Студопедия — Grammar exercises
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Grammar exercises


Exercise 1. Translate the following noun chains.


1. engineering disciplines 2. trade talks 3. product lifecycle management 4. power station equipment 5. heating and cooling systems 6. many mechanical engineering science disciplines 7. coal supply situation 8. home and overseas prices 9. London metal exchange copper price 10. post Second War prices 11. maximum home trade iron and steel prices 12. import restrictions 13. October exports 14. oil difficulties 15. the year-end position 16. post devaluation conditions 17. the might have been tragedy 18. the have been Muscovite 19. the can do man 20. natural rubber production 21. the economic stabilization measures 22. fatigue life 23. India’s acute foreign situation 24. payment agreement 25. coal mining 26. “be kind to animals” week 27. command message parameters 28. the Microsoft foundation class library application framework 29. boat building 30. one-way ticket 31. new-look Moskva-city project 32. Moscow Interbank currency exchange 33. the April-September 1958 period 34. the first quarter production figures 35. the month-long 1956 steel strike 36. the1959-1960 world coffee crop 37. a government-assisted agricultural project 38. bronze age 39. Latin American coffee growing countries 40. the Russian ship purchasing mission 41. the better-than-expected 1950-1960 cocoa crop 42. the in fact three-dimensional problems 43. deep sea current measuring device 44. knowledge-based export system 45. the knowledge acquisition facility 46. database management system 47. high voltage direct current 48. sodium chloride molecules 49. defense industry reform 50. transport safety measures 51. state customs committee 52. aircraft engines 53. surface-to-air missile system 54. information-baring laser beams 55. large-capacity high-speed computer

Exercise 2. Translate the following noun chain pairs.


application server – server application

call program – program call

call library – library call

array cell – cell array

character identification – identification character

data group – group data

library program – program library

bank credit – credit bank

construction firm – firm construction

consumption fund – fund consumption

law firm – firm law

business world – world business

world market – market world

quality standard – standard quality

equipment safety – safety equipment

sales discount – discount sales


Exercise 3. Translate the following phrases making up noun chains with the words suggested.


1. поперечное сечение ткани
section tissue cross    
2. спектр эмиссии молекул
molecular spectrum emission    
3. энергия электрона с пульсирующей амплитудой
pulse electron energy amplitude  
4. коэффициент сильной абсорбции
strong coefficient absorption    
5. орбитальные научно-исследовательские станции долговременного действия
term orbital station long research
6. долговременное сотрудничество в области науки и техники
term long cooperation technical scientific
7. генератор переменного тока
generator alternating current    
8. мощность ГЭС
plant power water    
9. станция перекачки природного газа
station gas natural transmission  
10. вычислительные машины непрерывного действия
action computers continuous    
11. программное обеспечение для коллективной работы
collaboration software group    
12. запасы топлива всего мира
world’s resources entire fuel  
13. индексы цен на товары массового потребления
price index consumer    
14. совокупный общественный продукт
product national gross    
15. 5 % скидка за покупку большого количества товаров
quantity discount 5 per cent    
16. Московская центральная фондовая биржа
Stock Moscow Central Exchange  


Exercise 4. Make questions from the following statements, asking about the words in italics.


1. Metalworking is the process of working with metals to create individual parts, assemblies, or large scale structures.

2. Metalworking includes a correspondingly wide range of skills, processes, and tools.

3. Metalworking is a science, art, hobby, industry and trade.

4. Modern metalworking processes can be categorized as forming, cutting, or joining processes.

5. The forming processes modify metal or workpiece without removing any material.

6. Sheet metal forming involves the application of mechanical force at room temperature.

7. Cutting is a collection of processes wherein material is brought to a specified geometry by removing excess material using various kinds of tooling to leave a finished part that meets specifications.

8. If this were a discussion of woodworking, the waste would be sawdust and excess wood.

9. There are many technologies available to cut metal.

Exercise 5. Translate the sentences paying attention to the participle use.


1. The Ukraine Hotel is a winner of competitions conducted by the Moscow city government.

2. An airplane designed by Paul McCready crossed the English Channel in 1979, followed by a solar-powered airplane.

3. The electronic car will lead to other forms of technology being used for transportation.

4. Friendship is like money, easier made that kept.

5. A rolling stone gathers no moss.

6. The discovery made is of great value.

7. We heard the dam blown up.

8. He had his flat redecorated.

9. If changed, the article will be published.

10. All of them watched the sunken ship being raised.

11. I heard the news being announced.

12. Money saved is money gained.

13. A trouble shared is a trouble halved.

14. Looked at from a different angle, the problem did not seem very difficult.

15. He saw her coming up.

16. While looking through the documents he found several errors.

17. The data being calculated by them are very important.

18. Having tested the new device we started our experiment.

19. When heated to a high t° any body becomes a source of light.

20. Friendship restored, we walked along together.


Exercise 6. Translate the sentences paying attention to the gerund use.


1. Engineers do their best to save fuel by making generators efficient and they also keep searching for possible sources of energy to increase existing stocks.

2. By pumping ionized gas at high speed through magnetic field we can generate current in the gas.

3. The gas must be heated to over 2000° C and this raises a problem of devising materials capable of withstanding such intense heat.

4. The most convenient material for achieving fusion is deuterium.

5. Scientists and technologists are hard at work trying to find ways of using deuterium in the laboratory.

6. No one developed a practical way of converting wind into power until the invention of the windmill.

7. Solar batteries have proved to be very useful in supplying current for rural telephone systems.

8. When fitted into satellite, solar batteries provide the power for sending radio signals back to the earth.

9. Concrete is made by mixing together small stones, sand, cement and water in rotating drums.

10. The less water is used in mixing the concrete, the denser and stronger it is.

Exercise 7. Give the five types of questions for each of the following sentences.

1. Metalworking is a science, art, hobby, industry and trade. Its historical roots span cultures, civilizations, and millennia.

2. Grinding uses an abrasive process to remove material from the workpiece.

3. As an engineer, I would have greater opportunities of serving my motherland than in any other capacity.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 633. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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