Студопедия — II. Use the right article. My father always enjoyed working late claiming he could get
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II. Use the right article. My father always enjoyed working late claiming he could get

My father always enjoyed working late claiming he could get... better work done without the usual bustle (eyeга) to distract him. However, while working in... Japan he found this practice impossible. He was in... charge of... large office, and because of... Japanese respect for hierarchy (иерархия) none of... staff would leave before he did. Finally... good idea hit him. One afternoon at five, he put on his coat, said his good-byes in... loud voice and took... leisurely stroll around... block. When he returned to... office it was empty.

HI. Fill in a suitable preposition or postposition.

1. He was the sort... person who immediately made you feel... ease.

2. Brazil is rich... mineral resources.

3.1 told her... her face exactly what I thought... her.

4. Bob can't concentrate... anything these days. He must be... love again.

5. We insist... the highest standards... cleanliness... the hotel.

6. He may seem tough and cruel, but... heart he's kind and generous.

7. Jane takes... her mother.... fact they look very similar... each other.

IV. Put the words in the right order to make up a sentence.

1. confidence/Alex's/is/that/real/he/lacks/problem.

2. so/me/it/angry/children/see/that/to/being/makes/treated/ like.

3. coffee/I/shall/you/make/a/of/cup?

4. is/nowadays/the/of/growing/taking/number/people/jobs/ part-time.

V. Translate the Russian fragments into English.

1.1 was working (в качестве) a waiter in the summer and the boss made us work (как) slaves.

2. There was (такая) a big queue outside the cinema that we couldn't get in to see the film.

3. You look so (обеспокоенным). What's troubling you?

4. Kate didn't feel like joining us (тоже).

5. 1 wonder (кто из вас) has got the (меньше всего) mistakes.

6. I'm sorry to say but Hayden did very (плохо) in his History exam.

VI. Complete the sentences using the appropriate derivatives of the words in capitals.

1. You may experience some... for a few days after the operation. COMFORT

2.1 need an... opinion from someone who is not involved. OBJECT

3. She was found alive but.... CONSCIOUS

4. As a 'comprehensive' school we strive to create a... environment with high... standards where everyone feels... and.... CARE, ACADEMY, COMFORT STIMULATE

5. We were... impressed by the... tour. EXTREME, GUIDE

VII. Spot the errors and correct them.

1. He hardly ever at home.

2. You never panic like that, are you?

3. She's kept us waiting for such long time.

4. What else books by this author have you read?

VIII. Supply an appropriate stimulus-utterance.

1._________________ - Sorry, I can't.

2._________________ - Of course, you may.


I. Use the correct tense-forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. People in Britain (come) of age at 18, when they (be) officially adults.

2. Yesterday morning the postman (complain) that my dog recently (try) to bite him.

3.1 (take) some of my pupils to Oxford tomorrow on a sightseeing tour.

- Really? It (be) possible for my daughter to join the party? It always (be) a dream of hers to see Oxford with her own eyes.

4. We (tell) to enter the room very quietly because the patient who just (operate) on might be sleeping.

5. My brakes (not/test) yet when I (come) to pick up my car; in fact, the brakes (test) as I (walk) into the service station.

II. Use the right article.

... ambitious farmer, unhappy about... yield of his crops, heard of... highly recommended new com seed. He bought some and produced... crop that was so abundant that his astonished neighbours came and asked him to sell them some of... new seed. But... farmer, afraid that he would lose... profitable competitive advantage, refused to sell... seed to neighbours.... second year... seed did not produce quite so good... crop, and when... third-year crop was still worse, it suddenly dawned on... farmer that his prize corn was being pollinated (опылять) by... inferior grade of com from his neighbours' fields.

III. Fill in a suitable preposition.

1. I'm writing... you with reference... your advertisement... a computer programmer, which appeared... the Daily Telegraph yesterday. I'm very interested... the possibility... working... your company and am therefore enclosing my Curriculum Vitae.

2. David has a back injury that may prevent him... playing... tomorrow's game.

3. You can count... Jane - she always keeps her promises.

4.1 was ashamed... having lied... my mother.

5. I'm sorry I haven't been... much help... you.

6. Please help yourself... more: there's plenty... everything.

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