room whenever you are ready. I have taken the liberty of having food sent up for you and Sarah, and the maids are preparing the bath."

"Thank you, Nin. Where's Samuel?" asked Hawk. She relaxed back into the bed covered by the warm body of Sarah.

"He is with Dennu, sire, shooting at fish the last time I checked."

"Good, Nin, could you call Corby for me?"

"Yes, sire."

Hawk gently lifted the still sleeping woman off of her so that she could put on a robe before Corby arrived. Pulling the soft sheet so that it covered all of Sarah's nakedness, Hawk walked into the front room. She was glad that Sarah felt comfortable enough in her surrounding to keep on sleeping.

"You desire something, Hawk?" asked Corby. He bowed his head a little before taking in the rumbled look of the pharaoh.

"I desire a great many things, Corby, but less so than I did yesterday. Send someone you trust down to the quarry and ask for a sculptor with a wife that works in the slave hospice. If there is more than one couple that fits that description, ask which of them has a daughter by the name of Sarah.

Corby, explain to your men that they are not to frightened these people in any way, I only want to find out where they live. Once I am finished with my idiot cousin and Neftu, have Dennu and my chariot waiting. We are going on an excursion this afternoon."

"As you wish, sire," said Corby bowing slightly ready to leave the room.

"Hawk, where are you?" came the soft voice from the bedchamber.

Hawk turned her head toward the sound before turning back to her trusted guard, "That, my friend, is your cue to leave."

"I'm right here, my love." Hawk answered from the wide doorway.

"I missed you when I opened my eyes," said Sarah.

"You were sleeping so peacefully that I didn't want to intrude in your dreams."

"I'm sorry, Hawk." Sarah had a sorrowful look on her face as she sat on the bed holding the sheet under her chin.

The apology was not what she was expecting. Does Sarah regret already that she slept with me? Hawk prepared her face to mask any reaction that the rejection would bring. Just a taste of what her life could be like with Sarah in it made it unbearable to think what it would be like if the woman decided to leave.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, Sarah."

"But you were so wonderful to me last night, and then I fell asleep."

"There will be plenty of time for that, my love, but for now we must eat so that we will have the energy for that later."

Hawk brought Sarah a robe like the one she was wearing and led her out to the covered part of the terrace where Nina had the table set up for their breakfast. Sitting on plush pillows, they fed each other bits of food from the various different trays there was to select from until they had eaten their fill.

"You make me so happy and make me feel so special, Hawk, that I would die if you took it away. I would be happy to remain just as your pleasure slave if you would promise not to send me away."

"You'll stay with me, my love, but not as a slave. I have other plans in store for you and your son. After today I want you both to move into my private quarters in the palace. These rooms are nice but everything I need to run the realm is over there." Hawk pointed the east wing of the palace. There was located not just her sleeping quarters, but the library and other essentials she relied on to make her decisions.

Hawk continued talking of the plans she had for Sarah and Samuel when she noticed that instead of happiness the small woman was crying quietly into her shoulder. Putting two fingers under the quivering chin Hawk asked with her eyes what the problem was.

"When you find out the whole truth about me you will send me away I know you will," sobbed Sarah. When Hawk pulled Sarah onto her lap, the small woman sobbed into the strong neck.

"Sarah, unless you are a cleverly disguised killer, I think I know everything there is to know about you."

"No, sire, you don't. I know that you are aware of what my position was in the last house I served in but there is something that I have neglected to tell you. Larlis has left me with child sire."

"Is he Samuel's father as well?" asked Hawk. Sarah was surprised not to find a look of disgust in the blue eyes that seemed to being looking into her soul when she lifted her head up.

"Yes, sire, he is and even if you don't want me now please send me anywhere but back there again. Master Larlis wasn't the most kind person when he found out I was pregnant with Samuel because I could not accommodate his needs."

"Sarah, this is your home now and if it would please you, I would be honored to help you raise this child too. You're not the only one who has captured my heart, my love, your son has had a hand in my emotional captivity as well," said Hawk. With a large hand she wiped the tears streaming down Sarah's face. The woman on her lap soaked up the attention by leaning into the healing touch.

"You would accept this child as your own?" asked Sarah with doubt in her voice. To have the pharaoh say yes would be too much to dare and hope for.

"Your sons will rule Egypt when I am gone. They are not of my blood but they will be of my heart." Even though there were still tears in Sarah's eyes, the smile returned to her face and she ran her own hand along the pharaoh's cheek. Hawk leaned forward and softly kissed Sarah lips, which tasted salty from all the crying.

"And how, sire, do you know this will be a son for you? There is another possibility you know." Sarah asked with a much-lifted spirit.

"I am pharaoh, love, that makes me always right."

Sarah laughed at that answer then spent another long sweet moment kissing her savior. Her good mood continued as Hawk carried her into the bath holding her in the water so that she could relax. "You have to be careful now and not do anything strenuous. I have to tell Nin to keep an eye on you when I can't be there." Sarah had a feeling this pregnancy would be a lot different than her last. Sarah smiled as under the water Hawk ran her hands along her midsection trying to find evidence of the child she carried.

"I will miss her when we move to the other end of the palace," said Sarah. She pulled her hair to the side and rested her head on Hawk's shoulder loving the feeling of the large warm body behind hers.

"Nin isn't going anywhere, love, she will be happy I'm sure to return to her own set of rooms located not far from our own. She was here only to offer you comfort and welcome on my behalf," Hawk said as she kissed the inviting neck under her lips.

"You are so sweet."

"Don't tell anyone that or I will be forced to feed you to the crocodiles. Now unhand me, woman, and let me finish up with Neftu and Philbus then I have a surprise for you."

"What are you doing with Neftu and Philbus?" asked Sarah. The realization came quickly that the question was inappropriate of her and Sarah bowed her head. "I'm sorry you don't have to tell me."

"I am sending Philbus with Neftu as the leader of the legion I promised the king to get his local raider problem solved. Philbus will of course be furious but it will teach him a valuable lesson on disobeying a direct order from me. There's that and the fact he struck the child who is to be my adopted son," Hawk answered just as quickly. It was her way of letting Sarah know that there where no secrets between them now.

"Well then you do have to tell me what my surprise is."

Your surprise is I'm taking you and Samuel for a ride this afternoon."

"That isn't a surprise that's torture and you know it. Did you mean that about Samuel?" asked Sarah jumping back to something Hawk had said.


"Oh I thought not." Sarah lowered her head again thinking that she had misspoken for the second time that morning.

"I meant that about Samuel and the child you now carry, Sarah. You do understand though there will have to be some changes in the way that Samuel and this baby will have to be raised, but perhaps their origins will give them better insight on dealing with the slave population. But a ruler of Egypt has to be more than a Hebrew, my love, he must be history."

"They will become you?"

"Yes." It was now Hawk that lowered her head thinking that Sarah could not live with that possibility.

"That would be my greatest hope. You aren't the monster my father talked about and if my children were to become more like you, that would be a treasure." After another quick kiss Hawk lifted her body out of the bath and stood while the attendants finished their job.

Sarah watched and was again overtaken by the powerful force of her jealousy as the servants dried and dressed Hawk. She was sorry that the morning had gone so quickly and she had not had the opportunity to touch the tall lean body. "Sire, isn't there anything else that I could interest you in, besides going for a ride?" Sarah asked as she moved the girl that was combing Hawk's hair to the side. She finished the job then moved to tie off the tunic that had been pulled out for the pharaoh.

"Sarah, I promise you that you are going to love what I have in store for you, but first it requires you to get on the chariot."

"But you said I had to take it easy and not strain myself, I think riding behind those four beasts of yours falls into that category."

"I promise that nothing is going to happen to you."

Hawk finished dressing and kissed Sarah before leaving to meet with the visiting king. She left word with Nina that everything that belonged to Sarah and Samuel were to be moved to the king's quarters. Nina laughed when Hawk told her that she was to keep a watchful eye on her future queen because of her condition. Hawk couldn't have been more excited if she had fathered the child herself.


"You are going as my representative, Philbus, and careful if you think of messing this assignment up. I am done turning my back to your mistakes just because you are the son of my mother's sister. Put to rest your dreams of being pharaoh, Philbus, that honor comes from my father not my mother, and his blood runs through me not you, cousin. The only reason you have a position here at all is a favor to the memory of my mother, try and remember that. Your role with me is changing so do your best that it doesn't slip any further than it has already." She was seated at the low table in the column room signing the decree of help Neftu had requested. Once Philbus was dealt with and dispatched, Hawk would be free to leave the palace with Sarah and Samuel for their surprise.

"Yes, sire, and will the princess be staying on as she has requested?" asked Philbus. The soldier stood at attention trying to keep the hatred he felt for Hawk off his face.

"No that request will not be granted. Dalia will be returning with her father."

Without any further word for Philbus, Hawk stepped out of the room and went to wish Neftu a safe passage through her lands. Dalia fumed that her request to stay in the city with Ramses had been denied and begged her father to talk with the pharaoh. She wanted Neftu to tell Ramses that it would be an insult to him and his people for Dalia not to stay. Dalia couldn't get Ramses to love her if she was in the jungle instead of here in the city.

"Sire, about Dalia," started Neftu as they neared the front of the palace. The man loved his child and tried to indulge her when he could.

"My old friend, do not think to insult my hospitality by mentioning her request again. I have love for you and your people as they are part of my own, but I do not love Dalia in that way she desires and it is time for everyone including her to realize that. Go and take care of these rebels that trouble you so, and may the gods smile upon your lands and your family," said Ramses.

"Yes, sire, thank you." Neftu bowed in front of Hawk again and followed the woman down the front steps.

From the litter Dalia watched as the pharaoh's horses were brought around to the front of the palace. The large hawk emblem on the crest of the great black stallions shone in the sunlight, and for an instant so did her mood in thinking Ramses meant to ride with them out of the city. The pharaoh stepped out of the palace with Dalia's father heading toward her horses and her father toward his own litter. That is the most handsome woman I have ever seen. Trust me Ramses you will not get away from me for long, my love, you are meant to be with me.

What Dalia didn't count on was the small woman and child that followed behind the pharaoh. The child was the same one that had been seated on Ramses lap on the throne the day of their arrival. Why were they always with Ramses?

When the pharaoh stood on the street of kings bidding Dalia's father farewell, the child who was on at least the tenth step called for her and jumped with no warning. The strong arms caught him just in time. The blonde woman that had been descending with the child almost fainted by the act, and Dalia saw that the pharaoh and child threw their heads back and laughed. This did not look good and Princess Dalia needed time to think about what to do.

"That is how that overgrown adolescent got her name!" cried Nina from the top of the steps when she saw what Samuel had done. It seemed that the more time the boy spent within the walls of the palace, the more he was possessed by the ghost of the child Hawk.

"Perhaps, sire, you should adopt the name your father and mother gave you at birth, and give Samuel the moniker your father gave you later." Suggest Corby looking at the pharaoh and child.

"What do you mean, Corby?" asked Sarah finally arriving at the bottom of the steps, and walking into Hawk's embrace.

"The boy though not hers, acts just like the Pharaoh Ramses. This latest stunt just proves it. My mother is right, while Hawk is a legendary hunter she got the bird's name when her father had to snatch her out of the air on more than one occasion. It seems that Ramses has found her own little fearless hawk, pray the gods let him soar as high," answered Corby. He bowed to the blonde woman at Ramses's side causing the heat in Dalia's litter to rise with the act.

"Come on, little Hawk, climb aboard and you too, my love," said Ramses. She put the child down in the chariot and held her hand out to Sarah. Once they were both safely in front of her, Hawk gave a sharp cry and flicked the reins sending them forward. They were followed down the street by a pair of dark eyes already planning her next move to rid the way of any competition.

Corby and Dennu followed in their own rigs, and they were followed by a large number of palace guards. Corby had another large number of guards waiting at their destination, he wanted to be prepared for anything. A pharaoh of Egypt had never walked into the slave quarters of the city, so Hawk's protection became paramount.

In deference to Sarah's condition Hawk went slow, keeping the horses at a steady pace as not to jostle her around too much. While they were on the main road Ramses lifted Samuel up so he could see past the horses and handed him the reins for a moment letting him get the feel of the team. Had she given him all the treasures in her vaults, it would not have produced a bigger smile on the young boys face.

Sarah for her part leaned back into the strong body behind her and enjoyed the scenery as it passed. Going this slow she didn't mind the ride as much but wondered where they were going when they turned off the main road. When they reached the edge of the quarry she was afraid for a moment that Hawk meant to drop her and Samuel off at the slave quarters now that the king knew of her condition.

Her fear grew as the chariot stopped at the entrance to the slave village and Hawk stepped off. "Come, love, for your surprise."

"Couldn't I wait here for it?" asked Sarah gripping the edge of the chariot. She felt faint and the inside of her mouth had gone dry.

"No it will be better if we walk. Come on, I'll keep you safe. I promise you have nothing to fear."

Realizing she had no choice, Sarah released her grip from the chariot and took the pharaoh's hand and stepped off. Samuel showed no such fear as he held his arms up to Hawk to be carried. With Sarah's hand on one arm and Samuel tucked into the other, they headed into the village following Corby who knew the way.

As they passed each hovel with its occupants standing outside bowing as they passed, Sarah finally realized that the people were all here and not working even though it was a workday for them. They arrived at a home that had no one outside and stopped. Her fears were realized in that this would be their new home.

Hawk let go of her hand and put Samuel down. The rest of the people on the streets looked on in curiosity as to what the pharaoh was doing at Habish Samuel and Isa's home. The pharaoh motioned aside Corby and went to the door herself to knock. Though there were a multitude of people around the echo of the knock could be heard for blocks for the quiet. The king turned around and smiled at Sarah who was clutching Samuel's hand. An older man with strong beefy arms and a gentle smile opened the door. Looking into the green eyes that reminded her of Sarah and her son, the pharaoh smiled back at him. The stone he shaped every day had shaped his strong build, but he did not look bitter as he looked into Hawk's face.

"Yes, sire, is there something that I can do for you?" Habish asked as he lowered his head.

"I've come to visit you and your wife. I hope that you do not mind but I have brought guests with me?"

"No, sire, it is our honor that you step through our door." Habish bowed deeper and stepped aside leaving the doorway empty to allow the woman entry into his home.

"Give me a moment man and we'll be right in."

The broad shoulders of the pharaoh had concealed the person that she was talking to, so Sarah waited quietly for her fate. She could feel the eyes of all those around her burning into her skin. Finally Hawk turned around from her conversation and motioned them forward.

"Come on, love, I have someone here I'm sure you want to see."

Hawk walked through the low door first and reached for Sarah's hand. The older couple stood in the main room with their heads bowed trying for the life of them to figure out why the pharaoh would visit them. "Habish and Isa, I have brought Sarah back to you for a visit. Sarah, I'm sure that your parents have missed you so why not bid them hello." Hawk gently pushed Sarah forward to the people that had not seen her in years and kept hold of Samuel's hand until the couple had had a chance to welcome their daughter.

Habish and Isa's head whipped up without thought that the ruler of Egypt still was in the room and it could cost them their lives. Sarah had been gone so long and even though they prayed every night there was never any word on if she was still safe. Sarah let go of Ramses's hand and ran into their embrace. Samuel gladly stayed back with Hawk and watched as his mother was smothered by kisses by the couple. They kissed her and touched her hair as if to confirm that she was real and really there.

When the crying had slowed down and everyone was over the initial shock of seeing each other again, Sarah motioned for Samuel to come forward. "Mama and papa, this is Samuel, my son. Samuel, these are your grandparents, Habish Samuel and Isa." The crying began again as they went through the same ritual with Samuel. The boy caused Hawk to laugh when he informed them that his name was Samuel, but they were to call him Little Hawk because that's what the pharaoh called him. The rich laughter reminded them all that there was another person in the room, and though she was seated quietly by the cook fire, she still was the ruler of Egypt.

"Habish, may I speak with you for a moment?" asked Hawk.

"Yes, sire, whatever you desire. Please accept my greatest thanks for bringing my daughter back to me if only for a short while."

"Your quite welcome, Habish, and I hope you know you'll see Sarah whenever you please from now on. I have another reason though for coming here today. I came to ask your permission to join with Sarah. I ask you for your daughter's hand Habish."

"You mean to make her your pleasure slave?" asked Habish with a dangerous edge in his voice. In his assumptions, Habish had missed what the pharaoh had said. Habish kept his voice low so that the others in the room wouldn't overhear what had the potential to be an uncomfortable conversation.

"No, man, I mean to make her my queen. Weren't you listening?"

"I'm sorry, sire, but that is not allowed within our religion. Would you forsake Sarah's soul for your pleasure, and what of Samuel?" asked Habish with no humor left on his face.

"Samuel and his brother will grow up to rule Egypt along with their mother long after I am gone. And you are wrong, I would never forsake anything of Sarah's, I love her. I want to make her happy and give her children the world, but I am honorable and will not go against your wishes." She paused and smiled at her lover's father, "Even though we both know that I could."

Turning her attention to Sarah and rising from the chair Hawk told her that she was going outside but to take as long as she wished. Sarah moved over from her mother before the tall woman made it to the door and stopped her by grabbing at Hawk's tunic. "Are you all right, love? Has something upset you and wish to go back?" asked Sarah seeing the tense lines on Ramses's forehead.

"No, my love, I will be outside talking to Corby and Dennu. Enjoy your visit and don't give me another thought, I'm known throughout Egypt for my infinite patience."

"I'll just bet, and you know better than that. I could never forget you if only for a short time." Sarah stood on her toes and kissed Hawk gently on the lips forgetting her parents where in the room. For as unhappy they were to see Sarah's action, it was as pleased Samuel was to see it. If Ramses wanted both he and his mother, then he could truly become Little Hawk.

"You whore yourself to that woman?" her mother asked once Ramses had cleared the door. Sarah's shoulders tensed and she chose not to turn around.

"No, mama, I love her and she loves me."

"This is wrong and you know it, Sarah. You've been gone from us but you can't have forgotten all that we taught you, and where is your other son?" her father asked.

"I am with child, father, and Ramses insists that it will be another boy. And it is you that are wrong, not her. For most of my life I have known nothing but misery and pain. The only love that I remember is here within these walls, but that seems like a lifetime ago. Then along came someone who has shown me nothing but kindness and love, and it has been a gift from God not a curse."

"The pharaoh is a powerful woman, Sarah, but even with all that she controls, she can't father children. What did she do, lend you out to one of the servants to produce bastards for the throne?" hissed her father. In their anger towards all that had happened to Sarah over circumstances they could not control, Habish and Isa forgot the small boy sitting in the chair Ramses had just occupied.

"No the man they sold me to did that with no love and tenderness. Our God says that it is only right between a man and a woman, but I would rather die than have to go back to Larlis's bed." Sarah stood her ground and never bowed her head to her father.

"Mama, I thought you said my father was dead and he was a good man?" whispered the child in the corner of the room. They had all forgotten that Samuel was still there and had not left with Ramses. The three adults stood frozen in place thinking about all that the child had just heard. The tears running down his face was testament that he had understood more than they wanted him to.

"No, son, your father is right here and I don't feel I'm all that bad," said Ramses from the doorway. She had come back in to check on Sarah and Samuel after hearing the argument begin in earnest. "Father's come in all forms, son. Yours is just a little different but that doesn't mean that I don't love you." She knelt so that the boy could run into her arms and finish his crying. "Come on, my boy, let's see if we can interest some of these people out here in some games."

She left with the now smiling boy without a word for the three that stood watching the exchange. Habish knew that Hawk had every right to punish him for his harsh words but was glad she wasn't lying about being honorable. Sarah stayed to finish what they had started but wanted nothing more than to go out and be with her son and Ramses.

As their visit went on, they heard laughing and shouting coming from the street. A look out the window showed the pharaoh dressed in only her short tunic running down the street behind two young men in a foot race. As they crossed the finish line she was able to overtake one but not the other. Atop of Dennu's shoulders Sarah could see her son had a wonderful view of the race, and the little boy pumped his arms in the air and cheered Ramses on.

"Good man, now that you have beaten me though I'll have to have you killed." Hawk told him as the laughter around her came to an abrupt stop and the face of the victor paled visibly. "Kidding, man, I'm kidding. You will have to talk to Corby before we go about a new job as messenger with those quick feet."

Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 432. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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